Started logging meeting in #olpc-europe, times are UTC.
[17:03:21] <crazy-chris> #topic 1. Welcome
[17:03:31] <crazy-chris> hey all!
[17:03:45] <h01ger> hey hey!
[17:03:55] <h01ger> crazy-chris, thanks for chairing! :)
[17:04:07] <crazy-chris> ...i had to try it one time :)
[17:04:31] <crazy-chris> anyone up for briefly summarizing?
[17:04:40] <b457144n|home> ok.
[17:05:01] <crazy-chris> b457144n|home: thanks!
[17:05:15] <crazy-chris> #agreed b457144n|home writes a brief summary
[17:05:29] <crazy-chris> #topic 3. Progress since last meeting
[17:05:36] <crazy-chris> should we start here?
[17:06:10] <crazy-chris> #topic 3.1 projects from people / national grassroots
[17:07:10] <crazy-chris> i have been in copenhagen during the weekend, on the nordic game jam. it was a lot of fun and really exhausting
[17:07:37] <crazy-chris> there were not many games developed for olpc though. the topic was "taboo", and many people used microsofts XNA for developing for the xbox
[17:08:11] <crazy-chris> but in general the interest in olpc was very high - often easy, since almost no-one had their hands on them
[17:08:23] <b457144n|home> At our last olpc-nl meeting people presented a project that might be interesting to other groups in Europe as well: "do miles for millenium". They will travel by bus through Poland, Russia, Mongolia, Nepal, India. Visiting OLPC projects.
[17:08:43] <b457144n|home> do -> making
[17:09:10] <b457144n|home> anyone from Poland or Russia here?
[17:09:23] <b457144n|home>
[17:09:46] <crazy-chris> h01ger: did meetbot take this link now?
[17:10:03] <b457144n|home> doesn't look like it?
[17:10:03] <crazy-chris> b457144n|home: that sounds like a fun trip :)
[17:10:19] <h01ger> has it
[17:10:57] <crazy-chris> perfect
[17:11:03] <crazy-chris> what else is going on?
[17:11:14] <b457144n|home> crazy-chris: indeed it does, but they want to help too, with public relations, fund raising, consultancy and operational help
[17:11:35] <b457144n|home> we found a school interested in starting a pilot
[17:11:41] <b457144n|home> here in NL
[17:12:00] <crazy-chris> hi groupsky. backlog:
[17:12:21] <h01ger> b457144n|home, great news!
[17:13:54] <b457144n|home> h01ger: indeed. I'd like to discuss contacts with OLPC Boston for this. Or shall we do that at item 5?
[17:13:59] * h01ger has discussed using the XO as xterminal for older pupils, tests in an existing setup pending :) (as teachers would really like to get rid of the cables and the fixed tables (with normal pcs)..)
[17:14:23] * h01ger thinks its 5 but chris is the chair :)
[17:14:28] <b457144n|home> In the first meeting we talked about OLPC Europe improving communications with Boston.
[17:14:53] * crazy-chris remembers that
[17:14:55] * h01ger nods. this is definitly very ontopic :)
[17:15:35] <crazy-chris> b457144n|home: suggestions / ideas?
[17:15:43] <crazy-chris> or all!
[17:15:49] <b457144n|home> has anyone of you discussed this with them? More specifically, who should we talk with to initiate the pilot?
[17:16:38] <crazy-chris> i'm not well informed on this, but i believe most pilots were started by 'simply' starting them
[17:16:38] <h01ger> b457144n|home, i think this topic is intended as brief summary, we have more brief topics and later time to talk more about this pilot.
[17:17:01] <b457144n|home> So far, our contact point is SJ but he appears to be rather busy
[17:17:09] <h01ger> b457144n|home, i think you can just write a mail to _sj| who will then forward it to the right person. mail is better than irc, as it stays in the inbox til its done :)
[17:17:57] * h01ger msged b457144n|home another email address
[17:18:17] <crazy-chris> so we talk about pilots again later on
[17:18:38] <crazy-chris> communication channels to boston seems to be mostly sj at the moment
[17:18:42] * h01ger suggests to place a #action we need to establish _and_ document a procedure how to get a pilot started. which is on our todo and agenda :)
[17:19:22] * b457144n|home agrees with h01ger
[17:19:24] * crazy-chris nods
[17:19:26] <crazy-chris> #action we need to establish _and_ document a procedure how to get a pilot started
[17:19:45] <crazy-chris> #topic 3.2. infrastructure: domain name, email
[17:20:59] * h01ger added project application to the agenda but forgot to tell here that i changed it 10min before the meeting... this subtopic is basically covered with: "no update on the project application, so holger will send a reminder mail to the devel list" - if you agree i should do this :)
[17:21:19] <crazy-chris> okay!
