18:02:04 <mikeperry> #startmeeting tbb-dev
18:02:04 <MeetBot> Meeting started Mon Apr 27 18:02:04 2015 UTC.  The chair is mikeperry. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
18:02:04 <MeetBot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic.
18:03:06 <mikeperry> ok, let's get started
18:03:19 <mikeperry> Last week, I helped prep and build 4.5-stable. It is almost ready, though I still need to write a description for the blog post, and probably move Georg's signatures into place. I did a brief pass on the design doc.
18:03:56 <mikeperry> Based on https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/query?keywords=~tbb-4.5-alpha&status=!closed, we just need to update some of the website documentation, and maybe notify osx users one more time
18:04:10 <mikeperry> This week, my plan is to post the release, and then try to churn through my TODO pile of organizational stuff. I want to finish updating the design doc, update our roadmap, and figure out a plan for exploit bounties. I also need to send some emails about the privacy and fingerprinting W3C documents.
18:05:13 <mikeperry> We should also start looking at ff38-esr, assuming the release goes well. I guess that means I should take care of #15579
18:06:44 <mikeperry> oh, and we need to not drop #15581, though I think our position paper can be very brief
18:07:13 <mikeperry> I think that's it for me
18:08:02 <GeKo> here is what I did:
18:08:54 <GeKo> apart from release related stuff I worked on #15578, #15580 and #15598
18:09:21 <GeKo> and I started working on #15581 (the tracking/linkability part)
18:10:41 <GeKo> this week I plan to continue working on #15578, #15581 and plan to resume testing #14429.
18:10:57 <mikeperry> GeKo: what form is your #15581 work in?
18:11:56 <GeKo> I thought about writing a small text, just a couple of sections outlining the issues and maybe what we want to achieve
18:12:23 <GeKo> like half a page - a page max
18:12:39 <GeKo> but I am currently collecting material
18:12:57 <GeKo> so I have not put a great deal of thought about the form
18:13:04 <GeKo> yet
18:13:05 <mikeperry> I have heard whispers that Google is going to push for HTTP/3 to be UDP (like QUIC). we should say something about that.. though what we say probably depends on timeframe
18:13:26 <GeKo> yes
18:14:03 <GeKo> I can make a first draft and you fill in the stuff you like/think we should address too
18:14:37 <GeKo> and somehow this makes it in one final document :)
18:14:42 <GeKo> *into
18:14:49 <mikeperry> I should have the latex templates from my W3C DNT submissions somewhere..
18:15:07 <GeKo> aha, that may be neat
18:16:15 <GeKo> okay, that's it for me
18:17:43 * mcs can go next
18:17:51 <mikeperry> ok. I may just throw it in a remote branch of the tor-browser-spec repo, but that's probably not the right place long term
18:17:54 <mcs> Last week, Kathy and I did several code reviews in an effort to get TB 4.5 out the door.
18:18:02 <mcs> We did some research and debugging of #13926 but did not find a fix yet.
18:18:11 <mcs> We also did some testing of the 4.5 release candidate on Mac OS, Windows, and Linux.
18:18:19 <mcs> We found and fixed #15794 and #15795.
18:18:28 <mcs> This week, we will continue testing the 4.5 candidate builds.
18:18:36 <mcs> We also plan to start to review the changes Mozilla has made since ESR 31 in various areas for which we have the main responsibility: updater, MathML, SVG, etc.
18:18:46 <mcs> And we still have not worked on #14387 so I will stop mentioning it for now.
18:18:51 <mcs> That's all for us.
18:20:00 <mikeperry> what is the effect of #15836 btw?
18:20:24 <mikeperry> is the description of the search box missing/turned into property names for non-English builds?
18:21:10 <mcs> Most non-Englsh builds have translated strings. because the strings were moved from a dtd to a properties file a while ago.
18:21:33 <mcs> If the strings are missing, I am not sure what happens.  I will check.
18:22:46 <GeKo> I think I moved the search box strings out of the strings to be translated to avoid exactly this problem
18:23:09 <GeKo> so these should not be affected
18:23:18 <mikeperry> there still is the surrounding text though
18:23:32 <GeKo> hm
18:23:48 <mcs> #15836 only affects the about:tor page (so maybe we are talking about 2 different things?)
18:26:24 <GeKo> well that page contains a searchbox and things like "Search securely with Disconnect.me."
18:26:55 <mcs> OK, I did a quick test:  if the strings are missing, then on the about:tor page the labels near the search box will not be present.
18:27:18 <mikeperry> ok. could be worse
18:27:23 <mcs> So the "Search securely with …" will be missing.  I am not sure how many locales are affected.
18:28:44 <mikeperry> not exactly a release blocker, IMO
18:29:00 <mikeperry> just wanted to make sure
18:29:03 <mcs> It has been a bug for a long time and no one noticed until now.
18:29:15 <mcs> I think it is OK to release with it.
18:29:23 <mcs> (without it fixed I mean)
18:30:41 <mikeperry> ok, sounds good then. arthuredelstein/boklm?
18:30:57 <arthuredelstein> I can go
18:31:04 <arthuredelstein> Last week, I worked on finishing up #15502.
18:31:34 <arthuredelstein> Then I spent a some time working on https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=418986, and I have a new version which I hope is going to finally be accepted now.
