19:28:48 #startmeeting 19:28:48 Meeting started Wed Jul 18 19:28:48 2018 UTC. The chair is sumpfralle2. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:28:48 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 19:29:11 #chair dipohl TheSnide h01ger chteuchteu be0rn kenyon 19:29:11 Current chairs: TheSnide be0rn chteuchteu dipohl h01ger kenyon sumpfralle2 19:29:19 Welcome! 19:30:13 Do we have some topics? Or just a review of the last week? 19:30:44 #topic epel package 19:31:09 it seems that will not come 19:31:26 no one took the bugzilla ticket 19:31:35 what a pity! 19:31:59 yes 19:32:26 I had a bit of contact with the package, due to an issue opened by a user. There I noticed, that their package contained two or three small fixes for things, that we can integrate. 19:32:33 Just minor stuff, but worth taking. 19:32:45 But that is not relevant to the packaging question itself. 19:32:47 https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1575261 19:33:27 Assigned To: Orphan Owner 19:33:29 Do you remember, who in this channel stepped up for taking a look at that? 19:33:38 I think, there were two people. 19:33:52 the old maintainer is fenris02 19:34:11 but he dropped the job 19:34:42 I said, that I will try to install the new Munin version from source package 19:34:56 but I have to much other urgent things to do at the time.. 19:35:44 perhaps we should write a "help needed" mail to munin-users ML? 19:35:59 sounds good! 19:36:04 would you do that? 19:36:17 yes will do in the next time 19:36:45 #action dipohl Send a request for help for EPEL packaging to the munin-user list. 19:37:10 next topic? 19:38:19 #topic Plugin Gallery 19:38:30 ha - that is me, I guess :) 19:38:44 be0rn gave me access to a server, we could use a few weeks ago. 19:38:45 I saw that your improved version is not installed at the time 19:38:58 But I did not do it up to now. 19:39:06 Good reminder - that will happen til next week. 19:39:20 #action sumpfralle2 Setup new gallery server. 19:39:22 \o/ 19:39:56 we are quick with the topics and handing out with tasks :) 19:40:05 :-) 19:40:51 #topic demo server 19:40:52 http://demo.munin-monitoring.org/ 19:41:06 ^^ not the recent developer version 19:41:17 oh - I will take, that, too. 19:41:24 This page was generated by Munin version 2.999.7 19:41:39 I have access and I think, I proposed once, that I will take care for it. 19:41:52 #action sumpfralle2 Update demo server. 19:42:11 This should probably remove a lot of cron-mails that are currently trickling into my inbox :) 19:42:19 ;-) 19:42:38 Any more missions? :) 19:43:01 * dipohl is finished with her todo list 19:43:38 hehe - you are quite organized :) 19:44:03 * sumpfralle2 is browsing throug my list, too ... 19:44:42 there is nothing specific on my list ... 19:45:00 #topic What happened recently? 19:45:20 I did - as usual - a bit of plugin improvements. 19:45:31 I think, TheSnide is busy working on the 3.0 branch. 19:45:34 (master) 19:46:11 I prepared Debian packaging updates, that are happily waiting for a review by h01ger. 19:46:24 That's it from my side. 19:46:56 thanks for all your work on this!! 19:47:16 I have fun :) 19:47:23 thats fine :-) 19:47:42 I wanted to dive into Debian packaging anyway - and this was a very good starting point for a lot of details. 19:47:47 #topic munin future 19:48:09 "future" sounds big :) 19:48:22 I read the irc protocol from your discussion about munin 3.0 19:48:45 I cannot say that I understood all the things 19:48:58 do we have a concept paper for 3.0? 19:49:19 I do not think so. 19:49:40 I am especially interested to know about the role that DB will play in the future 19:49:53 Since we are still a (more-or-less) one-man-development team with regards to the munin internals, this is an acceptable situation, I guess. 19:50:13 I understand the DB as a cache and state storage. 19:50:37 and now change from sqlite to pgsql? 19:50:42 Thus it can be thrown away / reset whenever wanted - just at the cost of a bit of persistence for the alarms or similar. 19:50:56 It is supposed to be configurable. 19:51:10 The commit message is misleading, if I remember correctly. 19:51:16 Default: sqlite 19:51:21 Configurable for pgsel 19:51:23 sql 19:52:30 It looks reasonable and healthy, I think. And it should clear a lot of hard to read code with regards to previous data structure access. 19:53:25 I think, the end of the discussion put a good perspective on the position of munin in the monitoring eco system. 19:53:38 (if it was that specific discussion) 19:54:01 Light and easy - with low-level extensibility ... 19:58:01 thanks for the explanations! 19:59:01 Anyhow I would be happy if version 2.0 will live further on for some years, as it is sufficient for my needs 19:59:36 It looks like it will survive for at least one more Debian release. 19:59:58 And it is basically in maintenance mode now for quite some years - without a lot of effort. 20:00:17 Thus I think, it can live for a bit longer. 20:00:25 (even after the magic 3.0 release) 20:00:34 :-) 20:02:31 Do you have more topics? 20:02:37 I don't 20:03:21 Same for me. 20:03:32 So we can jump back to the other funny things :) 20:03:43 Have a good evening! 20:03:49 same 2 U! 20:03:54 #endmeeting