[17:21:28] <crazy-chris> status quo: domain names point to [[olpc europe]], and no mail addresses are in use
[17:22:30] <h01ger> which domain name was it? :)
[17:22:38] <crazy-chris> and
[17:22:40] <b457144n|home> h01ger: I thougt was new?
[17:23:28] <crazy-chris> i think it's a misunderstanding: h01ger talked about the "olpc europe project" at
[17:23:38] * h01ger hasnt heard about until now
[17:23:46] * h01ger nods crazy-chris
[17:23:49] <b457144n|home> crazy-chris; ah I see.
[17:24:12] <h01ger> what is this projectdb?
[17:24:25] <crazy-chris> yes, projectdb is the database, sj, aaron and me are working on
[17:24:41] <b457144n|home> actually it's point 3.4 on the agenda.
[17:24:50] <b457144n|home> :-)
[17:24:53] <h01ger> ah
[17:25:02] <crazy-chris> we could just move there... :)
[17:25:12] <h01ger> should IMHO link to some explaination url :)
[17:25:12] <crazy-chris> #topic 3.4. developer pogram
[17:25:28] <crazy-chris> #link
[17:25:34] <h01ger> crazy-chris, no news on newsletter? thats an info :)
[17:25:45] <crazy-chris> anachronism :)
[17:25:51] <groupsky> shouldn't projectdb move to olpc eu domain?
[17:26:33] <crazy-chris> about the projectdb
[17:26:45] <crazy-chris> it's basically a place where people can apply for laptops with project ideas
[17:27:02] <crazy-chris> the db serves as an interface for the distribution as well as the track-keeping and exchange of laptops
[17:27:16] <b457144n|home> crazy-chris: btw, is there a way to register a laptop we (olpc-nl) already have?
[17:27:46] <crazy-chris> this is the (limited) developer program we are working on bringing it to europe
[17:28:00] <crazy-chris> at the ccc, basically there have been 200 laptops per month announced
[17:28:01] <h01ger> crazy-chris, ah. nice! you should really put some explaination text on that url / login page
[17:28:18] <crazy-chris> but work is in progress, and we have no clear information, how / when it will start
[17:28:30] <h01ger> last week 100 laptops were given away at random LCA visitors..! :)
[17:28:34] <crazy-chris> b457144n|home: thanks, that's a great idea! you're not the first for that
[17:29:08] <crazy-chris> h01ger: explanation: yes. but it's just in alpha phase
[17:29:16] * h01ger is happy that he can finally point people somewhere where they can get laptops ;)
[17:29:30] <crazy-chris> yes!
[17:29:31] <h01ger> crazy-chris, by now i've understood that :)
[17:29:43] <b457144n|home> h01ger: random? arrhg, there goes the principe that you have to earn them by doing cool projects :-)
[17:29:48] <crazy-chris> it also creates an automated wiki entry for each project
[17:29:56] <crazy-chris>
[17:30:07] * b457144n|home likes it
[17:31:06] <crazy-chris> let's start the first field test with it!
[17:31:08] <h01ger> b457144n|home, mostly developers of some sort. and that anybody can apply, doesnt mean everybody will get one ;)
[17:31:21] <h01ger> crazy-chris, niiice
[17:32:24] <crazy-chris> we hope that in february, the first laptops can be sent
[17:32:29] <b457144n|home> h01ger: I meant your 'random LCA visitor' remark
[17:33:17] <b457144n|home> the first 2 will arrive tomorrow, yay!
[17:33:26] <crazy-chris> finally!
[17:33:27] <h01ger> b457144n|home, ah. they figured that most LCA visitors would be insightful enough to pass it on, if they dont have a good use for it. many people have more toys than they can reasonable play with..
[17:33:36] * b457144n|home refers to the two XOs Rut will bring to Amsterdam
[17:34:21] <crazy-chris> next topic?
[17:34:26] <b457144n|home> h01ger: I hope so too.
[17:34:44] <b457144n|home> let's skip
[17:34:46] <crazy-chris> #topic 3.3. newsletter
[17:34:59] <b457144n|home> oh, we were at 3.2
[17:35:34] <b457144n|home> any news on that?
[17:35:41] <crazy-chris> for the newsletter: i have been drowning in work and action, and will post something on the mailing list today
[17:35:52] <crazy-chris> to ask people to send me infos or whatever
[17:36:04] <h01ger> b457144n|home,
[17:36:23] <crazy-chris> i'll try to make something out of it the next days
[17:36:42] <crazy-chris> we can still focus on 10. feb, but if noone can help me, it will be a rather short newsletter
[17:37:13] <crazy-chris> #action chris sends a info about the newsletter to the mailing list today
[17:37:49] <h01ger> crazy-chris, as we dont have the git repo, lets collects the news on a wiki page? please include a url with a skeleton page in that mail ;)
[17:38:16] <crazy-chris> good idea. can do :)
[17:38:25] <h01ger> :)
[17:38:41] <crazy-chris> back to infrastructure?
