19:32:04 #startmeeting 19:32:04 Meeting started Wed Mar 21 19:32:04 2018 UTC. The chair is sumpfralle. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:32:04 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 19:32:27 who ist here? 19:32:53 * dipohl is here 19:33:09 #chair dipohl 19:33:09 Current chairs: dipohl sumpfralle 19:33:52 #topic Release 2.0.35 19:34:01 TheSnide released! 19:34:04 we are happy 19:34:16 what now? 19:34:18 wow! \o/ 19:34:50 I think, a few announcement details are open 19:34:54 the website? 19:35:04 dipohl: could you do this? 19:35:08 yes 19:35:33 who knows - maybe it is the last release with the trac website :) 19:35:58 h01ger: I would take care for the Debian packaging 19:36:09 but I think, we should move the repository to salsa first? 19:36:20 (the collaborative development host in Debian) 19:36:38 yeah, probably 19:36:41 ("the repository" -> the Debian packaging repository - not the main one) 19:36:51 can you do this? Or who else could? 19:36:58 or we do the upload now, and move to salsa in the next upload, possible just a -2 with only that change 19:37:01 would be quicker 19:37:04 ok 19:37:07 and (a bit) more work 19:37:11 yeah! 19:37:25 so you do it this time? 19:37:35 sumpfralle: please prepare the packaging in a dedicated branch, sumpfralle/unstable or some such 19:37:53 but then I will be tempted to strive for more :) 19:37:55 I will try 19:38:06 #chairs h01ger 19:38:42 i can create the salsa project just remind me on another day (via irc) or send mail 19:38:49 good 19:38:52 hello 19:38:54 http://munin-monitoring.org/wiki/WikiStart 19:38:59 (sorry, busy busy busy & thanks!) 19:39:03 ^ announcement made 19:39:12 welcome doublehp-munin-last 19:40:04 dipohl: is it? (that would be really quick) 19:40:12 (right now I see 2.0.34) 19:40:30 reload? 19:40:50 *tried his best 19:41:05 anyway - it will be there 19:41:07 next topic? 19:41:51 is the time to talk about 2 topics I started on the ML ? 1: bug https://github.com/munin-monitoring/munin/issues/937 . 2: wget -r issue on html-CGI masters 19:42:19 sumpfralle: sourceforge download? 19:42:21 https://sourceforge.net/projects/munin/files/?source=navbar 19:42:25 doublehp-munin-last: this is a very technical topic, that would require too much time for the 30min meetings, I guess? 19:42:48 #topic open issues 19:43:11 #topic Release 2.0.35 19:43:18 https://sourceforge.net/projects/munin/files/?source=navbar 19:43:20 dipohl: sorry - I did not check, really - I thought, they are there - let's take a look later? 19:43:44 or did you mean: get rid of the misleading sf files repository? 19:43:46 sumpfralle: they have not be placed there for a long time 19:43:53 indeed 19:43:56 last release there 2014 19:44:19 hmm my IPv6 fix for SNMPConfig.pm didn't make it into 2.0.35 19:44:32 kenyon: I missed that? 19:44:58 (I went through the issues and thought, I got the interesting ones) 19:45:27 sumpfralle: well in master it changed path from node/lib/Munin/Node/SNMPConfig.pm to lib/Munin/Node/SNMPConfig.pm, so maybe it's too hard to merge 19:45:41 kenyon: no - that should have been fine 19:45:45 the commit itself could be merged 19:45:45 I put it on my list 19:46:48 what about the sf files: I would prefer to have a non-github source for the release files 19:46:57 but sf is maybe also not the best place for this 19:47:04 or is it? 19:47:09 not really 19:47:10 I could update the release files, there 19:47:20 what else? Or is github sufficient? 19:47:24 but we used it before, so it can be reactivated 19:47:29 yeah! 19:47:30 sumpfralle: btw the fixes I'm talking about were to more than just that one file. 19:47:36 ok - I do it 19:47:50 kenyon: I will take a deep look. IPv6 is good - we want more of that! 19:48:15 #action upload latest releases to sf 19:48:27 really need to make a release from master I guess 19:48:38 #action sumpfralle will look at IPv6 fix for SNMPConfig.pm 19:48:48 dipohl: thanks! 19:48:55 #topic release 2.999.x 19:49:10 TheSnide put it in our hands to do the 2.999 release. 19:49:18 So what do we want inside? 19:49:40 I have a list of things from the stable-2.0 branch, that I would cherry-pick over there. 19:49:46 But this is mainly plugins, again. 19:50:04 just release what's there and see what happens, I guess 19:50:11 * h01ger thinks changes should always first be merged into master, then in stable-2.0, ideally after testing in master 19:50:39 * sumpfralle thinks like holger, but we did not care for that until now (in pull requests) 19:50:59 we used to care... but anyway, glad if we care again ;) 19:51:11 ha - good! :) 19:51:20 kenyon: yes, I could live with that. 19:51:32 h01ger: I thought the two version do not comply.. ? 19:51:55 dipohl: so what? 19:51:59 as many things were changed in the devel version 19:52:08 as far as I understand: some parts of the code are very different 19:52:13 but most are comparable 19:52:20 dipohl: obviously if some code has diverted this does not apply 19:52:26 everything around storage of state is different 19:52:53 regarding 2.999.x: no one has a pet feature, that she/he really wants in for 2.999.? 19:53:42 * dipohl never used 2.999.x yet.. 19:53:44 yes, my IPv6 fix which is already in there 19:53:57 ok - that's sufficient :) 19:54:13 that's the only thing preventing me from monitoring a router with SNMP now 19:54:14 maybe I will take a look at the config storage (e.g. "graph_scale") that is ignored 19:54:39 so I would do the cherry-picking from 2.0 until next week and then we arrange a release? 19:55:05 sounds goob 19:55:07 good 19:55:10 ok for me 19:55:30 #action sumpfralle cherry-pick from 2.0 for master (preparing a release) 19:55:48 #info we will discuss release details next week 19:56:05 any other topics? 19:56:16 #topic Munin Guide 19:56:23 cool! 19:56:26 progress! 19:56:45 I moved a lot of wiki content to the Guide in the last 2 weeks 19:57:20 There are some pages with ideas and drafts from the developers 19:57:38 My proposal is, that I move these content to the github wiki 19:58:26 to save the conceptual work that was already made 19:58:43 but these are to /drafty/ for the Guide I think 19:58:50 I hesitate slightly to expand the usage of the github wiki (increasing our lock-in into github). But I think, we should keep the nodes in a wiki-like thing. Thus the github wiki would be good (for me). 19:59:22 I do not see the github wiki as long living storage 19:59:34 * sumpfralle likes this approach 20:00:01 it's only to get the Trac empty so that we can close it 20:00:16 which leads to another #topic Munin Homepage 20:00:21 yeah! 20:00:30 #topci Munin Homepage 20:00:40 #topic Munin Homepage 20:00:44 puh! 20:00:50 :) 20:01:28 chteuchteu made this: https://munin-monitoring.github.io/ 20:01:53 it looks more modern 20:01:56 and it is green 20:02:22 green is also the template for Munin 2.999 20:02:32 indeed 20:02:35 which is also made from him, if I see it right 20:03:45 The new website uses jekyll as a static page generator. Jekyll is packaged in Debian. Thus it is good, I guess? 20:03:53 I don't know if chteuchteu is still willing to continue with / finish the homepage 20:04:45 do we know, who talked to him recently? 20:05:05 his nick is logged in here all the time 20:05:31 but I have not seen any talking for a long time 20:06:18 Maybe an email would help? (I was never in contact with him) 20:06:39 If he cannot do it (or we cannot communicate), then we think about alternatives? 20:06:45 or do you have one in mind? 20:07:49 his github profile: https://github.com/chteuchteu 20:07:56 there is an email listed 20:08:07 OK - I will try 20:08:13 thanks! 20:08:24 #action sumpfralle will contact chteuchteu 20:08:57 there will be happy times ahead when all the trac is gone! 20:09:11 (it was very good and productive, I guess) 20:09:31 let us finish for today? 20:09:41 sumpfralle: concerning SF: Nikolai has access rights 20:09:49 good - thanks! 20:10:35 ok for finish 20:10:47 good - see you next week! 20:10:51 #endmeeting