#munin Meeting

Meeting started by TheSnide at 18:41:01 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

    1. 3.0 release date objective is August 2020. (TheSnide, 18:45:08)
    2. ACTION: TheSnide will make a list of must-haves for 3.0, that shall be done by end of June. (TheSnide, 18:47:27)
    3. ACTION: TheSnide will send a poll in the ML to see which features are still used. (TheSnide, 18:59:55)

Meeting ended at 19:28:20 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. TheSnide will make a list of must-haves for 3.0, that shall be done by end of June.
  2. TheSnide will send a poll in the ML to see which features are still used.

Action items, by person

  1. TheSnide
    1. TheSnide will make a list of must-haves for 3.0, that shall be done by end of June.
    2. TheSnide will send a poll in the ML to see which features are still used.

People present (lines said)

  1. TheSnide (30)
  2. h01ger (6)
  3. MeetBot (4)
  4. kenyon (4)
  5. bcg (1)
  6. sumpfralle3 (0)

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