16:00:19 <anadahz> #startmeeting
16:00:19 <MeetBot> Meeting started Mon Jun  5 16:00:19 2017 UTC.  The chair is anadahz. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
16:00:19 <MeetBot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic.
16:00:26 <anadahz> Hello everyone
16:01:39 <anadahz> Who is around?
16:03:55 * darkk is
16:04:16 * onon is
16:05:31 <anadahz> (agenda pad: https://pad.riseup.net/p/ooni-irc-pad)
16:06:28 <onon> I'm planning to update documentation in the coming days, in case there are pressing changes to be made to it it would be nice to have them collected here https://github.com/TheTorProject/ooni-probe/issues/749
16:06:42 <onon> if not I'll update what I find outdated
16:08:38 <anadahz> onon: thx!
16:08:55 <anadahz> onon: have a look at https://github.com/TheTorProject/ooni-probe/issues/686
16:09:22 <onon> oh yes I was considering to do that whole ticket but my workload is a bit much atm
16:09:34 <onon> I'll see if I can manage to combine them
16:09:40 <onon> thanks
16:09:41 <anadahz> https://github.com/TheTorProject/ooni-probe/issues/499
16:09:49 <anadahz> and https://github.com/TheTorProject/ooni-probe/issues/467
16:10:18 <onon> keep 'em coming
16:11:04 <anadahz> onon: also check the documentation label tag (https://github.com/TheTorProject/ooni-probe/labels/documentation)
16:11:40 <onon> oy how did I miss that
16:12:14 <anadahz> going through the rest of ooni-* repositories
16:13:49 <onon> are they all at https://ooni.torproject.org/docs/ ?
16:14:29 <onon> that's what I would concentrate on for the moment, those tickets should keep me busy until next week
16:15:34 <anadahz> alright!
16:16:51 <anadahz> onon: not all are on https://ooni.torproject.org/docs/
16:18:57 <onon> I
16:19:08 <onon> am on a train with super slow internet, where can I find the other docs?
16:20:26 <onon> sry a kind bumped into me
16:20:29 <onon> kid
16:23:37 <anadahz> onon: can't find anything more atm
16:24:11 <anadahz> have a look also at https://github.com/TheTorProject/ooni-web
16:24:57 <anadahz> specifically https://github.com/TheTorProject/ooni-web/issues/96
16:26:20 <onon> sadly I'm no designer but I can ask someone
16:27:47 <onon> but reminds me I wanted to discuss the wording of "vendors identified" on https://explorer.ooni.torproject.org/world since I remember finding it hard to understand the specific meaning the first time I visited
16:28:08 <onon> iirc the only way to find out is under /highlights
16:29:06 <onon> as a semi net activist at best I was thinking of infrastructure vendors etc
16:30:37 <anadahz> combining from your post in https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/ooni-talk/2017-January/000040.html I would use network traffic manipulation software
16:31:04 <anadahz> network traffic manipulation software/hardware
16:33:16 <onon> I was just a bit unsure if that would break the design in some places (like that world map)
16:33:58 <onon> I'll try it out
16:35:17 <onon> I think I'm full now, thanks for the food
16:35:50 <anadahz> glad, thx :)
16:36:37 <anadahz> I have some topics to bring forward but given that there are not many people around I will move them to the next week.
16:37:28 <anadahz> Thanks everyone for attending, I'm going to setop this meeting except if someone or something stops me. :)
16:43:30 <anadahz> #endmeeting