19:01:48 #startmeeting tbb-dev 19:01:48 Meeting started Mon Mar 9 19:01:48 2015 UTC. The chair is mikeperry. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:01:48 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 19:01:51 hi everyone 19:02:22 #info 19:02:40 hello. Due to timezone mismatches, I think we're going to keep this 19:00 UTC slot until the EU does their Summer Time switch, at which point I suspect we'll go back to 18:00 UTC 19:03:14 Last week was the tor-dev meeting. I think things went pretty well. Georg and I did some roadmapping for the next 12 months. He transcribed that here: https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/org/roadmaps/TorBrowser 19:03:46 At some point, we should figure out how to xref that roadmap to our upstream deliverables (which live here: https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/org/sponsors/SponsorU/TorBrowser) 19:03:54 We also worked on some text for the security slider: https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/9387#comment:82 19:04:14 so feel free to bikeshed there. or at the end of the meeting today 19:04:29 This week, we should ensure that all of the tickets in https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/query?keywords=~tbb-4.5-alpha&status=!closed are assigned properly. We're going to want to get those ready for merge by March 24th, so we have ample time to prepare the builds for the last alpha on March 31st. I'll be going through those tickets and fixing the assignments later today. 19:04:53 Otherwise, I'm still recovering from the dev meeting. I haven't yet had a chance to decide definitively what I'm going to be doing this week. I am hoping that after assigning those tickets I'll have a clearer idea. I think there's actually a few tickets in need of review, so I'll probably end up doing that 19:05:00 that's it for me for now 19:06:10 here is what I did: 19:06:36 apart from the dev meeting things I spent time on #13053 and #9387 19:07:05 I hope to get #9387 done this week modulo the MathML and SVG things 19:07:17 then I plan to review #15086 and #14429 19:07:33 the latter probably needs quite some testing on different platforms 19:08:01 I plan to coninue working on the windows signing, too. 19:08:07 that's it for me for now. 19:10:07 * MarkSmith Can go next. 19:10:20 These past two weeks, Kathy and I completed a fix for #14631. Reviews are needed. 19:10:29 We created a fix for #15023 which GeKo merged (thanks!). There is a little follow up to do there. 19:10:36 mikeperry: Please comment in #15023 when you have a chance. 19:10:42 We also did some updater testing for 4.0.4 and 4.5a4. 19:10:47 We researched the implications of https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/security/advisories/mfsa2015-12/ 19:10:52 Short summary: the risk for TB users is low, but see #15201 for planned follow up work. 19:11:02 We did some spec / code reviews for #15006. We still need to make changes to Tor Launcher to take advantage of the tor changes so a better error message is displayed. 19:11:08 We did a code review and helped with #15085. 19:11:21 Finally, we worked on #13548 and came up with one solution but are now working on what may be a better one. 19:11:29 This week we will continue to work on #13548 and other bugs targeted for 4.5. 19:11:32 That's all. 19:13:17 * boklm can go next 19:13:30 I have added a mozmill test to check some of the noscript test pages: https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/13053#comment:17 19:13:38 I added a patch on #14992 to recreate old incremental MARs 19:13:48 This week I'm planning to work on #14959 and on adding more noscript tests 19:14:05 that's all for me 19:15:58 * arthuredelstein can go 19:16:10 Last week I wrote patches for #15085, #15086. 19:16:10 Then I ported patches for https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/418986. And I made a table mapping Tor Browser patches to Bugzilla tickets: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1uR5zrIRafzOseaWUxuqtYLj3DhVvShHh9SvrUHN1BUA/ 19:16:14 I also battled with the copy/select issue in #15169 and came up with the idea of linking from the nodes in the tor circuit display to atlas.torproject.org/. Interested if anyone has any opinion on if that's a good idea. 19:16:50 arthuredelstein: I planned to look at it tomorrow 19:17:27 Thanks! 19:17:36 that's it for me 19:17:50 arthuredelstein: how is it ging with #13670? 19:17:53 *going 19:18:28 I'd really like to see that fixed for 4.5 let alone that it blocks the upstreaming of our third-party isolation 19:19:12 Yes, me too. I was having some difficulty with the OCSP part, but I'll give it another go this week. 19:19:23 thanks 19:20:52 The favicons part is available for review if anyone feels like looking at it. 19:20:57 arthuredelstein: I had that thought too.. globe can actually give you info on bridges by idhex, or Hash(idhex).. but it requires javascript 19:21:23 atlas as well. I'm not sure which one is better to use. 19:21:48 e.g.: https://atlas.torproject.org/#details/33D4668620F41FEB974AF5EB7F302D10465A2E7C 19:22:10 I like the charts on globe better, personally 19:23:38 I get what appear to be font problems with Globe because of NoScript 19:24:33 ah, due to the high security setting? 19:25:05 Ah yes. Didn't remember I had set that. 19:25:24 It would be nice to have a plain vanilla HTML version of globe or atlas without JS/fancy fonts. 19:25:54 o/ devs...fyi sebastian ( o/ ) you can put on the tor website for others looking for a way to have environmental variables for torbrowser (until profile.ini supports %Variable%) that a shortcut (.lnk) alllows ["....../firefox.exe" -profile %APPDATA%\Torbrowserprofile] 19:26:02 arthuredelstein: +1 19:28:11 the downside of trying to display the node info ourselves is the risk of XUL XSS due to node descriptor display. we'd have to sanitize properly, I think 19:29:05 or the manual, mikeperry 19:29:07 :) 19:30:03 * nickm requests review on the changelog in the release-0.2.6 branch 19:30:04 mikeperry: Good point. 19:30:55 mikeperry: deploying torbrowser on a windows domain, firefox 32- i had to make them use two addons for ssl cert addons because of bugs with OCSP in 32 and below, just a note 19:31:13 when we getting to 35 that has the fixes? :P 19:31:31 For #15023, I think we do want to ship the linux mar tools? it may make it slightly easier to sign+unsign due to the tools being with the dist, so you have everything you need without needing to copy a gitian-builder dir into offline storage? 19:32:07 sounds good to me 19:32:37 Should I make the changes for #15023? Or does someone else want to do so? 19:32:49 I can do that tomorrow 19:32:54 OK; sounds good. 19:33:01 (should be simple) 19:38:05 in terms of other news, there was some usability feedback from a localization session that was held on the free day 19:38:25 Phoul will be writing up some notes from that. I also took some notes and sent them to him 19:39:12 I think that probably covers it, unless anyone has anything else to add? 19:40:00 When does Europe change to summer time (might have been mentioned earlier today). 19:40:02 ? 19:40:15 March 29th 19:40:21 OK. thx. 19:40:59 Is there a good method for passing comments to translators? 19:41:02 so we'll likely switch back to 18:00 UTC for the meeting on March 30th, unless that is a serious problem for anyone 19:42:30 We're a little concerned about having weird things in text such as in https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/attachment/ticket/15085/bug15085-diffs.txt#L31 being confusing for translators. 19:42:59 (These are unicode escapes to get the parentheses to behave in RTL text.) 19:43:02 Meeting time / plan sounds good. Similar to what we did last year, maybe. 19:44:43 arthuredelstein: I am not sure.. do you have a transifex account? there may be a way in the web UI. Phoul is also our transifex person, IIRC 19:45:24 I was hoping some kind of comment format in the file would be picked up by transifex and displayed to the translator somehow. 19:45:38 I will have a look at transifex and see if there are any instructions 19:45:58 I think there must be a way to do this, but I am not aware off the top of my head.. 19:48:35 ok. so I think that wraps it up for today. thanks everyone! 19:50:54 #endmeeting *baf*