19:00:58 #startmeeting 19:00:58 Meeting started Mon Nov 24 19:00:58 2014 UTC. The chair is mikeperry. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:00:58 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 19:02:27 ok, so let's get started 19:03:11 last week I sent in our end-of-year report. We are still waiting to oficially finalize the contract for the next two years, but I think that is in good shape 19:03:56 I also made some comments on HTTP/2 wrt website traffic fingerprinting 19:04:17 there may be some last minute tweaks to that proposal that make it better for us for website traffic fingerprinting and privacy 19:04:49 this week I guess is a short week for the US folks 19:05:19 and apparently our next ESR dot release is due to arrive Dec 2 19:05:53 as I see it, the plan for that is to backport the cache isolation fixes to 4.0, and then merge as much as we can that is ready for 4.5-alpha-2 19:06:08 though that may be tight due to the US holiday 19:06:46 #13784 should get fixed too 19:07:08 it is another fallout from removing the safecache js code 19:07:34 ah. hrmm 19:07:49 if we don't have the time then an easy thing is putting that part into JS back 19:08:00 until we create a proper C++ patch 19:08:03 I wonder if I can fix that with another application of GetFirstPartyURI in the http auth code 19:08:31 might be the cleanest thing to do 19:12:32 ok 19:13:03 I am tagging all tickets in needs_review with TorBrowserTeam201411R 19:13:40 for #13784, I gues for 4.0 the safest thing is to only backport the Firefox side of the patch 19:14:02 which will fix the cache isolation independently of the need to remove safecache 19:14:19 safecache will still try to isolate the cache, but fail. it should still succeed in stripping 3rd party auth 19:15:01 yes, sounds good to me 19:15:47 4.0 and 4.5 will have separate Torbutton versions anyway, because of the circuit UI and the slider 19:16:40 I think I have noticed some oddities with the slider that I need to look into. It seems to not be telling Noscript to disable JS for non-HTTPS pages for the "Medium-High" setting 19:18:29 I planned to look at those myriad of https related NoScript prefs this week anyway 19:18:37 anyway, that will require a ticket 19:18:41 so if you want I can investigate this 19:19:18 ok 19:20:48 oh, my submission to CCC for a talk on reproducible builds was accepted, so now I'm trying to do the wrngling to coordinate a joint talk with Lunar^ from debian, hans from guardian project, and possibly seth from EFF 19:20:58 that's it for my ramblings. someone else should go next :) 19:22:37 mikeperry: did you intend to add keyword TorBrowserTeam2014R (not …201411R) to #13671 and #13672? 19:23:41 MarkSmith: no I did not. thanks for catching that 19:23:55 * MarkSmith can give a report. 19:24:01 Last week Kathy and I investigated #13776. 19:24:09 We finished and posted patches for #13379 (reviews requested). 19:24:21 We also helped with triage of some assorted TB bugs including #13788 and #13818, 19:24:29 we reviewed and commented on the end-of-year report that Mike wrote, 19:24:38 and we did some updater testing after 4.5-alpha-1 was released. 19:24:50 This week we will follow up on review comments for #13379, 19:24:59 we will work on other TB bugs including #13818 19:25:09 and we will enjoy a couple of days off in celebration of the U.S. Thanksgiving holiday. 19:25:14 That's all for now. 19:26:23 Here is what I did: 19:26:51 I helped with the 4.5-alpha release (answered blog questions; fixed the website) 19:27:01 tested #11630 19:27:35 investigated bugs related to the alpha (#13788, #13784, #13786) 19:28:15 then I spent quite some time reviewing the end-of-contract report 19:28:38 I included a bit of feedback for the security slider 19:29:17 and I walked to Mount Doom and came back with several keys which are hopefully fine now :) 19:29:33 oh right I need to check those 19:29:47 I started a review for #13761 but am not done yet 19:29:57 err #13671 19:30:58 so, this week I plan to finish the review for #13671 get the slider in shape for the next alpha and look at the MAR signing bits #13379 19:31:21 I'd like to understand how the signing is working and maybe while I am at it I can create keys here too 19:31:30 I might bet empted to test it as well 19:31:40 that's it so far from mew 19:31:45 *me 19:31:57 GeKo: Let us know how we can help with MAR signing related stuff 19:32:07 will do 19:32:11 thx 19:33:07 how hard will it be to change MAR keys? 19:33:46 I suppose if people with an old key baked into the browser don't update to the version with the key switch, they won't be able to update to any later versions? 