"communication topics with laptop.org" sounds like a regular topic for our meeting to me :-)
[17:40:23] * h01ger has no idea about the 30 laptops for russia. olpc.at currently has better connections to boston than i do..
[17:41:31] <crazy-chris> just finished reading. i did not know about laptops for russia before now
[17:42:08] <crazy-chris> and the communication to boston is always hard -- also for austria. aaron has the best contact.
[17:42:46] <crazy-chris> the best/only way to get connected to boston is to go there i guess :)
[17:43:06] <h01ger> irc usually works quite well too, if you get hold of the (right) people.
[17:43:06] <crazy-chris> we are in contact sj and walter for the contrib-prog
[17:43:30] <crazy-chris> yes, that's defenitely the best way
[17:43:32] <crazy-chris> irc
[17:44:06] <b457144n|home> crazy-chris: I was refering to the Making Miles for Millenium project. He (Harrie) also submitted the proposal to projectdb.
[17:44:20] <crazy-chris> yes, but we always said, the projectdb is not yet functional
[17:44:25] * h01ger would like _sj_ to regulary read the summary of this meeting, so that we can use this meeting as contact point to. but besides pointing this out, i cant do anything about it ;)
[17:44:51] <b457144n|home> Aaron suggested to him to mail developer@laptop.org, but he does not get an answer from that
[17:45:08] <h01ger> but this would make "proxies" (as in people) superfluoius.
[17:46:07] <b457144n|home> h01ger: what do you refer to with "this"
[17:46:08] <b457144n|home> ?
[17:46:19] <b457144n|home> I don't like proxies
[17:46:25] <h01ger> _sj_ reading summaries :)
[17:46:34] <h01ger> b457144n, yes, they become bottlenecks
[17:46:51] <h01ger> this=_sj_ reading summaries
[17:46:58] <b457144n|home> exactly.
[17:47:10] <h01ger> move on?
[17:47:14] <crazy-chris> wait
[17:47:17] <h01ger> sure
[17:47:36] <crazy-chris> maybe we need someone on the mit side as a contact point
[17:47:47] <crazy-chris> i mean sj does it at the moment. but he is super-busy
[17:47:58] <b457144n|home> OKl. _sj_ reading, and following up(!) on questions here, is good
[17:48:15] <h01ger> s/maybe/definitly/ :) otherwise the local projects will search their contacts..
[17:48:17] <b457144n|home> but maybe it's a bit slow (once every 2 week) and does not scale well
[17:48:34] <b457144n|home> I mean SJ is only 1 person and he is very busy
[17:48:50] <crazy-chris> okay. we can get in touch with sj and maybe others, on how they think about this -- on how to connect with us
[17:49:04] * h01ger is actually quite positive that this will happen: "boston" reading here regulary :) it's our fourth meeting only...
[17:49:46] <crazy-chris> right
[17:49:47] <h01ger> s/this/something like this/
[17:50:02] <h01ger> next topic?
[17:50:13] <crazy-chris> agenda += "legal structure of o-e"
[17:50:17] <b457144n|home> so proxying or not?
[17:50:48] <h01ger> b457144n, yes. but this meeting should be the proxy. with a regular agenda item..
[17:50:56] <b457144n|home> I mean do we still aim to pre-digest questions for Boston so the can answer more efficiently?
[17:51:02] <h01ger> crazy-chris, uh. time is running :)
[17:51:08] <crazy-chris> okay
[17:51:09] <b457144n|home> h01ger: ok
[17:51:13] <crazy-chris> b457144n: sure
[17:51:19] <crazy-chris> we can start with contact@ for the moment
[17:51:32] <crazy-chris> and see what we can do
[17:51:45] <h01ger> #topic 4. fosdem event
[17:51:58] <h01ger> http://www.fosdem.org/2008/schedule/events/olpc_europe
[17:52:06] <h01ger> Day Saturday
[17:52:06] <h01ger> Room H.3227
[17:52:06] <h01ger> Start time 15:00
[17:52:06] <h01ger> End time 17:00
[17:52:27] <h01ger> my slides are at http://layer-acht.org/slides/20080223_olpc_europe_start.odp - comments very welcome!
[17:52:52] * crazy-chris likes the slides!
[17:52:58] <b457144n|home> I'l be there
[17:53:04] <h01ger> crazy-chris, thanks
[17:53:07] * b457144n|home is reading the slides
[17:53:10] <h01ger> b457144n, cool.
[17:53:21] <crazy-chris> i'm so sorry i can't be there... :(
[17:53:29] <h01ger> b457144n someone of your group will be able to say a few words about olpc.nl?
