19:28:07 #startmeeting 19:28:07 Meeting started Tue Jul 15 19:28:07 2014 UTC. The chair is TheSnide. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:28:07 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 19:28:11 hi all 19:29:39 quick meeting. 19:31:28 progress on the win32 native port for munin-c has seen some progress, but the win32 API is quite hairy when one want to tweak some filehandles & processes :) 19:32:48 * ssm is glad someone else has to deal with win32 api :) 19:42:44 storable2sql has some issue with retrieving "$config->{dbdir}/datafile.storable", but the rest should be working :) 19:43:02 ssm: actually, i'd like some help here... me looks around 19:43:13 with? 19:43:35 "win32 api" :) 19:43:39 ah 19:43:44 sorry :-D 19:44:00 * ssm hides behind lots-of-munin-nodes-in-docker 19:44:37 * TheSnide gets his lxc-crusher-sword 19:44:45 no lxc here :) 19:44:59 docker moved elsewhere in 0.9 19:45:30 oh... let me get another sword then 19:45:41 its still the same kernelstuff ;) 19:45:48 true 19:45:57 not lxc, but directly cgroups ? 19:46:18 namespaces and cgroups 19:46:27 * TheSnide just removes the lxc coating from his lxc-crusher-sword. 19:46:28 https://github.com/docker/libcontainer -- but we're de-railing the agenda :D 19:46:45 ssm: hey, munin meeting shall be *fun*. 19:46:57 . o O { said the one with the sword } 19:47:18 oh we are in a meeting 19:47:28 :) 19:47:54 ssm: swords _are_ fun. for the sword-bearer at least. 19:48:15 anyway... let's go back on our tracks. 19:48:39 ssm: do you wait for 2.1.9 to test json ? 19:49:45 I can test it on the current release 19:51:17 I'll start testing 2.1.8 with json on three masters with ~100 nodes each tomorrow. 19:51:38 the hardware fairy came visiting :) 19:57:42 i might just release it, and have 2.1.10 have a tested storable2sql 19:58:09 ok 19:58:24 means more releases, but means bite-sized ones :) 19:58:36 release early, release often 19:58:37 ok then. 19:59:01 #info 2.1.9 will be released before next meeting, with wens's patches inside. 19:59:18 #info 2.1.10 will contain storable2sql 20:01:21 ok, this sums up the meeting today. 20:01:33 thx everyone 20:01:37 #endmeeting