14:32:18 #startmeeting 14:32:18 Meeting started Wed Jul 15 14:32:18 2015 UTC. The chair is nickm. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:32:18 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 14:32:31 hello meeting! 14:32:48 hello 14:33:01 Let's start with a brief introduction. If you're here for the meeting, or if you're a volunteer who works on something that looks like the software that makes the tor network run, let's start with introductions! 14:33:19 This will take a long time if we take turns, so let's use IRC's asynchrony and all talk at once! 14:34:02 Hi. I'm Nick. I'm the lead developer on the 'tor' program, and sometimes I make chutney work. I wrote the first version of bridgedb and the first version of (C) obfsproxy, but I don't maintain them any longer. I'm probably on other stuff too that I forgot 14:34:28 hello im aaron johnson. i’m a research at the naval research laboratory working on location-aware path selection and improving the security of hidden services. 14:34:42 (everybody go at once; don't wait for others) 14:35:30 I'm David, I currently work on hidden services, improving them for performance, reachability and security. I do also maintain torsocks on the side. 14:36:45 hello I'm Paul Syverson. I work with Aaron Johnson, Rob Jansen at NRL. Current focus on trust. Onion service design. Looking at adversary models for targeting specific groups/individuals, probably some other things I'm not thinking of. 14:37:14 also you invented onion routing. 14:37:17 ;) 14:37:24 But not currently. 14:37:46 (I can say that special is soon in a plane and asn is recovering thus both afk) 14:37:53 yeah 14:38:02 also Yawning has been up late 14:38:09 dgoulet: glad they're both doing well 14:38:32 nickm: they are, we'll soon have a blog post about this whole hs meeting! 14:38:35 * isabela is lurking - will lurk from time to time :) 14:38:36 It might be a bit early for the left-coast folks. isis: you around? 14:38:45 I forgot about meeting and was about to put down the Memex quarterly report to drive to the "Summer Camp". Sorry if I missed anything in first few minutes. 14:39:22 atagar, athena, ln5 : ping? :) 14:40:03 * nickm scans for otther likely suspects 14:40:36 DonnchaC: sjmurdoch : ? 14:40:43 meejah, teor: ^ 14:41:03 If you see this while the meeting is still happening, cool; just introudce yourselves 14:41:15 since we've got a comparatively small fraction of the whole group, I'll try to keep it all short 14:41:56 the general purpose of making these team relationships is to try to group all the folks who are working on areas with the most overlap, get the groups into regular contact with each other, and help us keep a higher-level look at what the rest of the world needs from us. 14:42:04 aagbsn ? 14:42:23 i guess i can also *wave*. i'm luke and i do then OnionPy python lib that wraps the OnionOO webservice. i have nothing to do with HS though. 14:43:07 I'm lurking, i'm Jurre and I contribute to Tails. 14:43:10 We're also hoping to expand areas of competency, so that everything has more than one person who's thinking about it, and everybody is thinking about more than one thing 14:43:27 ohmygodel: hola 14:43:58 I'm in the metrics meeting also and now in that team, but I think if these meetings continue to overlap I can sit in both 14:44:01 The general idea of the "Network" heading is to encompas everything that makes the Tor network work. So that's the core Tor program, bridgedb, all the authority scripts, pluggable transports, etc etc. 14:44:14 (in #tor-project) 14:44:25 aagbsn: ah ok makes sense! i have been meaning to respond to your email btw. 14:44:26 The borders are deliberately a bit fuzzy here, but I think it'll work out 14:44:27 I'm teor, I submit patches to tor and chutney on a regular basis, but I don't know if there's one particular topic I focus on. Soon it is likely to be (non-)hidden services 14:46:33 i'll introduce myself all the same - Aaron Gibson, working on torflow - the bandwidth authority component - that is used to estimate capacity of relays and load balance the network 14:46:55 I'm hoping that at future meetings we can strategize about what different groups need from and/or can dedicate to each other, what each subteam is working on, etc. 14:47:39 I think our subteams are something like "Infrastructure scripts" "Anticensorship" "core Tor" "Hidden services" "Guards" and maybe "Research" or something. 14:48:00 I'm thinking that subteams like "HS" and "Guards" are likely to come into and out of existence as our topic focus for development shifts 14:48:06 What subteams am I missing ?} 14:48:52 Actually there's a new proposal combining concerns about onion services and guards. 14:49:06 BTW, there is something I really need somebody besides me to do. 14:49:14 Many have volunteeered in the past, but nobody has done it. 14:49:29 I need somebody to watch tor-dev for incoming and revised proposals, and add them to the proposal repository. 14:49:58 Before I take more volunteers here though we should probably figure out why my attempts to delegate this before have all failed 14:50:19 nickm: hrm do you mean setup a nice pull req. for it and send it to you or actually pushing it in torspec? 14:50:26 actually pushing it 14:50:42 And what happens when there is discussion or there are revisions? 14:50:50 Who decides on the "canonical" content? 14:51:15 push the revisions. the original authors are authoritative for which changes get taken. However, anybody can fork a proposal if they disagree 14:51:38 I'm Donncha, I'm currently working on a hidden service load-balancing project as part of Tor's Summer of Privacy. I'm interested in Tor hidden services and detecting malicous actors operating BadExits and HSDirs. 14:51:43 * ln5 isn't really around due to conflicting meetings but will enjoy the meetbot log later, if i can find it 14:51:53 one tricky part is deciding if a proposal meets minimal requirements. Generally, if it's not a troll, and it's readable, and actually something that you could implement, it's a proposal 14:52:02 ln5: ask for help if you can't. :) 14:52:07 ln5: (Nice to see you btw) 14:52:12 nickm: I'll be happy to help with that! 14:52:29 ln5: o/!! 14:52:42 dgoulet: ok. After this meeting I'll give you write access to the torspec repo if you haven't got it, and you can scan the last couple months of tor-dev to see which proposals I've missed? :) 14:53:01 nickm: sounds good! 14:53:25 make sure that you run the reindex.py script after adding proposals. 14:53:45 nickm: yup I got a small crash course from armadev a few days ago :) 14:53:52 nickm: since we wrote 4 proposals in 5 days :P 14:53:58 isabela: do we have anything more to talk about today? 14:54:13 hi DonnchaC 14:54:31 isabela: I think I could babble for another 30 minutes, but short meetings are a nice precedent. 14:54:54 You are my favorite leader ;>) 14:54:57 maybe I should ask everybody to get ready for the next meeting, and to think in the meantime about how other subteams can best help theres? 14:55:00 *theirs 14:55:16 I would like to know how the "subteams" will work out that is communication, tasks?, report?, ... 14:55:38 not sure yet. DOing things over the tracker is neat, but each team is likely ot have its own needs 14:55:50 And work out that they are on a given subteam. 14:56:10 :) 14:56:47 #action Send a follow-up email listing subteams, asking people to figure out if they think they're on one, and what their subteam needs from the rest of the world 14:56:58 * isabela reading backlog 14:57:11 #action write a little about how subteams could work, to try to answer dgoulet's question 14:57:33 Just what I was typing to suggest. They can then self organize with meetings on #tor-dev or however they want. 14:57:59 anything more for today? If I can finish in the next 5 minutes I'll consider this an auspicious beginning. 14:58:31 i think this is good - i agree on sub-teams organizing themselves 14:58:43 we can think more of how and when things comes together as it goes 14:58:52 sounds good to me 14:59:16 sounds good. I'm going to endmeeting now so people can take off, but if anyone feels like hanging around and chatting, there are a lot of great people on-channel right now to chat with about tor stuff 14:59:20 thanks, all! 14:59:21 #endmeeting