18:28:42 <TheSnide> #startmeeting
18:28:42 <MeetBot> Meeting started Wed Jun 17 18:28:42 2020 UTC.  The chair is TheSnide. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
18:28:42 <MeetBot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic.
18:28:43 <TheSnide> hi all
18:28:51 <TheSnide> #chair h01ger sumpfralle
18:28:51 <MeetBot> Current chairs: TheSnide h01ger sumpfralle
18:29:52 <sumpfralle> Hello!
18:30:02 <TheSnide> So, nothing new on my side.
18:30:24 <TheSnide> That said, will release 2.999.15 while meeting ;-)
18:30:35 <sumpfralle> sounds good!
18:31:22 <sumpfralle> My week was also empty regarding munin. I will go through the issue tracker now ...
19:40:11 <TheSnide> ok, see you next week then
19:40:15 <TheSnide> #endmeeting