18:29:52 #startmeeting 18:29:52 Meeting started Wed Jul 31 18:29:52 2019 UTC. The chair is sumpfralle. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 18:29:52 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 18:30:01 Welcome to our weekly IRC meeting! 18:30:09 #chair TheSnide h01ger 18:30:09 Current chairs: TheSnide h01ger sumpfralle 18:30:34 If you want to share anything that happened during the last week in the munin universe: this is the right time for it ... 18:32:43 h01ger: pre-empting your well-founded question about the new Debian package for munin 2.999.14: I am preparing it right now. I will notify you in a few minutes ... 18:35:09 :) 18:40:20 sumpfralle: hi 18:42:36 hello! 18:42:45 How was your munin week? 18:44:24 i'm slowly putting contrib.git in travis's green zone 18:45:21 normally there's a last one that t/test.t misdetects a script as /bin/sh whereas it begins with /bin/bash 18:46:03 "normally"? 18:48:34 I remember, that I started working on fixing the tests last year. The pull request (incomplete) is still there: https://github.com/munin-monitoring/contrib/pull/925. I am not sure, whether it is helpful. 18:48:47 ah. no. actually someone changed it https://github.com/munin-monitoring/contrib/commit/c9cc2f27f6f80526ed9b844adc87fe16502253da 18:48:52 reverting that one 18:49:20 oh, sorry. didn't see that PR :'( 18:49:37 anyway, the travis is running. We'll see. 18:50:07 I also updated the travis OS to "bionic" 18:50:15 (on contrib) 18:50:16 great! 18:51:02 bash: that was me, yesterday - thus it may have appeared as a temporal glitch :) 18:51:06 funnily, the apt-get plugin doesn't seem to work anymore on the new travis 18:51:37 my PR: do not worry - if your attempt succeeds, I more than happy, to throw it away. 18:51:37 no issue with the bash one. happens. and CI tells us it's failing. So all is good. 18:54:08 sumpfralle: yeah, the .14 is rather badly needed as .13 is very broken. 18:54:11 (lucky number) 18:55:28 my current worry is https://github.com/munin-monitoring/munin/issues/1198 18:56:13 as my #1 feature for munin is "it just works". Which is where we can compete with other solutions ;p 18:57:10 hehe :) 18:58:33 but for now #1198 is too vague to guess a problem, or? 19:04:20 precisely 19:04:36 ok. nothing more here. 19:06:38 Same for me. 19:06:41 Have a good night! 19:06:44 #endmeeting