13:30:32 #startmeeting 13:30:32 Meeting started Wed Mar 11 13:30:32 2015 UTC. The chair is nickm. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:30:32 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 13:30:34 hi all 13:30:37 let's check in? 13:30:38 hello 13:30:43 hi 13:30:48 I see athena dgoulet Yawning isabela nickm... 13:31:13 hi 13:31:58 let me get some caffine real fast 13:32:19 so, let's do quick who's on what updates. 13:32:38 I'm looking at all the stuff I need to write in the next 20 days for sponsor S and being a bit overwhelmed; that's going to be a lot of my time. 13:32:47 I've got out, though, and that's good 13:32:52 (right, caffine obtained) 13:33:23 been away a couple days post-valencia; about 75% of the way through auditing our strlcat/strlcpy calls per request of nickm last week; haven't found anything egregiously bad yet 13:33:29 great 13:33:51 I found that the one case I thought I found wasn't what I thought, and it was in fact an Apple bug instead: #15205 13:34:30 who else is up to something? 13:34:42 I'm up to something 13:34:46 uh, poked at #6411 some more 13:34:55 it has documentation now 13:35:08 unless someone complains I'm going to rebase/squash my branch and seek review 13:35:23 but I'll give it a day or so before I do that 13:35:42 nickm: thanks for letting me know 13:35:50 then pt stuff, the wide block cipher investigation, and reviewing the ed id key branch 13:36:02 (in no particular order) 13:37:30 athena: (to be clear, it's still worth auditing those IMO. Just because the one case I thought I found wasn't there doesn't mean that we're in the clear :) ) 13:37:45 I was also informed that really bad things happen when a single tor instant tries to run lots of HSes 13:37:50 Yawning: Cool! Do you think we can call this S or U or O or something? 13:37:55 might look into that 13:38:03 which 13:38:08 The ADD_ONION things 13:38:14 I dunno 13:38:20 who likes hidden services? 13:38:49 arma hinted at dire things happening if I left a 2 line python script adding onions in a while loop 13:38:56 R does, but we're on stop-work for R. We can plausibly call this S though, since it helps testing networks. 13:39:43 I guess we can sping this that way: S yes, because with that we can easily test/scale HS to support LOTS of hs in a single tor instance 13:40:01 Yawning: also, did you get feedback from atagar on your specs? He's usually pretty good at spotting spec holes 13:40:20 not yet, arma did a pass through it 13:40:45 I wrote the documentation earlier today so, I don't think most people had a chance to see it 13:40:56 (mail was sent to tor-dev@, so) 13:41:23 ok. I think atagar's review there should be pretty helpful. 13:41:35 Yawning: I read it this morning, want to take a second look before comment 13:41:37 anything more? is dgoulet next? 13:42:51 so yeah I'm finishing the refactoring of the rendclient fetch v2 desc code so we can fetch descriptor ID... this is R but maybe could get squeeze in U or S, arma had a convincing sentence about it last week 13:43:03 it definitely fits in S 13:43:17 mostly for our hs health tool so S yes 13:44:01 it turned out a bit more difficult that I anticipated, rend_data_t is pretty bolted in the "fetch code chain" and if you don,t have an onion_address in there, things fall apart 13:44:15 I have something that works now, just need to clean it 13:44:19 right. this is _not_ well factored code as it stands 13:44:21 awesome 13:44:49 nickm: that's going to be a relatively big patch for #14847 with multiple commits (i tried my best to break it down) 13:45:04 but I expect to day I'll be able to submit it 13:45:40 apart from that, my next goal is review identify key patch (12...) 13:45:58 #12498 13:46:02 yes that one! 13:46:06 and Yawning add_onion also 13:46:09 I should shake the last bugs out of it 13:46:30 I'll wait until status report are done to discuss more stuff 13:46:32 * dgoulet done 13:47:12 ok. anybody else? 13:47:23 If not we can move on to discussions and stuff-that-needs-to-get-done 13:48:25 I have two things in mind here, 1) chutney2 design, 2) and is there any way I can convince nickm for #15220 :D 13:48:41 dgoulet: I can change the numberings on the commands in my spec based on which of our patches gets merged first 13:48:43 btw 13:48:51 Yawning: yeah same here, no biggy 13:49:13 yeah, I need help with chutney2. Maybe I should do the summary now and we should talk about it after this meeting 13:49:32 the summary is that I want chutney to script many many more things than Tor, and support many more test scenarios than it currently does 13:49:32 also, nickm's "open-by default" feels scary argument for #15220 is what I said in IRC last nigt ;_ 13:49:46 Yawning: not on the ticket, it never happened :P 13:49:51 This will require some rethinking and recoding 13:50:02 dgoulet: hey, IRC exists man :) 13:50:06 :) 13:50:10 nickm: ack (chutney2) 13:50:33 this requires a design and an alpha prototype by the end of the month. 