17:58:08 #startmeeting 17:58:08 Meeting started Mon Dec 7 17:58:08 2020 UTC. The chair is h01ger. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:58:08 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 17:58:26 #topic say hi and review/amend the agenda at https://pad.sfconservancy.org/p/reproducible-builds-meeting-agenda 17:58:37 * h01ger = Holger Levsen, hello again 17:58:37 * vagrantc = Vagrant Cascadian 18:00:20 seems this could be a very short meeting :) 18:00:40 * h01ger will wait 3 more min 18:01:23 before I suggest any items, can somebody describe the scope of the meeting in a short sentence for me? :) 18:02:38 o/ 18:02:57 kpcyrd: top level topics, where we might find out about details which we then discuss in detail at another place 18:03:07 Hello. 18:03:24 * h01ger is a happy a few more peopole showed up 18:03:54 kpcyrd: you are editing the list for the other type of meetings (which is cool, i just want to make sure you know) 18:04:24 #topic review of action items from last meeting http://meetbot.debian.net/reproducible-builds/2020/reproducible-builds.2020-11-23-17.58.html 18:04:37 there were two action items: 18:04:51 bmwiedemann was going to post the results of the debugging meeting to the list 18:05:08 and vagrantc was going to announce the AMA / office hours meeting 18:05:31 ah, was planning on announcing the *next* meeting ... bah. 18:06:02 i cannot find such a mail from bmwiedemann... but i'm confident this is a good enough reminder and we can move on :) 18:06:15 works for me 18:06:35 #action bmwiedemann will either post the results of the debugging meeting or tell us he already did 18:06:55 #topic topic specific meetings: review of the last one: open office hours Q&aA session 18:07:24 #info that meeting was logged too: http://meetbot.debian.net/reproducible-builds/2020/reproducible-builds.2020-11-30-17.19.log.html 18:07:49 I didn't fully participate but it looked really good 18:07:50 it was nice, we actually had some good questions :) 18:07:53 * h01ger liked what he saw of that meeting, but wasnt present all the time. i think we should repeat these, eg monthly 18:08:11 i vaguely recall tentatively planning for another early/mid january 18:08:37 #info another office hour session is planned for early/mid january 18:08:43 vagrantc: are you doing this or? 18:08:58 h01ger: i was planning on it, yeah 18:09:09 cool 18:09:12 maybe i talked about the january one at the last session 18:09:27 #action vagrant is driving the next office hour session in january 18:10:02 so, next topic then 18:10:19 #topic next topic specific meeting: when and which topic 18:10:20 wait 18:10:35 can we revert topic briefly, i found the time 18:11:36 #topic topic specific meetings: review of the last one: open office hours Q&aA session 18:11:54 #action vagrant will post next meeting time to list 2021-01-07 18:00-20:00 UTC 18:11:58 ok, thanks :) 18:12:07 nice! 18:12:31 * h01ger puts it into his calendar 18:12:34 #topic next topic specific meeting: when and which topic 18:13:10 vagrantc: again your topic :) 18:13:43 i've driven a few, wouldn't mind if someone else wanted to go for it 18:14:04 that said, we tentatively planned a long-term vision session for the ... 14th of this month, i think? 18:14:43 i guess so, thats in 7 days 18:15:28 a little brain-dump prep is here for that: 18:15:33 #link https://pad.sfconservancy.org/p/reproducible-builds-vision 18:16:16 as for future topics, we can feel free to brainstorm more and/or pick from the existing list in the agenda 18:16:37 * h01ger thinks its ok to only pick one in advance 18:16:56 so next monday, 18 UTC it is? 18:17:08 for the long-term vision, sure 18:17:36 unless we want to un-tentiveificate it :) 18:17:46 #info long term visions meetings on 20201214 at 18 UTC on #r-b 18:18:04 and beyond that, maybe we pause for now and come back to it? 18:18:09 * h01ger likes meetings to be known 7 days in advance and this matches that 18:18:14 pause what? 18:18:18 pause scheduling more 18:18:36 sure 18:19:12 #action h01ger will announce the vision meeting on the list 18:19:28 #topic poll for a new meeting time 18:20:14 * h01ger is happy to do another poll, i'm just unsure whether that should be about the meeting in 14 days already. on a 2nd thought, i think yes now 18:20:31 vagrantc: whats your take? (your name is in the pad :) 18:21:02 bmwiedemann asked for it and couldn't make it, so we should at least acknowledge the request :) 18:21:16 * h01ger nods 18:21:36 or should we maybe wait till january regardless? 18:21:51 * vagrantc kind of finds the last half of december to be hard for meetings 18:22:05 i can set up another dudle, announce it tomorrow, let it run til in 7 days, so we can announce it a week in advance. or we wait til january 18:22:08 sort of off-topic 18:22:16 works for me :) 18:22:30 in normal years i'd agree, but in 2020... 18:22:55 * vagrantc shrugs 18:23:21 i just wondered whether the biweekly frequency is good or too often 18:23:54 it's tricky ... too infrequent and they are hard to remember ... too frequent and not much content ... 18:24:21 short meetings are fine, but only if the time works for everyone ... which is hard to come by 18:24:38 right 18:24:53 #topic announcement of next meeting 18:25:31 i propose to pause the general meeting till mid-january ... 11th or 18th 18:25:44 #info the next general meeting will be on 20201221 on #r-b. the exact time will be determinded by a dudle announced by h01ger at latest tomorrow 18:25:56 or not :) 18:26:25 someone recently said 'too infrequent and they are hard to remember' ;) 18:26:47 #topic any other business 18:26:52 * vagrantc threw out a lot of points that were somewhat at odds with each other 18:28:28 hmmm interesting 18:30:25 I can share that we are doing some awesome work with rebuilderd / verified builds progress :) 18:31:09 * h01ger can confirm that, from watching from the sidelines 18:31:35 I'm working on a blog post with a summary of this year's efforts 18:31:53 * jelle hopes it inspires other distros to do verified builds ^_^ 18:32:06 jelle: nice to hear! 18:33:38 josch has done some development for debrebuild which should land in devscripts soon 18:34:16 which should improve the ability to do verification builds for debian? 18:34:23 and he is working on his metasnap service to make snapshot.d.o usable to recreate all the build envs (and not only some) 18:34:33 vagrantc: yes 18:34:38 awesome 18:35:04 I can share that having verification builds with nice diffoscope results help :) 18:35:35 :) 18:35:38 yeah, i guess it really gets down to the variations you really want to test and only those 18:36:08 I liked this idea of bmwiedemann btw of doing some sort of detection on builds, but I am too swamped :-) 18:37:01 last week we also (re)discovered that https://reproducible-builds.org/contribute/ needs an overhaul to make it less debian centric and move the debian speficic stuff to /contribute/debian/ or some such. if someone is looking for low hanging fruits, this has some 18:37:37 also that would be an interesting topic for a meeting, package manager integration / verification build schemes 18:38:22 I think https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/ also shouldn't default to debian :) 18:38:27 jelle: yes. (we had some real life sessions about that topic too, but i guess we'll need more) 18:38:33 kpcyrd: patches welcome. 18:38:49 (i agree) 18:39:09 any other business? else i wouldnt mind closing 20m early today 18:39:12 I looked into that at some point but it's really difficult to maintain all the apache rewrite rules without breaking anything 18:39:31 (for me) 18:40:22 do you need unit-tests for the rewrite rules? 18:40:25 https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/ should show https://reproducible-builds.org/citests/ and not what its showing right now, right? i think that should be fairly simple. will take a look! 18:40:38 hi bmwiedemann 18:40:47 good evening everyone 18:40:54 yes. everything debian should be in /debian/ 18:41:10 * h01ger nods 18:41:41 * h01ger is not happy more discussions were started in #debian-reproducible now, instead after the meeting. 18:41:48 hard to follow them all 18:42:11 but i guess we can close this meeting now, though i will give bmwiedemann a few minutes for closing comments :) 18:42:24 (bmwiedemann and everyone) 18:43:38 I'll look for the debugging meeting minutes and send them to rb-general 18:44:15 :)) 18:46:23 okidoki 18:46:34 thank you all for contributing! 18:46:39 #endmeeting