18:31:43 <arthuredelstein> This week thought I might start working on #15196. My thinking was I could start with the fingerprinting patches and try to upstream them at the same time, since mozilla-central is currently very similar to the ESR38 branch.
18:31:51 <arthuredelstein> And as usual I will continue to debug the #14429 patch.
18:32:03 <arthuredelstein> That's it for me.
18:32:45 * boklm can go next
18:32:59 <boklm> Last week I have mainly been working on improving tools to run in-tree unit tests
18:33:04 <boklm> This week I'm planning to continue working on that and post a list of what in-tree tests currently fail before the switch to ff38 on #15579
18:33:14 <boklm> that's it for me
18:34:28 <mikeperry> boklm: ok. I have been in contact with Javaun Moradi. he wants to work with us to make more regular use of their testing infrastructure. I told him I would get back in touch as soon as we have a ff38 branch ready
18:35:09 <arthuredelstein> mikeperry: Would that be pushing to Mozilla try servers?
18:35:12 <mikeperry> so I will add you to Cc on that mail at that point, and you can work with him on that. do you have your own try server access, btw?
18:35:38 <boklm> mikeperry: ok. Yes, I have access to try server now.
18:36:11 <mikeperry> arthuredelstein: I think so. it might involve more than that, too. I am not sure yet exactly what scope they have in mind
18:38:04 <mikeperry> arthuredelstein: maybe you want to take #15579, or at least do a first pass on reordering our patches to be grouped together by type/topic?
18:38:27 <mikeperry> I am worried I am going to be spending most of my time writing documentation, position papers, and email this week
18:39:14 <arthuredelstein> Sure, I'd be happy to. I have kind of a start at categories here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1uR5zrIRafzOseaWUxuqtYLj3DhVvShHh9SvrUHN1BUA/edit?usp=sharing
18:39:46 <arthuredelstein> (Under "Type")
18:40:18 <mikeperry> oh yeah, Doug Turner wants us to make sure https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/buglist.cgi?quicksearch=ALL%20whiteboard:[tor] is up to date
18:40:37 <mikeperry> that doc looks good
18:41:15 <arthuredelstein> I don't seem to be able to add the whiteboard:[tor] tag to bugs on bugzilla -- but I could email him a list
18:42:25 <mikeperry> ok. yeah, I think I can't either. I suppose we should ask them to fix that for us :)
18:43:20 <arthuredelstein> Yeah. I'll open a ticket on bugzilla and see if that works.
18:44:57 <mikeperry> ok, anything else?
18:45:58 <mikeperry> GeKo: have you uploaded signed copies of everything yet? where do I need to pick up the release process at?
18:48:00 <GeKo> I have. Everything is in my builds/4.5-build5 dir
18:49:01 <GeKo> you would need to create the xml files at least for the alpha series to get it updated to 4.5
18:49:53 <mikeperry> ah, ok. I think we should omit the -buildN suffix for the signed results, so it is more clear its something for the dist directory
18:50:08 <mikeperry> and not something we expect to match the sha256sums.txt
18:51:23 <mikeperry> so do I unhack the config.yml, or is it sufficient to only place the update files in the alpha channel directory as-is?
18:51:35 <GeKo> ah, yes, good idea and I see you have that in the release process doc
18:51:40 <mikeperry> and not update the release channel directory for like 1 week or something
18:52:02 <GeKo> no unhacking is needed
18:52:33 <GeKo> you want to run |make update_responses-alpha| though, I think
18:53:01 <mikeperry> and only update the alpha channel dir on dist
18:53:13 <GeKo> yes
18:53:50 <mikeperry> I think I can do this. I hope :). should I try to do all that today, or wait one more day in case of catastropy, or just do it late my time tonight so you get to wake up to catstropy? ;)
18:53:55 <GeKo> the *4.0.8-4.5*mar files are not needed for now
18:54:23 <GeKo> I think the latter may be best.
18:54:54 <GeKo> If the shit is hitting the fan I can at least trying to fix it then
18:55:23 <mikeperry> ok, I will try to prep everything for release in ~10-12hrs from now
18:55:54 <mikeperry> probably closer to 12
18:56:12 <GeKo> oh, and answering the disconnect people before that may be a good thing, too
18:56:22 <mikeperry> yeah, it's on my list :)
18:56:32 <GeKo> thought so :)
18:56:35 <mcs> So the plan is there will be a blog posting but no automatic update for 4.0.8 users, right?
18:56:43 <GeKo> yes
18:57:02 <mcs> So mostly alpha channel users and people who are paying attention to the blog will get 4.5 for now?
18:57:07 <mikeperry> yeah, we're going to wait like 1 more week for updating 4.0.8
18:57:17 <mikeperry> and new users
18:57:18 <mikeperry> lucky them :)
18:57:27 <mcs> Right; new downloaders.
18:57:41 <mcs> 4.5 is a huge improvement though.
18:57:54 <mikeperry> yes, I agree
18:57:59 <mikeperry> I am excited
18:58:06 <GeKo> yes, and I am really happy about it. thanks to all of you for it
18:58:25 <mcs> go team and all of that stuff!
18:58:32 <GeKo> :)
18:59:01 <mikeperry> yep. congrats everyone and thanks for all the hard work! :)
18:59:15 <mikeperry> and I think we're done with this meeting just under the 1 hour mark, too. woo hoo! :)
18:59:41 <mikeperry> #endmeeting *baf*