14:39:57 <hellais> #startmeeting OONI Community Gathering 2019-11-26
14:39:57 <MeetBot> Meeting started Tue Nov 26 14:39:57 2019 UTC.  The chair is hellais. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
14:39:57 <MeetBot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic.
14:40:02 <hellais> a bit late :|
14:40:11 <slacktopus> <agrabeli> better late than never :P
14:41:07 <slacktopus> <hellais> @gurshabad  > Sorry, want to make sure I understand correctly: could you please explain what you mean by the latter?
14:41:46 <slacktopus> <federico> @gurshabad whan an application is shipped with the distro you can install it easily with the package manager e.g. APT or Gnome software center and so on. When is not, you would have to run few commands that we are going provide to fetch it.
14:42:05 <slacktopus> <hellais> Basically if you would rather setup a repository like `deb.ooni.org` to then download the `ooniprobe` software or you would rather use the packages from your distro
14:42:41 <slacktopus> <gurshabad> Ah, no preference for me one way or the other
14:42:47 <slacktopus> <hellais> Basically something like: https://docs.docker.com/v17.09/engine/installation/linux/docker-ce/debian/#install-using-the-repository
14:42:49 <slacktopus> <hellais> vs
14:43:08 <slacktopus> <hellais> https://wiki.debian.org/Docker
14:44:05 <slacktopus> <hellais> or this would actually be an example of an official package: https://wiki.debian.org/Nginx
14:44:59 <slacktopus> <hellais> AFAIK by putting our packages in the official repos it will lead to us being less able to push quick updates
14:45:37 <slacktopus> <hellais> Like the ooniprobe in stretch is super old: https://packages.debian.org/stretch/ooniprobe and we stopped shipping ooniprobe in debian, because the release cycle for stable is very long
14:50:33 <slacktopus> <hellais> I guess we can move the next item
14:50:36 <slacktopus> <hellais> > 3. What’s the update on OONI’s Detecting Shutdowns from the Edge of the Network Methodology/Project (Tunde)
14:50:39 <slacktopus> <hellais> @babatunde.okunoye
14:51:15 <slacktopus> <agrabeli> This topic/question is in reference to this paper: https://ooni.org/post/investigating-internet-blackouts/Investigating-Internet-Blackouts-Methodology-2018-03.pdf
14:51:41 <slacktopus> <hellais> I guess the research we did as part of https://ooni.org/post/2019-iran-internet-blackout/ was quite instructive at testing some of the hypothesis we had in that methodology document
14:53:14 <slacktopus> <hellais> And I think the direction in which we are going with probe-engine and follow up tests (see: https://github.com/ooni/probe-engine/issues/73) is in line with having eventually some tests users can run during a blackout to discover how it’s happening
14:53:45 <slacktopus> <hellais> Another thing we did which will make this possible is the ability to run OONI Probe with limited or no internet connectivity to OONI backend services
14:54:11 <slacktopus> <hellais> For example it should be possible for you to run an OONI Probe test with no internet connectivity and submit the result at a later stage
14:54:30 <slacktopus> <hellais> See: https://github.com/ooni/probe-engine/issues/88#issuecomment-548895700
14:57:44 <slacktopus> <agrabeli> @babatunde.okunoye I guess the short answer is that OONI Probe requires internet connectivity to perform tests to measure various forms of blocking, and that measuring internet blackouts (when the internet is switched off entirely) is currently quite out of scope for OONI Probe. That said, we have made progress towards developing a methodology for investigating internet blackouts (though this methodology is not rolled out yet). This progress i
14:57:45 <slacktopus> support for follow-up tests (which would be required in a blackout) and uploading results once the internet is restored. We also learned quite a lot through the recent investigation in Iran, which may be useful in further developing this blackout methodology.
14:58:25 <slacktopus> <babatunde.okunoye> Ok, will keep in touch with your research then
14:58:26 <slacktopus> <agrabeli> In the meanwhile, there are several great data sources that we refer to for tracking internet blackouts, many of which we list in this post: https://ooni.org/post/examining-internet-blackouts/
15:00:33 <slacktopus> <xhdix> ( On topic 3, I think using Tor distros and GitHab at the same time would be great. )
15:01:36 <slacktopus> <agrabeli> As we're running out of time, let's proceed to the last topic in the agenda:
15:01:47 <slacktopus> <agrabeli> 4. Is the OONI team at the IGF? If not, the OONI team could be missing a great opportunity to introduce our work to a new, broader audience!
