13:29:05 <nickm> #startmeeting
13:29:05 <MeetBot> Meeting started Wed Sep  2 13:29:05 2015 UTC.  The chair is nickm. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
13:29:05 <MeetBot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic.
13:29:06 <teor> gday
13:29:25 <nickm> so, over the last week I did more or less nothing; on a family vacation!
13:30:03 <nickm> I've been tweaking PostFreeze027, TorCoreTeam201509, and trying to get all the sponsorU doc stuff done
13:30:16 <nickm> and trying to merge everything that really does go into 0.2.7 postfreeze, or postpone it
13:30:20 <nickm> who's next with an update?
13:30:23 <Yawning> <-
13:30:35 <Yawning> stuck in my own personal hell of writing documentation for pts
13:30:50 <Yawning> tried to unfork tor browser tor, but there's still argument over behavior so I'm going to ignore that
13:30:56 <Yawning> and sit in my own personal hell for a while
13:31:11 <Yawning> the upcoming team meeting apparently includes more documentation
13:31:13 <nickm> what's making the docs hellish?
13:31:18 <Yawning> I'm not a tech writer?
13:31:21 <Yawning> :P
13:31:23 <nickm> ah
13:31:46 <nickm> so here's a suggestion that sometimes works for me: don't think of it as writing documentation.  Imagine you're jsut writing an email to me to explain what needs to be explained here
13:31:56 <nickm> pretty often it turns out that that makes a good doc
13:32:03 <Yawning> past that, gitian sprouted tentacles and pseudopods and is assauting me when I'm trying to get japanese tor browser done
13:32:08 <nickm> eeeep
13:32:09 <Yawning> I have builds for everythign but non-osx
13:32:23 <Yawning> nightly tor browser build target is broken due to some open ssl versioning thing
13:32:33 <Yawning> that I no longer give a shit about debugging, so doing an alpha build now
13:33:10 <Yawning> whatever, tired. unless there's stuff in this meething that concerns me I'm going to pass out
13:33:12 <Yawning> shortly
13:33:39 <asn_> (hello meeting)
13:33:40 <Yawning> comment on that circiut dirtyness ticket once you and mike engage in single combat to the death or whatever and settle on behavior that's accpetable for everyone :P
13:34:12 <Yawning> (I think we should normalize client behavior to match what Tor Browser will do since that is our largest userbase subset, but that's just me)
13:34:35 <Yawning> (and if Tor Browser is doing something horrifically wrong, that's a big problem)
13:34:41 <nickm> Yawning:  Okay.  So, see isa's email about what we're going to do post-meeting for triage and deliverables.  ("For Core Tor meeting tomorrow, wed 9/2)
13:34:56 <nickm> that's the big tasks for today
13:35:07 <Yawning> from what I recall
13:35:08 <nickm> I'll either just do what mike wants, or come up with a compelling reason not
13:35:19 <Yawning> that e-mail sounded like 'write more documentation'
13:35:33 <nickm> it's mainly "look at tickets, move them around"
13:35:47 <nickm> let me know if I can help inspire / whatever with the docs.  I too am doc-stuck
13:35:54 <Yawning> ok, i'll add a fixup commit that addresses the documenttion changes
13:36:01 <Yawning> you wanted for that commit
13:36:06 <nickm> thanks!
13:36:07 <Yawning> since the behavior is what mike wants in the branch
13:36:17 <Yawning> (tomorrow sometime, dr's apt durring the day)
13:36:20 <nickm> sure
13:36:51 <asn_> hello should i update?
13:36:53 <asn_> (internet here is crap)
13:37:06 <Yawning> go for it
13:37:19 <asn_> last week i sent an email with the guard stuff
13:37:25 <asn_> to tor-dev
13:37:30 <asn_> it includes an algorithm for choosing guards
13:37:36 <Yawning> *poofs*
13:37:39 <asn_> received good feedback. updated it. 
13:37:56 <nickm> great!  is latest version  at same URL?
13:37:57 <asn_> for the past few days i've been looking at the consensus/voting code
13:38:00 <nickm> I've been totally pushing to get to it
13:38:10 <nickm> and keep hitting a brick wall
13:38:15 <asn_> yes i think so
13:38:15 <asn_> same url
13:38:16 <nickm> probably a mental block
13:38:37 <asn_> https://gitweb.torproject.org/user/asn/tor.git/tree/src/or/guardlist.c?h=bug12595
13:38:40 <asn_> yeah it's a weird probelm
13:38:53 <asn_> very heuristic. not much satisfaction for solving a problem.
13:38:57 <asn_> but it's fun.
13:39:04 <asn_> anyway, for the past days i've been looking at #prop250
13:39:07 <asn_> and how it could be implemented
13:39:26 <asn_> i opened #16943 for it
13:39:32 <asn_> and i have started refactoring the relevant code
13:39:58 <asn_> of course, "just make a new consensus flavor" was more complicated than it sounds
13:40:22 <asn_> since most of the consensus code, assumes that the underlying doc is a networkstatus_t.
13:40:39 <asn_> but we will need to introduce a new data strcutre for the shared randomness doc (or stuff it into ns which is terrible)
13:40:50 <asn_> so some refactoring will need to be done probably.
13:40:55 <nickm> oh speaking of consensus flavors, let's mention #16255 ?
13:40:58 <asn_> i also did some sponsorr logistics
13:41:06 <asn_> yes indeed that's my next thing :)
13:41:14 <asn_> now that the guard stuff has progressed
13:41:17 <nickm> great
13:41:18 <asn_> this is the next annoying thing that i need to tend to
13:41:31 <nickm> what timeframe do you think is realistic for that?
13:41:34 <asn_> and that's my little-t-tor life for now
13:41:46 <asn_> i think i will have tested my branch by mid of september.
13:41:51 <asn_> i should have it ready.
13:42:11 <asn_> it's already ready. but i need to test it.
13:42:36 <asn_> and that's that.
13:42:43 <asn_> thanks!
13:43:47 <nickm> ok.  mid-sep is pretty dicey for 0.2.7, but just on target for early 0.2.8.
13:43:57 <nickm> anybody else around? :)
13:44:14 <asn_> yes 0.2.8 is fine.
13:44:19 <nickm> great
13:44:26 <nickm> (thanks for not being That Guy!)
13:44:35 * teor is here
13:44:39 * nickm defers that ticket
13:44:40 * dgoulet here
13:45:07 <nickm> hi hi hi!
13:45:10 <nickm> what's new?
13:45:14 <nickm> athena: ping?
13:46:28 <dgoulet> I'm back since this morning, as you know, I'll be on the .fr timezone until the dev meeting, I'm almost done with my 2 weeks of emails I missed, I've started working on urgent tickets for 027
13:46:51 <nickm> ok
13:46:52 <dgoulet> trying to update myself also with all that has been going on
13:46:59 <nickm> we have some freedom to decide what's urgent, so that's good
13:47:23 <dgoulet> nickm: I'm basically using the PostFreeze027 ones that are assigned to me for now
13:47:31 <dgoulet> and 201509 in the 027 milestone
13:47:32 <nickm> ok, sounds good
13:47:47 <nickm> if any seem not-worth-doing, let's sort that out
13:48:12 <dgoulet> yup sure, so that's basically it for me :)
13:48:18 <qwerty1> nickm: why have you enabled those statistics?
13:48:30 <nickm> see the ticket; they appear to be harmless IMO
13:48:51 <nickm> if there's a counterargument, I can revert, but please make that argument on the ticket
13:49:03 <qwerty1> they are potentially illegal under european data protection law
13:49:36 <nickm> how so?
13:49:52 <nickm> teor: got a status thing?
13:50:06 <teor> I have created #16949 to group together changes that "make chutney easier". A whole bunch of them got merged just before the meeting, the rest are waiting for me.
13:50:14 <nickm> excellent
13:50:24 <teor> I'm waiting for a larger block of time to do fallback directories work
13:50:42 <nickm> qwerty1: ("the ticket" here is #15254)
13:50:47 <intrigeri> teor: that'll be useful Tails (we have plans to use Chutney for our test suite). thanks for working on it!
13:51:35 <nickm> teor: any problems if I set 'sandbox 1' in common.i ?
13:51:48 <teor> intrigeri: excellent, please let me know if there are any features you need, or any issues or annoyances
13:52:24 <intrigeri> teor: sure. that'll be on anonym's plate.
13:52:31 <teor> nickm: well I'll never notice, I'm mainly on OS X :-)
13:52:54 <teor> But in my opinion, better to catch sandbox issues earlier
13:53:15 <nickm> intrigeri: I saw somebody getting really confused a couple of weeks ago about whether you and anonym are different people
13:54:14 <intrigeri> nickm: wow! that's because anonym doesn't do much conferencing I guess. thankfully anyone who reads Tails MLs should find the answer easily :)
13:54:26 <teor> (And I found a few issues with fresh OS X tor and chutney builds that are now fixed)
13:54:28 <teor> I'm done
13:54:30 <nickm> qwerty1: just reopened #15254 for you
13:54:43 <nickm> intrigeri: I notice you didn't actually deny it. :)
13:54:45 <nickm> anybody else?
13:55:28 <teor> intrigeri: can you ask anonym to look at https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/doc/TorChutneyGuide ?
13:55:47 <teor> They may have comments or features or things I haven't thought of
13:56:09 <intrigeri> teor: done yesterday when I noticed it (I follow all Trac changes). he'll start working on it in months, anyway, I think.
13:56:49 <teor> We have a target date of end October for some chutney work for SponsorS, but changes will continue
14:00:42 <nickm> ok, if no more status reports today, let's move on to the stuff isabela wanted, plus other discussion topics!