19:34:30 can we include the support for MAR signing but pref it off? will the browser still be able to use signed MARs without verifying them? 19:35:55 We would need to provide MARs signed with the old key for people who have old browsers. 19:36:09 Currently, verification is not controlled by a pref. 19:36:49 If you compile without the --enable-verify-mar configure option, 19:37:16 the browser will not look at the signature block in the MAR at all (so no verify and no complaint if signed or not signed). 19:38:24 Allowing disable of verification via a pref sounds a little scary but could be done (social engineering possibilities). 19:38:37 "Turn off this pref to make the update work." 19:39:11 yes, indeed 19:40:48 screwing up with the keys should not happen very often, so I am inclined to say if this happens people need to download a new version 19:41:04 we need to write a blog post explaining things then anyway 19:41:31 Download a new version might be the best thing we can do for now. I wonder if Mozilla ever ran into this? Just keep using the same key ;) 19:41:45 ha 19:43:50 is this a good time to ask a random question about tbb? 19:44:52 Probably #tor, there's a meeting atm, mrphs 19:45:24 I guess it depends on if it's a question about TBB development/plans 19:45:48 im wondering how we are taking care of bookmarks in tbb. 19:46:37 onions are hard to remember, ppl bookmark them, i just thought it might be a juicy place to attack a client. 19:46:40 as far as I know, bookmarks are always preserved, but history is only saved if you enable disk records 19:47:35 should we do something about it in future? 19:47:41 should we teach users not to use bookmarks? 19:49:38 what is the attack vector? 19:50:26 this seems like a long discussion with no good solution, btw.. it seems like it ends with "remove all bookmark support" or "only allow bookmarks if the user wants to store all history". Neither of which strike me as great solutions 19:50:37 unless there is a specific type of leak we're worried about with bookmarks 19:50:55 url bar key completion/search, perhaps?" 19:51:55 i havent put much thoughts about it, it just crossed my mind that having an onion address bookmarked, is enough evidence that you visited that url. 19:52:21 ok. then this probably is not the best time to go down that rabit hole 19:53:02 fair enough 19:53:19 if you think the url bar search is a bad feature to have because of accidental leaks, I could believe that and be confinced to disable it unles syou are storing disk records 19:54:22 so perhaps think about the specific attacks/types of leaks you're worried about and either file a ticket, or discuss them later/next week 19:54:50 filing a ticket is a good plan 19:56:14 ok, who wants to go next? 19:57:04 * arthuredelstein can go 19:57:21 Last week I finished up my patch for #13671 19:58:03 Since then I've been working on #13749. 19:58:50 I'll hopefully be able post those patches early this week 19:59:21 That's it for me 20:00:10 hi 20:00:25 is there anything in tor browser land that requires my attention beyond 2 patches I need to write 20:00:43 I don't think so. 20:01:02 as far as I can tell except for a random av false positive, obfs4proxy works great 20:01:12 \o/ 20:01:19 and I like dcf's busybox style binary idea 20:01:36 though the compressed bundle saving isn't that much 20:01:49 not yet :) 20:02:14 well, with all our current/planned go binaries it saves a few hundred k? 20:02:26 because xz's window size is huge 20:02:59 it's a good chunk off the installed footprint so might be worth it anyway 20:04:00 y'all don't have objections to a tor-firewall-helper being in bundles right? 20:04:33 I'll probably integrate it as part of the pt build process (though it would be useful for the relay/expert bundle as well... hmm) 20:05:45 * boklm can go next 20:06:07 This week I don't have much to report as I was mainly working on tor-messenger build 20:06:12 Other than that I reviewed the build changes on #13379 and started some cleanup on tbb-testsuite scripts. 