16:59:32 #startmeeting OONI Weekly Gathering 2015-08-03 16:59:32 Meeting started Mon Aug 3 16:59:32 2015 UTC. The chair is hellais. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:59:32 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 16:59:46 long live the meetbot! 17:00:08 so who is here? (repeat it for the meetbot) 17:00:11 hello everyone :D 17:00:18 hello meetbot 17:02:23 * meejah is idling, if you need anything from txtorcon 17:03:40 * anadahz is here 17:03:56 sbs cannot make it, but sent me his report back via email 17:04:17 so let's start with report backs 17:04:25 I will go with sbs' report back 17:05:11 simone has been helping me out with the development of the ADINA registration interface 17:05:26 working on the client component of it and submitted a PR for it here: https://github.com/TheTorProject/ooni-adina15/pull/1/files 17:05:50 he wrote the code to generate the client side library for speaking to the backend and implemented the basic user registration frontend 17:06:27 EOF 17:08:54 I'll go next 17:09:24 This week I've worked with sbs to do some code review on network meter and implemented some new features 17:10:05 sbs has reviewed the argument/run menu pull request and approved it 17:10:22 (he found a few bugs which we since fixed) 17:10:51 I've added plugin management to network-meter in the meanwhile, so now NM can fully install and uninstall plugins 17:11:02 screenshots coming shortly 17:11:03 EOF 17:11:51 OK my turn 17:12:48 Last week I was working mainly to finish the lepiodpter image that includes obfs4proxy 17:13:43 While working on the install.sh script I tested the fedora installation and add support for arm* architecutes 17:14:26 However I bumped into this error: https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/16713 with PYTHONPATH 17:15:11 has anybody in here ever encountered it ^^ 17:15:14 ? 17:16:03 Apart from thtat I have setup a Travis script to test install tor packages in armel and (hopefully) including weasel's proposed-updates repo 17:16:49 I'm working on that here: https://github.com/TheTorProject/lepidopter/tree/test/travis-build-test-wheezy 17:17:35 It seems that Travis uses very old Ubuntu version 12.04 LTS!! 17:18:09 so i need to work-around a lot.. 17:18:51 (find screenshots of the new NM features here -> http://postimg.org/gallery/2fy9tjxi8/) 17:19:19 poly: that is so cool! 17:19:36 colorful background not included :P 17:22:21 I can't remember of anything else atm 17:22:42 I was hoping to take some feedback on that though.. 17:23:08 Building RasPi images is a very lengthy process.. 17:23:14 anadahz: what sort of workarounds do you need to do? 17:23:49 where virtualization cannot help and even fails 17:24:17 anadahz: what made you choose to use travis vs using some VPS? 17:25:05 hellais: the debootstrap version of Travis does not offer support for jessie 17:25:22 meaning that we can't test jessie packages 17:26:24 many of the VPSes fail to do debootstrap and qemu emulation 17:26:40 anadahz: does AWS work? 17:27:10 did you discover what virtualization system creates issues for qemu? 17:27:32 hellais: not sure but AWS is not free and I'm not willing to rebuild (almost) everything for AWS 17:28:15 hellais: Not really 17:28:19 anadahz: what did you build that is travis specific? 17:28:56 shouldn't it be possible to just run the same shell scripts on another more performant/more modern machine? 17:28:58 many of the VPSes do not provide info on the type of virtualization 17:29:43 anadahz: Travis build use also qemu 17:30:27 so no running these scripts in any VPS will not necessarilly work 17:30:49 Apart from that they are *very slow! 17:31:39 I setup a local bare metal system but it's not fun to do for every qemu run 17:32:21 I would suggest at least trying it on another, faster, VPS or other machine during development to avoid having all the overhead given by travis 17:33:12 Indeed but provision another bare metal system is not so easy 17:33:17 if it turns out to be too painful to adapt it from the travis scripts then perhaps it's good to revert back to travis, but I would image that development would be easier if you have a system where you can actually interact with the script you are running and do quick fixes etc. 17:33:27 anadahz: do you *need* baremetal? 17:33:54 this is how I run lepidopter build scripts 17:34:13 most of the VPS that I 've tested were not working 17:34:15 anadahz: if you do I can give you a spare 24 core machine that I planning on discontinuing, but I can renew it for another month 17:34:29 hellais: discard it 17:35:08 we shold aim for other solutions 17:35:36 anyways the Travis build script will work OK 17:35:47 but my issue is the setup of ooniprobe in armel 17:36:18 (fun fact: if you google "travis for testing raspberry pi images", without the quotes, the first hit is lepidopter :P) 17:36:52 :P 17:37:11 EOF 17:37:14 ok cool 17:37:17 I shall go now 17:37:36 so I have been working on the ADINA registration backend 17:37:57 last week a lot of progress was made and I feel confident we can deploy something by the end of this week 17:38:48 we now have support for creating teams and users, joining teams, listing teams and leaving teams 17:39:10 ACL is implemented all around to ensure only users with the proper priviledges can do certain actions 17:39:59 today I also started integrating the code written by sbs into ooni-web in this branch: https://github.com/TheTorProject/ooni-web/tree/feature/join_teams 17:40:43 EOF 17:41:09 so are there some particular topics that we should be discussing together? 17:42:45 I was wondering if anyone was running MacOS could help us later with testing network-meter 17:43:03 as for now, all the testing has been done on linux (both me and sbs) 17:43:19 I have windows VMs to test on in the future 17:43:25 poly: I can and am interested in, doing that :) 17:43:46 I have OSX 10.10 17:44:07 we'll be testing sometime in the near future hopefully 17:44:22 hellais: I'll shoot you an email when we're reading for testing 17:44:27 thanks in advance 17:44:30 poly: ok great. 17:44:53 poly: also since 10.10 you can run OSX inside of a virtual machine 17:45:16 hellais: does apple provide sample images like MS does? 17:45:17 without hacky techniques 17:45:24 at least that is what I read somewhere on the internet 17:45:51 poly: you may need to have a Mac to download it, but yosemite is free to download from the app store 17:47:35 anything else? 17:48:39 if not I would say we move onto next steps in the interest of keeping this nice and tight as the gunner would say 17:48:53 so I will be working mainly on two things: 17:49:12 1) Finishing the ADINA event registration system with the goal of deploying it by the end of this month 17:49:45 2) Looking for instances of blocking of wikipedia inside of the reports we have gathered so far. 17:50:49 on the second point if there is somebody interested in learning more about how the data pipeline works and would like to help out in designing the API in preparation for the hackathon to ping me anytime this week 17:51:05 EOF 17:54:43 anybody else want to share what they will be hacking on this week? 17:57:30 mostly on the install and lepidopter image 17:59:09 sounds good 17:59:39 so if there are no more burning questions I would say this meeting is adjourned 17:59:45 thanks for attending! 18:00:02 #endmeeting