14:01:16 <dgoulet> ok
14:01:20 <nickm> For the 0.2.7 release, I think it's a good idea for us to go over the stuff in the maint-0.2.7 ticket with a hard critical look, and see whether we can't kick out more things
14:01:39 <nickm> alternatively, maybe we should find stuff that really really should go into our next alpha, and put out an alpha withing a few days
14:01:56 <nickm> The PostFreeze027 ticket has way too much in it IMO; we should probably give it a hard look
14:02:23 <nickm> and if anybody has more TorCoreTeam201509 stuff assigned to them than is reasonable, that would be good to know
14:04:30 <nickm> I think that kicking #9925, #7978, #and #14846 out of 0.2.7 is probably okay at this point.
14:05:16 <dgoulet> fine by me
14:05:52 <nickm> ok, that's 2 needs_revision tickets in 0.2.7 left.  Much better.
14:06:19 <nickm> do you think all the stuff assigned to you in 0.2.7 is reasonable and good to try to do before the solid-freeze?
14:06:26 <nickm> (refresher: we are in slushy-freeze now)
14:06:38 <isabela> nickm: most of them are mark as normal
14:06:41 <dgoulet> nickm: so #16389 has been merged but we keep it open because arma's question which I'm for but it seems that would be improvement in 028
14:06:53 <dgoulet> nickm: so in that case #16381 could be close?
14:07:05 <dgoulet> (both in postfreeze027 mode) ^
14:07:36 <nickm> isabela: ?
14:08:25 <nickm> dgoulet: sounds fine; go ahead with both IMO.  (remove tickets, change milestones, close, or whatever else is appropriate.)
14:08:35 <dgoulet> nickm: ack
14:08:36 <isabela> nickm: sorry someone called me
14:08:42 <nickm> no worries
14:09:07 <nickm> asn_: is #14957 easy ?
14:09:15 <isabela> nickm: i meant to say that most are mark as normal while around 5 tickets are critical or major priority.. if any of that helps on making decision to what should be postfreeze
14:09:42 <nickm> isabela: we should make sure that the priorities are reasonable too
14:10:53 <isabela> nickm: yes
14:10:54 <nickm> are there any openbsd folks who can help try out improvements to #16651 fixes ?
14:13:09 <isabela> nickm: post freeze deadline is sept 15?
14:14:20 <nickm> isabela: Sep 15 is the final deadline for small bugfixes and features that are _not_ showstoppers or regressions
14:14:29 <nickm> we'll fix showstoppers or regressions for as long as it takes
14:14:31 <teor> nickm: I could ask on the mailing list - do we want them to test http://lists.nycbug.org/pipermail/tor-bsd/2015-August/000350.html without bufferevents?
14:14:34 <nickm> but I hope it doesn't take too long
14:14:44 <nickm> teor: I want them to never turn on bufferevents
14:14:50 <teor> indeed
14:15:06 <nickm> teor: but I think I need to look at the patch again and figure out what the heck is going on
14:15:13 <teor> they seem to have got a little caught up in it
14:15:51 <nickm> they really really shouldn't need those locking libraries
14:17:35 <teor> Seems to be an issue with libevent v1, they can't get v2 working on BSD
14:17:51 <teor> http://lists.nycbug.org/pipermail/tor-bsd/2015-July/000325.html
14:17:52 <nickm> [Dv1 doesn't have event_pthreads, I thought.
14:18:18 <nickm> Hm.  It was working fine for me for like, forever.
14:18:25 <nickm> and "it doesn't work" is a crappy bug report
14:18:43 <nickm> which is why I was kinds hoping for a sensible person who can try it out and find what's actually working
14:20:26 <teor> Unfortunately, I don't have a BSD at the moment, we could ask around
14:21:07 <nickm> yeah
14:22:12 <teor> There seem to be many variations of "I tried something unusual, and it didn't work"
14:22:24 <isabela> another thing that makes this month complicated is that we have the release, we have sponsoS and then we have dev meeting
14:22:38 <teor> We may just need to identify an appropriate HOWTO build tor that works on the BSDs
14:22:42 <nickm> when's thne sponsorS year1 deadline?
14:22:53 <nickm> teor: yeah
14:23:09 <nickm> teor: that would estabilish a baseline at least
14:23:20 <teor> Otherwise people try known broken configurations
14:23:25 <teor> like bufferevents
14:23:38 <isabela> nickm: I am checking to see if is oct 1st or oct 31st
14:26:07 <nickm> isabela: thanks!
14:26:19 <nickm> isabela: (knowing the same thing for sponsor U would be valuable too)
14:26:41 <nickm> I think sponsorS is under control, since we have a fair deal of latitude in revising our internal submilestones,
14:26:51 <nickm> but we should have another look over it
14:26:58 <nickm> also, it's the 1 hour mark.
14:27:05 <nickm> shall we end the meeting part of the meeting and go on chatting?
14:27:06 <nickm> #endmeeting