13:50:42 and I've been (my own fault) flying solo on it. 13:50:43 owa 13:50:50 chutney2? 13:50:52 eeep 13:51:10 other stuff I need to hand over by end-of-month for S are quick metrics on where our code most needs tests and least wants tests; 13:51:23 drafts for imporovements to the controller interface to support better testing; 13:51:46 and a draft design for breaking Tor into better decoupled modules. 13:51:51 wow 13:51:57 wow 13:52:24 nickm: I'm on U right now but sounds like S would need help ... :) 13:52:40 I estimate that I can do drafts of the draft designs in about a 1.5 days each. Comments on them would help make them better. 13:52:45 Code scrutiny should take a day 13:52:54 This leaves me with chutney2 as my biggest timesink I think 13:53:46 Also, we should soon come up with a timeline for 0.2.7 and triage tickets for it. Not sure how best to do that. Previously, it's eaten a lot of time to go over ticket by painstaking ticket, and we always wind up throwing things out at the last minute 13:54:31 do we know what our big must have featuers for 0.2.7.x are? 13:54:47 (there was a gigantic list on a wall at valencia if I recall correctly) 13:54:48 no :) 13:55:02 we have some must-do-for-October things for U, I believe 13:55:13 yeah still early, just for hs stats, we are in the dark for an aggregation system that *might* get in 0.2.7 or not... 13:55:13 and more deliverables for S in October, I suspect 13:56:37 oh I missed something from my todo list 13:56:40 but since we aren't tied to a timeline for releasing 0.2.7, those could be in-0.2.7 or not 13:56:43 Yawning: ok? 13:56:44 finish the tentp v0 draft 13:56:46 >.> 13:56:47 oh yeah 13:57:03 I can help coordinate the triaging for 0.2.7 13:57:18 btw, this stuff is at your roadmap: https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/org/roadmaps/CoreTor 13:57:38 because the various people I talked to it external to tor at VLC made positive noises at the concept 13:58:19 woo, readable. 13:58:59 it would be cool if more of those items had people on them. :) 13:59:03 isabela: oh wow a superb well formatted roadmap! 13:59:17 especially for the next month or two. 13:59:25 I will be sending a not to the different dev teams asking them to update the blank cells in those tables :) 13:59:38 yeah, specially for march and april 13:59:51 Triaging and scheduling 0.2.7 is pretty crucial IMO. If we're aiming for an August freeze, we should probably have a lot more things aimed for it. 14:00:20 "Identify IPv6 state" <-- we can't squeeze this in a Sponsor? 14:00:35 probably but not sure who 14:00:35 because I'm going to be of a good help for that, I need to deploys a tor network on an ipv6 only network in the next month ;) 14:00:46 (on my free time) 14:01:23 IPng^h^hv6 will be widely deployed any day now, so it needs testing 14:01:26 ??? 14:01:44 Yawning: ? 14:01:48 nickm: are the tickets we will triage tagged in anyway? 14:02:00 dgoulet: it's testing related! :P 14:02:35 isabela: the milestone "Tor: 0.2.7.x-final" has all the stuff that we had tentatively assigned to 0.2.7.x. 14:02:43 There may be sponsored deliverables without tickets. 14:02:45 Yawning: indeed 14:02:45 nickm: perfect, thanks! 14:03:14 The milestone "Tor: 0.2.???" has a bunch of stuff that we agreed is probably a good idea to do when we can, but we didn't put it in 0.2.7 14:03:37 ok 14:03:37 Nothing has time estimates; sponsored vs unsponsored deliverables aren't well marked; etc etc 14:03:43 does isabela know about the "lorax" keyword? 14:03:48 ah 14:03:51 i dont 14:03:58 nickm: where is your document you wrote on the wiki about ticket keyword convetion? 14:04:02 the "lorax" keyword is a reference to _The Lorax_ by Dr Seuss. 