16:59:32 <sbs> #startmeeting
16:59:32 <MeetBot> Meeting started Mon Oct 12 16:59:32 2015 UTC.  The chair is sbs. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
16:59:32 <MeetBot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic.
16:59:35 <sbs> so, who is here?
17:00:26 <dalla> Hello!
17:00:31 <sbs> dalla: hi! :)
17:00:58 <vtduncan> I am here, just listening in this week
17:02:03 <sbs> vtduncan: hi!
17:03:37 * anadahz is here
17:03:51 <sbs> anadahz: helo!
17:03:58 <alangiu> hi :)
17:03:58 <anadahz> (with limited connectivity)
17:04:25 <sbs> alangiu: ehlo (just got an upgrade)
17:04:40 <sbs> so, shall we start with report backs?
17:04:47 <anadahz> yep
17:05:00 <sbs> anadahz: would you like to go first?
17:05:08 <anadahz> OK
17:06:39 <anadahz> I have worked mostly in the funding situation for OONI and tried to find how is our OTF submission proposal goes
17:07:30 <anadahz> Collaborated with some circumvention devs to review the tests for ooniprobe
17:08:38 <anadahz> Initiate the release process for lepidopter; the RasPi image
17:08:57 <anadahz> Filed some trac tickets
17:09:10 <anadahz> Did some minor PR checks
17:09:54 <anadahz> Attempt to fix the OONI website
17:10:22 <anadahz> (beer bounty for anyone that can help with that ^)
17:10:52 <anadahz> EOF
17:11:06 <anadahz> Many pending tasks due to travelling
17:11:19 <sbs> as regards me:
17:12:41 <sbs> I was in Pisa for an italian event on the internet. While there I discussed with Valerio Luconi (who contributed traceroute code to MeasurementKit) about possible ways to implement MeasurementKit for Android, and opened a ticket on this respect on GitHub. I have also helped to review juga's pull request on pshiphon.
17:12:46 <sbs> EOF
17:13:09 <sbs> anyone else?
17:14:38 <sbs> alangiu: maybe you want to say something about MeasurementKit for iOS?
17:16:26 <alangiu> sbs: yes, I worked on the cocoapod file for iOS and on the build script to make it more flexible (like compiling measurement-kit just for one architecture on iOS). I also worked on using travis-ci to check the compilation for iOS
17:16:35 <alangiu> EOF
17:16:47 <sbs> alangiu: cool, thank you!
17:20:22 <sbs> ok, let's now discuss what we'll do next
17:20:29 <sbs> regarding me:
17:21:17 <sbs> I'll focus on preparing a first version of MeasurementKit for Android. I'll also take care of:
17:21:27 <sbs> - https://github.com/TheTorProject/ooni-probe/pull/413
17:21:43 <sbs> - https://github.com/TheTorProject/ooni-probe/pull/410
17:21:44 <sbs> EOF
17:22:54 <sbs> anadahz: oh, and of course, and I'all also try to win the beer bounty ;-)
17:23:38 <anadahz> sbs: I own you at least 1 more beer :P
17:23:59 <anadahz> so from my side:
17:24:11 <anadahz> Release lepidopter!
17:24:14 <anadahz> Update ooniprobe documentation
17:24:15 <anadahz> Fix OONI website
17:24:55 <anadahz> ..and hopefully have more news about the proposal
17:25:01 <anadahz> EOF
17:25:42 <sbs> dalla alangiu: anyone else? #nudging :P
17:26:18 <alangiu> I will:
17:29:01 <alangiu> fix travis-ci to compile measurement-kit for iOS (like in this fork of the repo https://github.com/AntonioLangiu/measurement-kit-build-ios)
17:29:06 <alangiu> EOF
17:29:35 <dalla> From my side:
17:30:34 <sbs> alangiu: cool!
17:32:10 <dalla> I'll start getting confortable with the MeasurementKit code reading pull requests and asking sbs explanations.
17:32:34 <dalla> EOF
17:32:41 <sbs> dalla: great!
17:32:52 <sbs> is there anything specific you guys would like to discuss?
17:33:38 <anadahz> I was looking at trac and found quite many tickets that are considered as completed or have/had significant updates if you would like to spend some minutes to look around and update/close any of these tickets will be quite useful.  https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/report/58 You don't even need to have a trac account for that (you could use the cypherphunks account)!
17:34:19 <sbs> anadahz: ah, yes, you're right! I've in my todo list to clean up and/or move the tickets related to measurement-kit
17:34:40 <sbs> anadahz: will bump the priority of this task and give it a spin soon :)
17:36:42 <anadahz> sbs excellent!
17:39:47 <sbs> is there anything else?
17:45:14 <anadahz> running in very low power mode
17:46:31 <sbs> anadahz: ack, in any case I'm about to close the meeting
17:46:43 * anadahz is departing early
17:46:47 <sbs> so, thanks everyone for attending!
17:46:56 <sbs> #endmeeting