20:06:25 That's all for now. 20:06:39 boklm: I saw your comments on #13379 and will respond. Thanks for the review. 20:06:51 the mac bundles appear to be growing faster than everything else.. perhaps because they use bzip2. I guess nsis might still use lzma for windows, windows seems to be still rather small 20:07:13 MarkSmith: ok. Thanks. 20:07:30 well, we have a solution that lets us cut down the binary size, needs minor tweaks but could get it ready 20:08:26 #13770 20:08:32 boklm: what are the plans for tackling the spurious test failings? 20:08:59 like the resource timing one today and the fte tests? 20:10:53 we try the tests 2 times when they fail, but it seems it is not enough for fte which fails often. maybe I can increase it for fte tests. 20:11:41 I need to look at the resource-timing failure 20:11:51 oh and while I am it: what are our plans to get tests running on windows? 20:12:14 I have especially the compiler bugs in mind here 20:12:36 and it would be cool to avoid a release with such issues... 20:13:24 so I thought about writing a simple test which just loads "important" websites and if evrything is fine the test passes. 20:14:11 I can move running the tests on windows to the top of my todo list 20:14:51 this should catch things like #13443 20:14:52 the "loads important websites" test looks like a good idea 20:15:35 I will check this week the status about running the tests on windows 20:15:43 thanks 20:15:49 do we put linkedin on that list? :) 20:16:02 (#10631) 20:17:47 for a while tor browser would flip out loading our timeline on trac 20:18:03 I think we need to fix it first, before adding it to that list 20:18:12 (for "cpu pegged at 100% then the kernel kills it after a while" sort of flip out) 20:18:46 boklm: makes sense 20:20:35 oh, hmm, it still happens :/ 20:20:45 sounds like an upstream bug that we might be making worse with all of our addon-based http handlers? 20:20:59 I wonder if 4.5-alpha-1 is any better without safecache 20:21:21 well, I'm using 4.5 alpha-1 20:21:28 still would have lots of observers elsewhere.. https-everywhere, noscript, and a couple more still in torbutton 20:22:10 tjr: i'd ask you a question in #tor-project but you're not there. now i am stuck. :) 20:22:31 what causes tor-browser (firefox) to sit there mallocing like crazy in a tight loop? 20:22:37 till the oom killer kicks in 20:22:45 yawning 10935 24.7 83.6 14211504 13689304 pts/1 Rl+ 07:05 197:37 ./firefox --class Tor Browser -profile TorBrowser/Data/Browser/profile.default 20:22:54 zowie 20:23:00 yawning 10935 24.8 91.7 15541680 15019036 pts/1 Rl+ 07:05 197:52 ./firefox --class Tor Browser -profile TorBrowser/Data/Browser/profile.default 20:23:04 etc 20:23:08 It seems I get again external-app-blovker related errors in my console 20:23:16 which sounds like #9001 20:23:25 no, not that one 20:23:37 #9901 20:24:13 tjr++ 20:24:33 might be related, dunno 20:25:09 *looks* 20:26:49 is this an only me thing? 20:27:12 I don't have the timeline problem 20:27:37 I go to the timeline, click the "show all the things box" and hit update 20:27:45 hmm happens with vanilla ff too 20:28:40 the ticket updates display 20:29:03 ah, yes, I see it too now, interesting 20:30:20 since it happens with vanilla ff I assume it's not us 20:30:40 (33.1.1) 20:30:50 I also see the timeline hang on Mac OS with vanilla Firefox (34 beta for what that's worth). Need to go kill it now as it is sucking up all my system RAM. 20:30:58 yup 20:31:19 it keeps on chewing up ram in a tight loop till malloc starts failing or the oom killer kicks in 20:32:24 did our trac become evil all of a sudden? 20:35:13 bridge-ip-versions v4=16864,v6=0 20:35:13 bridge-ip-transports =8,fte=8,obfs2=8,obfs3=16568,obfs4=72,scramblesuit=216 20:35:19 got them all! 20:35:38 wow new TBB, such PTs, 20:35:44 what part of Tor's source determines the middle nodes? Is there a specific file? 20:36:13 kernelcorn: see circuit_establish_circuit() 20:36:15 ok, is there anything left in TBB land? 20:36:25 for today's meeting? 20:36:45 thanks asn 20:36:56 kernelcorn: see choose_good_middle_server() in onion_extend_cpath() 20:37:43 ok. I am going to call it then 20:37:48 #endmeeting *baf*