[17:39:07] <h01ger> werent we done with that?
[17:39:21] <crazy-chris> b457144n|home?
[17:39:23] <h01ger> we only have 20 more minutes :)
[17:39:46] <crazy-chris> #topic 4. Fosdem
[17:39:58] <crazy-chris> #topic 4.1. Talk
[17:39:59] * b457144n|home agrees to move on
[17:40:02] <h01ger>
[17:40:16] <h01ger> its not yet in the official fosdem schedule but should be by tomorrow...
[17:40:30] <h01ger> i'm curious in which track they'll put it :)
[17:40:50] <h01ger> summary, besides the url: planning is on track
[17:42:01] <h01ger> though i basically skipped the tshirt idea: no time, and no means to transport them to brussels. yokoy made a logo, so anyone who would want to make those tshirts and bring them to fosdem, could do so. i'd very much appreciate that :)
[17:42:02] <b457144n|home> h01ger: the agenda on that pages is for the 2 hours we got?
[17:42:33] <h01ger> b457144n|home, yes. the agenda is quite empty. i think each group will have 2-5 min (per default) for introduction/report from their project
[17:42:45] <h01ger> and depending on the number of project we can plan the rest of the time
[17:42:59] <h01ger> thats why i want each project to list themself on that wiki page
[17:43:31] <b457144n|home> h01ger: so it's an 'incrowd talk
[17:43:37] <b457144n|home> ' rather than a presentation?
[17:43:39] <h01ger> i see my role mostly as a moderator there. i can come up with things to present if needed, but i think we'll mostly communicate there
[17:43:50] <h01ger> b457144n|home, yes, i think so.. :)
[17:44:03] <h01ger> what do you think it should be?
[17:45:02] <b457144n|home> I'm fine with that. I prefer an interactive discuss over static presentations
[17:45:12] <b457144n|home> discuss -> discussion
[17:45:16] <crazy-chris> ah, okay. i was unclear if it would be a presentation or rather communicating
[17:46:04] <h01ger> if some group/presentator for a subtopic wants to use slides, i'm fine that. but that persons needs to check+setup vga-out in advance :)
[17:47:23] * h01ger suggests to finalize the agenda for the fosdem event a week in advance and sets himself a reminder to do so :) if we have the next irc meeting in two weeks we can also discuss the agenda there, as its two days before fosdem then
[17:48:15] <crazy-chris> #action finalize the agenda for the fosdem event a week in advance and sets himself a reminder to do so :) if we have the next irc meeting in two weeks we can also discuss the agenda there
[17:48:39] <crazy-chris> almost :p
[17:48:47] <h01ger> :) reminder set :)
[17:48:53] <b457144n|home> :-)
[17:49:22] <crazy-chris> i hope i can come to fosdem!
[17:49:42] <h01ger> crazy-chris, #action the event will be more an open but structured discussion, than a talk. details on the event-wikipage linked above
[17:50:06] <crazy-chris> #action the event will be more an open but structured discussion, than a talk. details on the event-wikipage linked above
[17:50:08] <b457144n|home> h01ger, wouldn't that be an #agree?
[17:50:35] <h01ger> also, re: 4.2 tshirts #action tshirts will not be done til fosdem unless YOU print and bring them. logo available
[17:50:39] <h01ger> b457144n|home, absolutly
[17:50:42] <h01ger> (#agree)
[17:50:55] <b457144n|home> h01ger: just for the summary :-)
[17:51:06] <crazy-chris> #agree the event will be more an open but structured discussion, than a talk. details on the event-wikipage linked above
[17:51:16] <crazy-chris> #agree tshirts will not be done til fosdem unless YOU print and bring them. logo available
[17:51:47] <crazy-chris> next?
[17:52:22] * h01ger nods
[17:52:27] <crazy-chris> #topic 5. Pilot projects
[17:52:28] * b457144n|home too
[17:52:40] <b457144n|home> ah, back at pilot projects :-)
[17:53:01] <b457144n|home> unfortunately I did not have the time to write anything about them on the wiki
[17:53:53] * h01ger will link the existing two pages and the to be written page (the howto start..) together after the meeting..
[17:54:06] <b457144n|home> ok
[17:54:14] <crazy-chris> great!
[17:54:22] <crazy-chris> #action h01ger will link the existing two pages and the to be written page (the howto start..) together after the meeting
[17:54:52] <h01ger> b457144n|home, and then i hope you(r project) will document your procedure while you start+do the pilot :)
[17:55:18] <b457144n|home> do you know how the laptops are ordered for the pilots? Via GiveMany or some other way?
[17:55:31] <h01ger> then others will join in, and olpc europe reached one goal: to make it easier to start pilots and to help boston with all the requests :)
[17:55:41] <b457144n|home> h01ger: yeah, we'll just document along with our progress
[17:56:06] <crazy-chris> i think most laptops were received by visiting the people in boston :)
[17:56:11] * h01ger _thinks_ (or seems to remember he heard) there is some other way. but dont take my word for this. might be totally fantasy ;)
[17:56:30] <b457144n|home> I'll ask Boston
[17:57:18] * h01ger nods
[17:57:22] <b457144n|home> any status updates on already started pilots?
[17:57:36] <h01ger> b457144n|home, and great!! (that you plan to document!)
[17:58:23] <crazy-chris> #link
[17:58:31] <b457144n|home> h01ger: when you have limited RAM you learn how to write to disk :-)
[17:58:54] <h01ger> heh
[18:00:03] <h01ger> next topic?
[18:00:11] * crazy-chris nods
[18:00:14] <b457144n|home> I guess.
[18:00:28] <b457144n|home> noone talking today is already running a pilot
[18:01:09] <h01ger> i guess we should announce the meetings on the lists..
[18:01:21] <crazy-chris> yeah
[18:01:25] <crazy-chris> #topic 6. next meeting
[18:01:27] <b457144n|home> yeah it's a bit silent
[18:01:45] * h01ger will set up another reminder for that once we decided a date. in two weeks?
[18:01:54] <crazy-chris> #agree send a reminder for the next meeting to the list
[18:02:06] <crazy-chris> two weeks sounds good
[18:02:07] <b457144n|home> yeah, I think the current schedule is ok
[18:02:37] <h01ger> same time?
[18:02:48] <crazy-chris> is good for me
[18:02:49] <b457144n|home> yes
[18:02:52] <crazy-chris> #agree next meeting in 2 weeks, same time
[18:03:04] <crazy-chris> #topic 7. any other business
[18:03:14] <crazy-chris> just in time :)
[18:03:29] <b457144n|home> I have on thing for this topic :-)
[18:04:03] <h01ger> reminder set. /me loves cron :)
[18:04:31] <crazy-chris> #action holger sends a reminder about the next meeting
[18:05:01] <b457144n|home> Someone in our group working on corporate sponsorship from IT companies: donation of time and resources
[18:05:31] <b457144n|home> Do any of you have experience with managing this?
[18:05:50] <b457144n|home> Or do you have a good topic for these companies to work on?
[18:06:11] <b457144n|home> We're collecting good idea's to present to these companies
[18:06:20] <h01ger> nope. debian has a sponsors page and sponsors are happy if they are mentioned in announcements (of the new hardware or the meetings travel money they sponsored)
[18:06:33] <h01ger> announcements to lists or blogs
[18:06:56] <h01ger> (nope=thats all i know)
[18:06:59] <b457144n|home> h01ger: the aim is to let them sponsor manpower rather than donate money
[18:07:32] * h01ger nods
[18:07:55] <b457144n|home> that's all for me, right now.
[18:08:06] <crazy-chris> hm... maybe drop a mail to a list about that?
[18:08:28] <h01ger> b457144n|home, where are you collecting those ideas? wiki?
[18:08:42] <b457144n|home> crazy-chris: yeah, will do that too.
[18:09:05] <b457144n|home> h01ger: they are not in the wiki yet, but should and will be.
[18:09:16] * h01ger nods & cheers :)
[18:09:17] <crazy-chris> it's a very interesting question
[18:09:47] <crazy-chris> #action bastiaan sends a mail to a list about ideas on how comanies can donate manpower instead of money
[18:10:15] <b457144n|home> ha, you can write #action statements faster than I do :-)
[18:10:39] <crazy-chris> but with typo :( :p
[18:10:55] <b457144n|home> I'll fixt that in the summary :-)
[18:11:02] <b457144n|home> and mine too :-)
[18:11:04] <crazy-chris> and meetbot trashed that:
[18:11:06] <crazy-chris> #agree next meeting in 2 weeks, same time
[18:11:19] <crazy-chris> hm... doesn't like that
[18:11:30] * h01ger raises an eyebrow
[18:11:45] <b457144n|home> anything else? otherwise I'm going to get my kid and have dinner
[18:12:03] <crazy-chris> thanks for the talk!
[18:12:12] <crazy-chris> #endmeeting
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