14:04:08 dgoulet: I'm not sure I wrote one 14:04:13 nickm: oh yes you did 14:04:20 I saw it with my own eyes! :) 14:04:26 the quote is "Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot / Nothing is going to get better. It's not!" 14:05:09 https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/org/process/TorOnTrac 14:05:18 that one :) 14:05:37 lorax generally means "We would take a patch for this, but we aren't planning to write one." 14:05:55 nice 14:06:38 thanks for sharing this link 14:06:47 thanks to dgoulet for reminding me it existed 14:08:02 so maybe we can have a first run on triagging stuff to 0.2.7 next week and another one latter to make sure it has all we want? 14:08:17 sounds plausible. What should we do between now and then to make it go well? 14:08:18 I can help coordinate that (and will be pinging some of you on the way) 14:08:25 it kind of needs to be an ongoing process 14:08:27 In the past, triage has taken a few days and a lot of time 14:08:40 since random things have a tendancy to lurk out of the darkness and catch us by suprise 14:08:50 "no plan survives contact with the enemy" 14:09:10 "no plan survives contact with OpenSSL" 14:09:26 i would suggest to label candidate tickets with the version label... then we have a list by next week and the exercise would be to remove the label from things we don't want to add 14:10:10 Yawning: I agree, somethings will probabl change in a month from now... is an ongoing thing for sure 14:10:50 but I am open to whatever you guys prefer since is my first time doing it :) 14:11:15 ok. So goals are to make sure everything we need to do by date X has a ticket, and make sure that everything in 0.2.??? that one of us wants to do goes into 0.2.7, and then we start kicking stuff out? 14:11:53 sounds reasonable to me ^ 14:12:01 yep, sounds like a plan 14:12:38 and we make sure sponsored stuff is tagged with the sponsor. 14:12:59 I'll volunteer to do the ticket creation for S and U up through October? 14:13:28 Note that we are not required to have the stuff that we've promised in a stable release -- it's only required to be _built_. 14:13:43 Though obviously it'd be great if we could have it in a stable release. :) 14:14:22 anybody volunteer to look through 0.2.??? ? 14:15:43 I can give it a shot but not sure i'm the right person to be able to fully triage those :S ... 14:15:59 also, it would be good if somebody could go over the roadmap and make sure it's right. :) 14:16:11 like, cross-referencing to actual sponsor docs 14:16:37 nickm: I can help with that, I pinged karen to get more info from sponsor docs 14:16:55 nickm: I only have sponsorR doc 14:17:01 great. I also know that Stephen may have a hold of these if Karen is busy. 14:17:09 #action I'll send you U today 14:17:19 dgoulet: is a pre-triagge you could pick up as many things you consider important 14:17:49 isabela: right, my knowledge of the entire code base is limited so I'll do what I can at least that would be something :) 14:18:04 thanks! 14:18:06 sounds good to me 14:18:31 is it ok to use this time for the triage meeting next week? 14:18:37 or should I organize a new meeting for that 14:18:42 I don't object; does anybody else? 14:18:52 hrm 14:18:53 We should maybe grab a couple of times; these things often go loooooong 14:19:13 can we keep sometimes in this meeting for general discussion about little-t tor, after that I don't mind doing triage 14:19:20 some time* 14:19:42 ok dgoulet ack / nickm I will send a poll for a 'second round' 14:20:25 sounds good to me 14:21:04 #action poll for triage second round 14:21:15 anything more for this meeting? It's been almost an hour, and we often run out of steam around then. 14:21:28 I do have one little question (technical) 14:21:31 is it worthwhile to try to do any time/work estimates on this stuff? 14:21:35 dgoulet: shoot! 14:22:15 nickm: fetching with a descriptor id, does it makes sense to try all replicas or just a random one? 14:23:09 I'd suggest that the default should be "do what a client would do", with options to do something different. 14:23:25 These options don't need to get built in v1 of this, but it's a good idea to design them. 14:23:35 IMSomewhatHO 14:23:41 that,s the current state, just what the client is suppose to do 14:24:01 oh. You're asking whether the client's current behavior is sensible? 14:24:06 however a fetch by desc id is "new" for the client because usually we compute the desc_id with the .onion thus trying all replicas for it 14:24:55 in my case, we *only* have a desc_id thus no way of knowing what server should be used so closest to the current client behaviour would be try all six? 14:25:04 even if it's the same desc_id for each fetch 14:27:08 shall we continue this after the meeting? I think others jmight like permission to wander off for a minute or 2. :) 14:27:19 ah sure 14:27:35 #endmeeting