16:05:25 <vagrantc> #startmeeting
16:05:25 <MeetBot> Meeting started Tue Aug 21 16:05:25 2018 UTC.  The chair is vagrantc. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
16:05:25 <MeetBot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic.
16:05:28 * Faux waves.
16:05:43 <lamby> o/
16:05:47 <vagrantc> sounds like h01ger and lamby couldn't make it
16:05:54 <vagrantc> or then again
16:05:58 <vagrantc> #intro
16:06:00 <lamby> I changed my plans.
16:06:03 <vagrantc> #topic intros
16:06:09 <vagrantc> please say hello if you're here :)
16:06:22 <lamby> hello
16:07:03 <sangy> hello
16:07:06 <Faux> hello
16:07:10 <lamby> h01ger: No live stream to watch whilst meeting? :p
16:07:12 <vagrantc> so literal
16:07:35 <vagrantc> #topic reproducible builds summit: possible dates
16:08:18 <vagrantc> looks like the proposed dates are november 27th-29th or december 4th-6th
16:08:55 <vagrantc> where is still to be determined, and probably influenced what dates are available
16:09:23 <vagrantc> any notable opinions on the dates?
16:09:34 <sangy> Dec date is a week before KubeCon/CloudNativeCon NA
16:09:37 <lamby> Probably a good idea to put them both in pencil in your diary, in case one can arrange thngs around them.
16:09:40 <sangy> it's not overlapping, but it may be a little close
16:10:05 <lamby> In terms of proferring opinions, whilst appreciated I doubt we will have a choice in the end due to $eventspace.
16:10:16 <vagrantc> lamby: indeed
16:10:28 <lamby> In other words, would hate to suggest that we /could/ accomodate… when we couldn't. :)
16:10:40 <lamby> I insist that Faux attends at last, however!
16:11:01 <vagrantc> well, hopefully we'll hear more about this on the mailing list relatively soonish hopefully maybe
16:11:20 <lamby> I like how that sentence ended.
16:11:29 * vagrantc bows
16:11:36 <Faux> I'm not currently busy on either of those dates!
16:11:42 * vagrantc cheers
16:12:03 <vagrantc> more discussion on our one and only advance agenda topic? :)
16:12:19 <sangy> not for discussion, but what are the tentative "wheres"?
16:13:17 <vagrantc> there was some mention of mozilla's offices in paris ... curitiba, brazil was offered (though that may seem a bit far for most folks)
16:13:57 <vagrantc> not sure what else is in the works
16:14:24 <lamby> I would put money on .de, hedging on .fr.  br was (surely!?) a joke :p
16:14:44 * vagrantc wouldn't want to offend
16:15:50 <vagrantc> indeed
16:16:19 <vagrantc> since i think we've exhausted this topic ...
16:16:24 <vagrantc> #topic any other business
16:16:31 <vagrantc> opening it up for free-for-all topics
16:16:58 <vagrantc> and if there's not much of that, we can call it a quick meeting
16:17:03 <sangy> So, I don't think it was worth a topic, but I wanted to mention that I'll be sending the mail thread about the NYU workshops this week
16:17:34 <vagrantc> cool!
16:17:55 * vagrantc wonders if NYU might be a potential future venue for a summit
16:18:58 <sangy> oh, that's a nice point. I think it'd be possible. Let me throw the idea around with higher ups :)
16:19:20 <lamby> Indeed, NY flights are even sanely priced these days with Norwegian Airlines.
16:19:23 <vagrantc> or hackfest, or etc.
16:19:46 <vagrantc> it's also kind of half-way for me from the usual european venues :)
16:21:04 <sangy> well, I'm wondering if we could merge-ish the whole thing
16:21:20 <sangy> have the Workshops and a summit
16:21:23 <vagrantc> ah!
16:22:20 <vagrantc> sangy: well, explore and toss ideas around, and we'll see what comes of it :)
16:22:28 <sangy> nothing sure yet, but I think that'd be super nice
16:22:59 <lamby> Thanks all.
16:23:09 <vagrantc> yes, thanks!
16:23:20 * vagrantc calls the meeting
16:23:24 <vagrantc> #endmeeting