16:53:17 #startmeeting 16:53:17 Meeting started Mon Nov 2 16:53:17 2015 UTC. The chair is sbs. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:53:17 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 16:53:20 thanks! 16:53:22 who is here? 16:53:30 * hellais waves 16:55:31 What I did last week 16:55:32 * Worked on ooni-pipeline specification 16:55:32 * Had a call with brnvk about ooni-api 16:55:32 * Discussed some sysadmin issues with vasilis 16:55:33 * Helped joe setup the monitoring 16:56:21 As regards me: 16:56:57 * prepared prototype android app (https://github.com/measurement-kit/measurement-kit-app-android/pull/1) and corresponding JNI API (https://github.com/measurement-kit/measurement-kit/pull/200) 16:57:21 * started review of poly's pull request (https://github.com/measurement-kit/network-meter/pull/35) 16:57:46 * started review of ORG's pull request (https://github.com/TheTorProject/ooni-probe/pull/406) 16:57:49 EOF 16:58:02 I plan to do next 16:58:02 * Pay AWS bill 16:58:02 * Restore the ooni-backend on OTF cloud 16:58:03 * Send updates about the hackathon 16:58:19 Oh, hi. 16:58:37 hodgepodge: hi! 16:58:45 Aren't we an hour early because of DST? 16:59:16 Anyway, I've been reviewing ooni-pipeline to see where I can help out, as well as looking into how the Ansible playbooks are structured for oonib deployment. 16:59:18 EOF 16:59:25 hodgepodge: we are, we just started the meeting a bit early because hellais has to go soon 16:59:33 Oh, gotcha. 17:00:45 Speaking of my todo-next: 17:01:03 * continue the review of the two pull requests mentioned above 17:01:21 * it would be great to have review on the android-app pull requests 17:01:22 EOF 17:01:48 Todo-next: 17:02:00 * Set-up vagrant VM to test oonib deployment 17:02:23 * And ooni-pipeline deployment 17:02:26 EOF 17:05:37 cool! 17:05:41 epic! 17:05:56 (let's wait for a bit more to see if someone else appears) 17:06:02 I have to shoot out in some minutes, but don't let me stop you from continuing 17:07:21 hodgepodge: you mean testing this pull request: https://github.com/TheTorProject/ooni-sysadmin/pull/15 ? 17:07:52 Oh, no. 17:08:25 I need to determine what already exists (if you know, let me know), and if not, develop an Ansible playbook to support the automated deployment of an oonib/ooni-pipeline node. 17:08:53 So, there is a pending pull request for an ooni-probe provisioner, and we have an automated oonib provisioner, right? 17:09:36 the pull request I cited contains ansible also for ooni-backend 17:10:20 maybe you should check whether it fits (parts of) your needs 17:10:39 It looks like anadahz has already covered what I was going to focus on. Good to know! 17:11:08 great! 17:13:49 Can anyone think of any areas for improvement I could focus on while hellais is working on restoring AWS? 17:14:45 if you could review / test that pull request and provide feedback, I think that would be very helpful 17:15:15 also, if you know about Java/JNI, I'd really appreciate a review of the measurement-kit prototype app 17:16:45 I can definitely take a look at the latter, and try to provide feedback on the pull request that you cited. 17:16:59 awesome! 17:17:07 I work as a Java dev. so I'm pretty well-versed. 17:17:20 ah, that's great! 17:17:42 so the app PR is here (https://github.com/measurement-kit/measurement-kit-app-android/pull/1) and the related JNI stuff is here (https://github.com/measurement-kit/measurement-kit/pull/200) 17:17:50 Okay, great. 17:17:59 perfect, thank you! 17:18:32 anything else would you like to discuss? 17:20:16 Nothing from me. 17:21:26 ok, since I've not further things to discuss as well 17:21:30 thanks for attending 17:21:31 and let's 17:21:36 #endmeeting