============== #munin Meeting ============== Meeting started by sumpfralle at 19:32:04 UTC. The full logs are available at http://meetbot.debian.net/munin/2018/munin.2018-03-21-19.32.log.html . Meeting summary --------------- * Release 2.0.35 (sumpfralle, 19:33:52) * LINK: http://munin-monitoring.org/wiki/WikiStart (dipohl, 19:38:54) * LINK: https://sourceforge.net/projects/munin/files/?source=navbar (dipohl, 19:42:21) * open issues (sumpfralle, 19:42:48) * Release 2.0.35 (dipohl, 19:43:11) * LINK: https://sourceforge.net/projects/munin/files/?source=navbar (dipohl, 19:43:18) * ACTION: upload latest releases to sf (sumpfralle, 19:48:15) * ACTION: sumpfralle will look at IPv6 fix for SNMPConfig.pm (dipohl, 19:48:38) * release 2.999.x (sumpfralle, 19:48:55) * ACTION: sumpfralle cherry-pick from 2.0 for master (preparing a release) (sumpfralle, 19:55:30) * we will discuss release details next week (sumpfralle, 19:55:48) * Munin Guide (dipohl, 19:56:16) * Munin Homepage (dipohl, 20:00:40) * ACTION: sumpfralle will contact chteuchteu (dipohl, 20:08:24) Meeting ended at 20:10:51 UTC. Action Items ------------ * upload latest releases to sf * sumpfralle will look at IPv6 fix for SNMPConfig.pm * sumpfralle cherry-pick from 2.0 for master (preparing a release) * sumpfralle will contact chteuchteu Action Items, by person ----------------------- * sumpfralle * sumpfralle will look at IPv6 fix for SNMPConfig.pm * sumpfralle cherry-pick from 2.0 for master (preparing a release) * sumpfralle will contact chteuchteu * **UNASSIGNED** * upload latest releases to sf People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * sumpfralle (87) * dipohl (43) * h01ger (11) * kenyon (10) * MeetBot (3) * doublehp-munin-last (2) Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4 .. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot