18:30:41 #startmeeting 18:30:41 Meeting started Wed Jul 3 18:30:41 2019 UTC. The chair is sumpfralle. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 18:30:41 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 18:31:01 Welcome to the (almost) weekly IRC meeting! 18:31:25 Is anyone around to share something about the last (or the upcoming) weeks? 18:31:35 #chair TheSnide_ h01ger 18:31:35 Current chairs: TheSnide_ h01ger sumpfralle 18:33:56 here, nothing to share though 18:37:03 kenyon: If I remember correctly, you recently submitted a bit of changes in the last week :) 18:38:10 besides that, I have also nothing specific to share. 18:39:30 As discussed previously, I will bring muninlite into the github munin group. But sadly for now the original maintainer (runesk) did not respond, yet. 18:39:39 Is anyone in contact with him? 18:40:15 According to his sourceforge profile (https://sourceforge.net/u/runesk/profile/) he is (or was) probably affiliated with linpro. 18:55:20 Let us close this weeks meeting for now. Have fun hacking! 18:55:22 #endmeeting