15:01:52 <slacktopus> <agrabeli> :slightly_smiling_face:
15:02:37 <slacktopus> <agrabeli> We would love to attend the IGF! Unfortunately though, no one from the OONI team will manage to attend the IGF this year. :(
15:03:05 <slacktopus> <agrabeli> I absolutely agree though that it would have been a fantastic opportunity to engage with a new and broader audience, and I hope we can attend next year!
15:03:24 <slacktopus> <babatunde.okunoye> I asked this question because it;s an opp to see  a broader audience, rather than techies
15:03:48 <slacktopus> <agrabeli> @babatunde.okunoye absolutely, couldn't agree more!
15:04:36 <slacktopus> <gurshabad> Ah, understood what you meant by "shipped with the distro" now
15:05:10 <slacktopus> <agrabeli> For those attending the IGF this year -- we would very much appreciate it if you can spread the OONI-ness while you're there! Please feel encouraged to engage people with the OONI-verse. :) :ooni:
15:06:08 <slacktopus> <agrabeli> We're a community project, so the fact that the OONI team won't be attending ideally shouldn't be a show-stopper. :P  You're all OONI! <3:ooni::muscle:
15:07:24 <slacktopus> <gurshabad> Personally, no preference.  I guess there are pros and cons to each method: as @hellais was saying, shipping with the distro might mean a slower release cycle. A small advantage of the method might be that users who use the software centre (and not necessarily familiar with cli) might be able to install it.  An answer might be: why not both? If I recall correctly, some packages do this (of course, it might mean more complexity in releasing)
15:07:51 <slacktopus> <agrabeli> @babatunde.okunoye we'd also very much appreciate it if you can share any relevant feedback/questions/ideas that may come up at the IFF :slightly_smiling_face:
15:08:17 <slacktopus> <babatunde.okunoye> Sure, next year April
15:09:21 <slacktopus> <xhdix> 5. Let's improve the SEO of OONI Blog. :P
15:09:40 <slacktopus> <xhdix>
15:10:22 <slacktopus> <agrabeli> @xhdix ha! Good catch!
15:10:47 <slacktopus> <hellais> Yeah that’s true
15:10:53 <slacktopus> <hellais> the OONI website in general is in need of some love
15:11:27 <slacktopus> <hellais> I would say the place to look is: https://github.com/ooni/ooni.org/blob/master/layouts/post/single.html
15:11:36 <slacktopus> <hellais> and the head partial: https://github.com/ooni/ooni.org/blob/master/layouts/partials/head.html
15:12:16 <slacktopus> <hellais> I suspect that is the `meta name='og:title' property='og:title'` tag: <https://github.com/ooni/ooni.org/blob/master/layouts/partials/head.html#L14
15:12:39 <slacktopus> <hellais> Which could read from `{{ .Title }}`  like the `title` tag
15:12:52 <slacktopus> <agrabeli> Speaking of the OONI website, we'd appreciate your feedback on the following:
15:13:05 <slacktopus> <agrabeli> 1. Website re-design: https://github.com/ooni/ooni.org/pull/305
15:13:27 <slacktopus> <agrabeli> 2. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ): https://github.com/ooni/ooni.org/pull/301
15:13:41 <slacktopus> <agrabeli> 3. OONI Glossary: https://github.com/ooni/ooni.org/pull/298
15:14:24 <slacktopus> <agrabeli> Please feel encouraged to share feedback on the above either by commenting directly on the pull requests, or by pinging us directly here on Slack, or by dropping us an email. <3
15:14:46 <slacktopus> <agrabeli> You can also propose changes directly in these pull requests. :slightly_smiling_face:
15:15:31 <slacktopus> <agrabeli> If there are any terms or questions you would like us to add to the FAQ and/or glossary, please let me know! :slightly_smiling_face:
15:16:05 <slacktopus> <agrabeli> As we're running late, we'll end the meeting now.
15:16:15 <slacktopus> <agrabeli> Thank you everyone for joining us today! <3
15:16:31 <slacktopus> <babatunde.okunoye> Thanks!
15:16:41 <slacktopus> <agrabeli> Please subscribe to the ooni-talk mailing list to receive and share updates (including info wrt the next meeting): https://lists.torproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/ooni-talk
15:17:35 <slacktopus> <xhdix> Thanks :ooni:<3
15:17:46 <slacktopus> <agrabeli> And ofc, please feel encouraged to ping us with any questions/feedback/ideas you may have here on Slack, anytime. :slightly_smiling_face:
15:18:04 <slacktopus> <agrabeli> Thanks everyone, and hope you have a great day/night! :ooni:
15:18:14 <hellais> #endmeeting