#munin Meeting

Meeting started by TheSnide at 17:59:00 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. agenda (TheSnide, 17:59:20)
  2. 2.2 (TheSnide, 18:01:19)
    1. as stated on the ml, 2.2 will have a new plugin.sh hook to be able to "remember" emitted fields (TheSnide, 18:02:27)
    2. 2.2 won't have it embedded in the master. 2.4 will. (TheSnide, 18:03:04)

  3. munin-c (TheSnide, 18:05:01)
    1. cygwin is a nice start on win32, but it'll *need* a native port soonish. (TheSnide, 18:12:16)
    2. yet i agree with helmut, current code seems rock-solid (TheSnide, 18:15:32)

  4. misc (TheSnide, 18:15:52)

Meeting ended at 18:38:40 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. (none)

People present (lines said)

  1. TheSnide (35)
  2. GrumpyFux (9)
  3. zerick (3)
  4. helmut (2)
  5. MeetBot (2)

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