[17:53:32] <crazy-chris> but hey... there will be another chance to hook up
[17:53:33] <h01ger> crazy-chris, me too!
[17:54:00] <crazy-chris> h01ger: thanks :)
[17:54:15] <h01ger> and i'd say, "next topic" - i'm very happy to discuss the slides after the meeting too. i'll be here alnight :)
[17:54:33] <h01ger> #topic 5. Pilot projects
[17:54:48] <h01ger> is there any news on this?
[17:54:55] <crazy-chris> not from my side
[17:55:07] <h01ger> its basically also covered in 3.1...
[17:55:15] <h01ger> #topic 5. t-shirt
[17:55:40] <h01ger> also a nice idea, which we should do at some time in future...
[17:55:59] <crazy-chris> :) yeah!
[17:56:01] <b457144n|home> h01ger: yeah we will be able to say a few things about olpc-nl. btw Sabine will be there too
[17:56:07] <h01ger> #topic 6 legal structure of olpc europe
[17:56:11] <h01ger> b457144n, great
[17:56:38] <crazy-chris> i just wanted to say, that it might be an aim, to have a legal structure that can accept funds
[17:56:49] <crazy-chris> as sj also suggested
[17:57:07] * h01ger notes 5min is also too little time for legal structure... but after reading the vision again today, http://wiki.laptop.org/go/OLPC_Europe/Vision, i noticed that we havent dug depper into that
[17:57:16] <b457144n|home> crazy-chris: interesting. with olpc-nl we're at the same point
[17:57:23] <crazy-chris> heh, yeah :)
[17:57:30] <b457144n|home> I mean working on setting up a foundation
[17:57:37] <b457144n|home> Probably more than one actually
[17:57:39] * h01ger plans to have a discussion round about this as part of the fosdem meeting. input via mail to the grassroot list very welcome! ;)
[17:57:53] <b457144n|home> good idea
[17:58:06] <h01ger> b457144n, we also have a similar disucssion in olpc.de...
[17:58:09] <crazy-chris> we might consult a lawyer for something like an 'european ngo' or verein or something
[17:58:48] <h01ger> lawyer costs money..
[17:59:26] <crazy-chris> okay, but just to kick-off the topic. we can start thinking on how we get that started
[17:59:30] <aferti> h01ger: I cannot promise, but I'll definitely try to look more on that and learn more about it.
[17:59:44] <h01ger> #action we will discuss "legal structure" at fosdem and at the next irc meetings. a legal structure that can accept funds could be very nice, as one which could employ people
[17:59:59] <aferti> h01lger: as a lawyer.
[18:00:14] <h01ger> aferti, great! ah. i was about to ask which topic :)
[18:00:25] <crazy-chris> aferti: that would be outstanding
[18:00:28] <h01ger> nice nice
[18:00:52] <aferti> h01ger: I apologize. :-) I meant to define...
[18:01:06] <h01ger> #topic 7 next meeting, when
[18:01:23] <crazy-chris> 2 weeks from now, same time?
[18:01:24] <b457144n|home> in two weeks?
[18:01:31] <h01ger> aferti, no need to apologise! :) probably any research on that topic will help us :)
[18:01:39] <h01ger> thats march, 6th
[18:01:42] <h01ger> fine with me
[18:01:54] <h01ger> same time?
[18:02:00] * crazy-chris nods
[18:02:03] <b457144n|home> yup
[18:02:30] <aferti> just let me know. Would you prefer separately for each European country or something based on i.e. the Netherlands or Austria or Belgium?
[18:02:45] <h01ger> #agreed next meeting: march, 6th, 2008, 17 UTC, #olpc-europe on irc.freenode.net
[18:03:31] <h01ger> aferti, what ever is more useful :) like, what advantages and disadvantages are there... as said here, .nl and .de are both discussion starting foundations atm...
[18:03:48] <crazy-chris> and austria is a 'verein'
[18:04:12] <h01ger> germany might also become one, we dont know yet
[18:05:01] <aferti> thank you both h01ger and crazy-chris. I 'll keep it in mind.
[18:05:06] <{Nico}> aferti: you might to take a look at mozilla europe http://www.mozilla-europe.org/en/about/
[18:05:46] <crazy-chris> "Mozilla Europe is a non-profit organisation based on the Association Loi 1901 as enabled by the French Law"
[18:05:55] <h01ger> ok, thank you all for attending the meeting and making it fun again!
[18:05:56] <{Nico}> crazy-chris: yep
[18:06:11] <h01ger> #link http://www.mozilla-europe.org/en/about/
[18:06:16] <aferti> I just checked that. I'll have a closer look.
[18:06:44] <h01ger> #endmeeting
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