18:54:55 #startmeeting 18:54:55 Meeting started Wed Sep 16 18:54:55 2020 UTC. The chair is sumpfralle2. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 18:54:55 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 18:55:10 It is Wednesday evening again - time for our weekly IRC meeting. 18:55:24 If you want to share or discuss something related to munin: this is your time! 19:07:14 i enabled http2+ssl on demo.mm0 19:07:51 also, i added some caching http headers for static content 19:11:10 Good! 19:11:27 I just updated it to Buster a few days ago. 19:12:54 As I mentioned a few days ago, I am close to being finished with the new plugin gallery. 19:13:05 It is here (just for review): https://plugin-gallery.sumpfralle.de/ 19:13:28 I think, it is feature-complete now (compared to the previous implementation). 19:13:49 Thus I think, we can discuss, whether we want to replace the old gallery with this one. 19:26:26 let's do it in 2 weeks, if dipohl doesn't scream before ;) 19:27:37 "discuss" or "switch"? :) 20:10:21 I assume "switch". Anyway: let us postpone it. I will do some polishing until then. Suggestions are welcome! 20:10:35 I guess, that's it for today. Have a good night! 20:10:36 #endmeeting