13:32:32 <isabela> #startmeeting
13:32:32 <MeetBot> Meeting started Wed Oct 28 13:32:32 2015 UTC.  The chair is isabela. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
13:32:32 <MeetBot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic.
13:32:47 <nickm> Yawning: he's in my basement, messin with my fibre
13:33:02 <nickm> hi all!  If i turn to nickm_mobile part way through, net issues, not to worry
13:33:18 <asn> (hello)
13:33:30 <nickm> status: we have nearly everything done that I need to do for SposnorU: see the upper right quadrant of the table at the bottom of https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/org/sponsors/SponsorU/Tor
13:33:35 <nickm> _nearly_, though.
13:35:25 <isabela> ok
13:35:33 <isis> hey hey
13:35:55 <isabela> nickm: do you need help from folks on what is left?
13:36:00 <isabela> oi isis
13:37:55 <isabela> ok maybe nickm is out
13:37:58 <isabela> who can go next?
13:38:03 <isis> i have been working on task 4.1
13:38:10 <Yawning> hi, I am doing pt stuff
13:38:11 <isis> the guard node improvements
13:38:26 <Yawning> I have been doing pt stuff, along with having a bit of me time
13:38:39 <Yawning> I should be done with pt stuff by the end of the week (at least the on fire stuff)
13:38:47 <Yawning> and will poke at other things that need doing
13:40:17 <isis> Yawning: there are some cryptography students here who have expressed interest in writing an obfsblobfish (mostly for fun, since i already explained to them that there aren't really "unsolved" problems left)
13:40:39 <Yawning> ok
13:41:01 <isabela> isis: are you cool with 4.1? need anything from anyone?
13:41:03 <isis> so if you have some specific task that isn't fun for you, let me know and i might be able to con them into doing also some non-fun work
13:41:29 <isis> isabela: i don't think i'll be able to do #17295
13:41:54 <isis> isabela: i am finishing up #17291 now
13:41:58 <nickm_mobile> Arg sorry there.
13:42:13 <Yawning> uh
13:42:14 <asn> isis: let me know if you need help with the guard algorithm. also sorry if i was not helpful with your prev question, i was relocating.
13:42:17 <nickm_mobile> My phone was on my defunct wifi:p
13:42:18 <isis> err, not #17291
13:42:19 <dgoulet> module isolation wow
13:42:22 <dgoulet> :)
13:42:26 <Yawning> what are we gonna replace our path selection with.
13:42:33 <isis> i meant #17261
13:42:41 <Yawning> oh ok
13:43:09 <isis> and then i am not sure if revising asn's pseudocode counts as #17262… or if we wanted a fully fleshed out and testable implementation
13:43:42 <nickm_mobile> I think a testable python impl should do it
13:43:49 <isis> ok
13:44:19 <isis> that is more doable
13:45:18 <asn> what do we hope to find from the testable python impl?
13:45:26 <isis> would… we want to actually call the python guard selection thing from tor to see how it behaves with the rest of the code, or is it fine if it just is a reference implementation for the algorithm?
13:45:29 <asn> or do we mean something that can be tested on real networks?
13:46:03 <Yawning> isis: the latter prolly
13:46:14 <nickm_mobile> I'm hoping we can code up a couple of scenarios to make sure it has the propteries we want.
13:46:58 <isis> okay
13:47:26 <nickm_mobile> it would be lovely to do more, but for this week we just need a good thing we can learn a bit from and extend as we learn more
13:47:32 <isis> asn: no worries, i may have more questions for you later, if that's okay :)
13:47:56 <nickm_mobile> Tor or stem integration would be way cool but can wait
13:49:04 <isis> this is some of the stuff so far, based on asn's work, but most is in my paper notebook still https://storm.torproject.org/shared/2eCVyWj1HnA61tvW5DA1bXiKER_Y8fTJ6DbtIkin4dY
13:50:32 <nickm_mobile> Can't look now but i will if you email me. (net)
13:51:30 <isis> should i explain the tl;dr of the changes i had in mind?  or should we move to someone else's reportback?
13:51:46 <nickm_mobile> Let's save for right after?
13:52:00 <isis> okay
13:52:03 <nickm_mobile> I'm curious but we should get rbacks done
13:52:07 <isis> i'm done then
13:52:28 <nickm_mobile> Also did i get cut off before? We're there questions for me?
13:52:43 <isabela> i asked if you needed any help
13:53:33 <asn> hello
13:53:36 <nickm_mobile> I need mostly to know as soon as reasonable how much of the guard stuff i will be needed for
13:53:47 <asn> i've been doing #17349 lately. i think today it will be ready.
13:53:48 <nickm_mobile> Other than that I'm cool
13:54:06 <asn> i also wrote a [tor-dev] post summarizing the status of open hidden service proposals: at
13:54:11 <asn> https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-dev/2015-October/009762.html
13:54:19 <nickm_mobile> It would be great to get technical review on the 2 proposals i sent out yesterday
13:54:20 <asn> i also did some bug bounties stuff
13:54:48 <asn> done.
13:55:35 <isabela> nickm_mobile: you need folks to review before EOW right?
13:56:02 <nickm_mobile> Desire but do not absolutely need
13:56:34 <isabela> cool :)
13:56:35 <nickm_mobile> Also tech review on my dos wpaper would be cool. Volunteer and ill email it to you.
13:56:57 <asn> i'm quite hosed these days and don't hve much time to look at other proposals :(
13:57:02 <asn> will try to though.
13:57:17 <isabela> tx asn
13:57:22 <dgoulet> hi
13:57:25 <isabela> oi dgoulet
13:58:41 <dgoulet> I fully recovered from _two_ wrists tendinitis, so code has been stopped last week on my side and much computer activities, since yesterday mostly working on updating prop#250 and digesting asn's simplyfing ideas of the proposal
13:59:12 <dgoulet> I did some other visualization work for R that I will soon show to the community (thanks to karsten on his feedback)
14:00:31 * dgoulet done
14:01:16 <isabela> ok
14:01:27 <isabela> whoelse is around for an update?
14:02:36 <isabela> ok I can give mine :)
14:02:38 <nickm_mobile> I talked to Athena the other day.
14:03:02 <isabela> I am back and not travelling for a long time which is great and also mean I will get back to my todo list from dev meeting (roadmap, organize network team wiki page etc)
14:03:04 <nickm_mobile> She said she'll have a prop for her antidos branch rsn
14:03:56 <isabela> this wiki I am mostly writing quarterly reports and preparing documents tho
14:04:00 <isabela> nickm_mobile: cool :)
14:04:15 <isabela> ok do we have points for discussion? I would like us to start tagging things for november
14:04:52 <isabela> TorCoreTeam201511
14:05:46 <isabela> this is what is left for october https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/query?status=!closed&keywords=~TorCoreTeam201510
14:05:47 <nickm_mobile> I suggest we tag everything from the spreadsheet i linked to above
14:06:16 <nickm_mobile> Also let's note that we want you to get all of the needs review stuff reviewed
14:06:26 <nickm_mobile> And some of the needs revision stuff revised
14:06:33 <nickm_mobile> Wow this voice recognition actually works
14:06:41 <isabela> #fancy
14:08:16 <nickm_mobile> Could someone else please drive on this? I can't bash modify trac from my phone
14:08:23 <nickm_mobile> Batch
14:08:26 <isabela> i can do that
14:08:55 * asn looks at trac
14:09:12 <asn> phew im not in the october list.
14:09:35 <isabela> safe to move all or anything will be done this week and should be left there
14:10:08 <nickm_mobile> All sponsoru lands this week
14:10:11 <Yawning> I'm gonna like, bugger off and continue writing documentation
14:10:21 <Yawning> unless something needs my immediate attention
14:10:27 <nickm_mobile> Take care
14:10:47 <asn> Yawning: what docs are you writing? :)
14:10:58 <Yawning> I'm re-writing the pt spec
14:11:05 <Yawning> to actually be usable again
14:11:08 <asn> ouch.
14:11:21 <Yawning> by people that aren't us
14:11:21 <asn> that will be v3.
14:11:25 <asn> Yawning: strength to you
14:11:26 <Yawning> that understand how everything works
14:11:29 <asn> ack
14:11:34 <Yawning> not to h8 on the current one
14:11:36 <Yawning> which is fine for us
14:11:43 <Yawning> but people complain about how it's not fine for them
14:11:57 <isabela> I will send an email with suggestions of where to look for november (roadmap, 0.2.8 triagge, deliverables etc) so we can get it populated and everyone has tasks on it next week
14:12:01 <isabela> sounds good?
14:12:06 <nickm_mobile> lemme know if you want any skillz applied
14:12:47 <nickm_mobile> Isabela: sounds good. Do the other roadmapping docs [eg hidden services] exist?
14:13:22 <isabela> yes
14:13:47 <isabela> i took notes of it all - i sent them to internal but i need to verify what has been publish and publish what is missing
14:14:03 <isabela> #17262 is sponsor u right?
14:14:18 <isabela> i wont move the sponsor u stuff
14:14:35 <nickm_mobile> Yes that's u
14:15:08 <nickm_mobile> Resend me links and I'll try to make everything a ticket
14:15:24 <isabela> nickm_mobile: for the roadmaps?
14:15:27 <nickm_mobile> Once online is r
14:15:37 <nickm_mobile> Easy again
14:15:47 <nickm_mobile> Yes if you can
14:16:33 <isabela> sure, but it won't be today tho
14:16:39 <nickm_mobile> No prob
14:17:09 <nickm_mobile> Anything else for today's meeting?
14:18:10 <asn> nickm_mobile: i will have a few questions for you in #17349 soon!
14:18:13 <asn> my branch is 99% ready
14:18:23 <asn> but i'm missing some details on the load_ed_keys() part
14:18:31 <asn> so i will put some qs on the ticket, and poke you here :)
14:19:07 <nickm_mobile> If I'm not answer ing here try email? This interface sucks
14:19:17 <asn> ack thx
14:19:27 <isabela> ok i will stop the bot now if is ok
14:19:32 <nickm_mobile> Ok
14:19:34 <asn> nickm_mobile: a dirauth could currently rotate its ed25519 master key as much as it wants, right?
14:19:40 <isabela> #stopmeeting
14:19:41 <asn> without anyone noticing
14:19:45 <asn> since it's not hardcoded in the source code
14:19:48 <asn> right?
14:19:49 <asn> or not?
14:19:50 <Yawning> uh
14:19:57 <dgoulet> isabela: #endmeeting
14:19:58 <Yawning> I think we warn wrt pinning>
14:20:05 <isabela> #endmeeting