============== #munin Meeting ============== Meeting started by sumpfralle2 at 19:15:55 UTC. The full logs are available at http://meetbot.debian.net/munin/2018/munin.2018-07-25-19.15.log.html . Meeting summary --------------- * epel package (dipohl, 19:16:43) * LINK: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1575261 (dipohl, 19:18:03) * LINK: https://foobar.fi/en/linux/ (dipohl, 19:19:22) * LINK: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=885422 (dipohl, 19:23:00) * LINK: http://guide.munin-monitoring.org/en/latest/plugin/use.html#configuring (dipohl, 19:29:24) * LINK: https://github.com/munin-monitoring/munin/tree/master/etc (TheSnide, 19:40:28) * ACTION: sumpfralle2 rename plugin configuration file to digit-starting thing in pre3.0 (sumpfralle2, 20:06:03) * earlier summer meeting time (dipohl, 20:06:39) * ACTION: change IRC meeting time from 19:30 UTC (all-year) to 19:30 in winter and 18:30 UTC while CEST is applicable (sumpfralle2, 20:13:04) * change IRC meeting time from 19:30 UTC (all-year) to 19:30 in winter and 18:30 UTC while CEST is applicable (sumpfralle2, 20:13:24) * ACTION: dipohl add info about changing meeting times during summer and winter in the trac wiki / github wiki (dipohl, 20:13:51) * Plugin Gallery (dipohl, 20:14:58) * ACTION: sumpfralle2 populate the new server with the fresh demo installation (sumpfralle2, 20:16:22) * LINK: https://github.com/munin-monitoring/munin/issues (dipohl, 20:18:26) * Website shall be migrated in autumn (sumpfralle2, 20:31:36) Meeting ended at 20:34:38 UTC. Action Items ------------ * sumpfralle2 rename plugin configuration file to digit-starting thing in pre3.0 * change IRC meeting time from 19:30 UTC (all-year) to 19:30 in winter and 18:30 UTC while CEST is applicable * dipohl add info about changing meeting times during summer and winter in the trac wiki / github wiki * sumpfralle2 populate the new server with the fresh demo installation Action Items, by person ----------------------- * dipohl * dipohl add info about changing meeting times during summer and winter in the trac wiki / github wiki * sumpfralle2 * sumpfralle2 rename plugin configuration file to digit-starting thing in pre3.0 * sumpfralle2 populate the new server with the fresh demo installation * **UNASSIGNED** * change IRC meeting time from 19:30 UTC (all-year) to 19:30 in winter and 18:30 UTC while CEST is applicable People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * sumpfralle2 (98) * dipohl (92) * TheSnide (15) * MeetBot (3) * be0rn (0) * chteuchteu (0) * h01ger (0) * bcg (0) * kenyon (0) Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4 .. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot