14:59:23 #startmeeting r-b general July 2022 14:59:23 Meeting started Tue Jul 26 14:59:23 2022 UTC. The chair is h01ger. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:59:23 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 14:59:38 hello everybody! 14:59:54 the agenda of todays meeting is at https://pad.riseup.net/p/rb-irc-meetings-keep 15:00:20 #topic welcome everyone, please quickly introduce yourself or otherwise indicate your presence 15:00:26 * h01ger = Holger Levsen 15:07:36 hmmm. i guess today is not a good day for a meeting somehow. 15:09:12 my talk from DebConf22: https://meetings-archive.debian.net/pub/debian-meetings/2022/DebConf22/debconf22-333-reproduciblebuilds-for-bullseye-bookworm-and-beyond-where-we-come-from-and-where-we-are-going.webm 15:09:15 no massive highlight this time, maybe a factor? 15:10:16 (in addition to the semi-obvious travels back from debconf & various summer vac people might be busy with) 15:10:28 raboof[m]'s talk from MCH: https://cdn.media.ccc.de/events/MCH2022/h264-hd/mch2022-38-eng-Reproducible_Builds_for_Trustworthy_Binaries_hd.mp4 15:10:41 * vagrantc waves 15:10:42 kibi: yeah. also i didnt send the reminder a day before but just 4h.. 15:11:38 so i suppose we can wrap this up here 15:11:58 next meeting is Tuesday, August 30th, 15 UTC :) 15:12:08 * h01ger waves 15:12:15 #endmeeting