13:29:21 #startmeeting 13:29:21 Meeting started Wed Oct 14 13:29:21 2015 UTC. The chair is nickm. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:29:21 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 13:29:26 hello happy tor dev friends! 13:29:47 I have spent the last week scrambling with admin things, writing code, writing proposals, merging patches, and collecting info from the dev meeting. 13:30:31 pending question from isabela: I sent a spreadsheet last week that was the tor milestones from the berlin meeting, annotated with ticket numbers. Would you like me to add it to the CoreTor Roadmap page on the wiki, or did you want to do that? 13:30:36 err 13:30:41 *pending question FOR isabela ^ 13:31:11 I am planning to spend the upcoming week squashing as many SponsorU items as I can, updating old proposals, and merging more patches in my spare time 13:31:33 but I should prioritize sponsorU, since there are only 13 non-weekend days left in October 13:31:44 who else is around with a status item? 13:32:19 hello 13:32:43 oi 13:33:02 so the priority <-> severity thing happened on trac :), currently an issue of me not being able to change the defaults value for those fields 13:33:25 would the best solution be getting you admin access on trac or getting somebody else with admin access to do it 13:33:40 * nickm is fine with either so long as you don't break the universe, but I think some existing trac admin should probably say "yes" 13:34:10 as for little-t tor, I've been mostly working on prop#250 since monday, last week I did different stuff especially about dirauth, R logistics (going back to DC in November) and trac cleaning 13:34:31 nickm: I'm trac admin, I'm just not tracadm "Unix" style :) 13:34:45 right 13:35:03 dgoulet: ping isis she might be able to help too 13:35:12 09:16 < weasel> tracadm:x:1510:arma,erinn,isis,karsten,qbi,sebastian,weasel,yawning 13:35:14 afk coffee, more status updates welcome 13:35:19 haha 13:35:27 you already have the intel 13:35:31 that was 20 min ago weasel posted that here :) 13:36:08 I have been working on prop#206 & prop#210 related to Sponsor U since the dev meeting 13:36:11 nickm: I am back! I plan on working at the network team wiki page! and start addressing the things we spoke of during the retrospective in berlin 13:36:17 nickm: so I can do the roadmap as well! 13:36:59 ok 13:37:10 let me know if you need me to send that spreadsheet again 13:37:20 I'm using it for my own reference already 13:37:21 I have been polishing #15775 for the fallback directories, drafted an email to ask relay ops to opt-in in #17158 13:38:10 And I have a working version of #4483, but it needs timer resets, a redesign to avoid a race condition, and unit tests. 13:38:15 So many unit tests. 13:38:28 nickm: ok / if you haven't updated it since the last time you sent me than it should be fine. i have it open right now 13:38:35 great 13:38:44 teor: sounds awesome 13:39:50 But I don't know if it will be done by end of October. 13:39:57 (The Sponsor U deadline) 13:40:37 teor: I don't think that item needs to get done for that deadline, does it? 13:40:54 the anti-dos aspect is neat, and would fall under sponsor U, but I don't think it's specifically a deliverable for then 13:41:25 I remember it was mentioned, I don't know the details 13:43:35 ok 13:43:44 anybody else with an update this week or do we move on to discussions? 13:43:55 asn / Yawning / athena / ... ? 13:44:37 let's start discussion, and take more updates as/if they come 13:45:10 I'm overloaded for the rest of the month. I wanted to review patches, and I want to finish sponsor U stuff. I am concerned I won't have time for both. 13:46:17 one option is that I postpone reviewing stuff till November. 13:46:34 this will make nice people with open patches sad. 13:46:49 another option is that more people help with patch review and sponsorU stuff. 13:47:01 not sure if I've got a good option 3 :) 13:47:03 we can help out review patches, just that at some point you'll have to look at it for merging :) 13:47:23 that would be lovely 13:47:37 nickm: what exactly are you looking at, needs_review basically for 028 ? 13:47:51 needs_review for 028, with focus on ones that had patches back when 027 was a thing 13:47:55 but not exclusive focus 13:48:18 noted, I'll do some during october for sure 13:48:28 can't guarantee the amount but I'll do what i can 13:49:35 much appreciated 13:49:50 also I can probably use design help and review with lots of sponsoru stuff 13:50:25 nickm: a place with pointers at what/where to look would be helpful 13:50:32 pad, email, tickets 13:51:51 ok i'll try to make one 13:53:28 any other discussion things for today? 13:54:03 I see you answered #17349 asn's question so epic! 13:54:09 tried to ! 13:54:14 I hope that makes sense 13:54:47 hopefully asn makes sense of it, I understand just how to phrase that in a proposal that is harder part but asn has probably a better grasp on that anyway 13:55:06 nickm: question for you 13:55:13 yo 13:55:41 nickm: you are OK with tvdw design that is #17254 ? 13:55:57 I think it's a neat idea and good thing to have but before I review I would like to know if you are comfortable with the idea 13:56:08 I am okay with the basic design. I had comments on the proposal though and haven't had a chance to check the updated proposal yet 13:56:25 ack 13:57:47 I guess I should do that now 13:57:48 nickm: ok thanks that's it for me 13:58:25 anything more or do we call this a short meeting? :) 13:58:30 * nickm waits 60 seconds... 13:58:48 (after the meeting let's find somebody to do the trac admin thing.) 13:59:28 Hi 13:59:45 I'm wondering about a comment you made on the ticket 13:59:54 for shared randomness key 14:00:01 nickm: ah! I was about send an email to tor-internal asking help lol 14:00:12 nickm: (to find a tracadm that has 2 min to help out) 14:00:20 you said we're trying to have many separate keys for different things 14:00:49 yes 14:00:50 I have limited ways to securely store backups of keys in separate physical places, I suppose others have similar issues 14:01:01 there is only one key you need to keep a backup of 14:01:08 well, long-term 14:01:09 mostly 14:01:18 let's do this postmeeting I think? 14:01:20 #endmeeting