============== #munin Meeting ============== Meeting started by TheSnide at 17:00:37 UTC. The full logs are available at http://meetbot.debian.net/munin/2013/munin.2013-09-17-17.00.log.html . Meeting summary --------------- * meeting has started, so it is logged now (TheSnide, 17:01:34) * 2.2 (TheSnide, 17:01:53) * ACTION: TheSnide has to craft a .18 soonish (TheSnide, 17:04:10) * sql datafile will be in 2.2 release. (TheSnide, 17:05:00) * ... but it will be sqlite only, and quite hacky. (TheSnide, 17:05:27) * code is on my github and our dev git (TheSnide, 17:08:00) * else (TheSnide, 17:09:45) * bugwash (TheSnide, 17:11:11) * AGREED: Changing bugtrac is not a good idea. (TheSnide, 17:22:20) * AGREED: deb maintainers should fwd to trac (TheSnide, 17:23:07) * ACTION: scn will organise a bugwash on the trac, to make usable again. (TheSnide, 17:23:43) * ACTION: TheSnide will go through spam bugs (TheSnide, 17:37:12) * AGREED: next meeting will have a bug review. details to be defined. (TheSnide, 17:48:20) * closing in trac also closes in bts, if upstream url. (TheSnide, 17:48:59) Meeting ended at 17:52:19 UTC. Action Items ------------ * TheSnide has to craft a .18 soonish * scn will organise a bugwash on the trac, to make usable again. * TheSnide will go through spam bugs Action Items, by person ----------------------- * scn * scn will organise a bugwash on the trac, to make usable again. * TheSnide * TheSnide has to craft a .18 soonish * TheSnide will go through spam bugs * **UNASSIGNED** * (none) People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * TheSnide (49) * scn (15) * kjetilho (12) * GrumpyFux (8) * helmut (6) * h01ger (2) * MeetBot (2) * be0rn (1) * cnu (1) Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4 .. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot