18:59:55 <GeKo> #startmeeting tor-browser
18:59:55 <MeetBot> Meeting started Mon Feb  8 18:59:55 2016 UTC.  The chair is GeKo. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
18:59:55 <MeetBot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic.
19:00:09 <GeKo> welcome everyone to our weekly meeting
19:00:23 <GeKo> who wants to go first this time?
19:00:47 * mcs will go
19:00:52 <mcs> Last week, Kathy and I posted a revised patch for #18144.
19:01:01 <mcs> We also spent a lot of time working on #18170, which turned out to be a bit of a “rabbit hole.”
19:01:07 <mcs> We created a patch for one problem (no about:tor tab after update) but are still working on the second part which is Windows-specific (staged updates are not working correctly on Windows).
19:01:12 <mcs> While waiting for Windows builds of Tor Browser, we also spent some time on #18238.
19:01:22 <mcs> This week, in addition to working on #18170 we will get back to work on #13252.
19:01:27 <mcs> For #18170, we will open a new ticket for the second part so the first fix can proceed.
19:01:32 <mcs> That's all for us.
19:01:55 <GeKo> you might want to look at https://blog.torproject.org/blog/tor-browser-551-released#comment-154918 if you have some time
19:02:18 <GeKo> i spent a little bit of my morning trying to reproduce that one but failed
19:02:21 <mcs> I had not seen that. We will take a look.
19:02:29 <GeKo> but maybe i did not try hard enough
19:02:58 <mcs> Maybe they have non-default settings for some of the referrer-related prefs? Not sure.
19:03:21 <GeKo> i tried that, too, but yes maybe
19:03:52 * isabela is around lurking
19:04:23 <mcs> Hopefully it is not really a bug but if it is hopefully not too many people are affected :)
19:05:31 <GeKo> yeah, i think we fixed the most pressing things
19:06:22 <GeKo> who else is here for an update?
19:06:27 <arthuredelstein> I can go
19:06:34 <arthuredelstein> This week I worked on patches for #18172 and #16990.
19:06:41 <arthuredelstein> I reviewed Kathy and Mark's patch for #18618.
19:06:47 <asn_> olabini: greetings
19:06:50 <asn_> olabini: reading mails now
19:06:52 <arthuredelstein> I did some more revising of bugzil.la/1121643
19:06:57 <arthuredelstein> and I worked on rebasing some patches to ESR45.
19:07:15 <arthuredelstein> This week I will try to find better Emoji fonts for Windows and Linux.
19:07:37 <arthuredelstein> And I'll try to do more rebasing and look at how I can handle errors better in the Tor Circuit Display (#16990).
19:07:51 <arthuredelstein> That's all for me
19:10:03 <GeKo> here is what i did last week:
19:10:36 <GeKo> i took care of the release and all the tor browser team admin stuff
19:10:47 <GeKo> i started working on the design doc update
19:11:44 <GeKo> and spent some time keeping our trac tickets on track
19:12:27 <GeKo> this week i plan to work further on the design doc, and while doing i'll plan to look at our toolchains
19:12:34 <GeKo> wrt esr45 compat
19:12:56 <GeKo> and doing reviews are on my plate
19:13:01 <GeKo> that's it
19:13:38 <boklm> is there a ticket for the esr45 toolchain changes ?
19:14:46 <GeKo> yes
19:14:55 <GeKo> #18226
19:15:05 <boklm> thanks
19:15:08 <GeKo> there are a bunch of child tickets not filed yet
19:15:13 <mikeperry> fyi: mozilla is moving off of a strict 6 week release schedule apparently. keep an eye on https://wiki.mozilla.org/RapidRelease/Calendar#Future_branch_dates. Hopefully it will remain correct
19:15:30 <GeKo> yeah i saw that, thanks
19:15:31 <mikeperry> I am also happy to help review design doc updates, fwiw
19:16:00 <GeKo> yeah, there is a bunch of stuff i tag for you as you are the only one with access to the tor-browser-spec repo
19:17:27 <arthuredelstein> I wonder what "Firefox 50.0.1" means (on https://wiki.mozilla.org/RapidRelease/Calendar#Future_branch_dates)
19:17:48 <GeKo> they are just concentrating on security fixes for this release
19:18:15 <mikeperry> geko: we should fix that repo access issue. I think Sebastian or Weasel can do it
19:18:37 <GeKo> arhturedelstein: there is a whole thread on dev-planning
19:18:42 <GeKo> arthuredelstein: ^
19:18:48 <mikeperry> is 50 when they expect e10s/sandboxing to land, I wonder? that may warrant a point fix for any issues related to it
19:18:49 <Sebastian> repo access issue?
19:19:45 <mikeperry> Sebastian: GeKo should have push on https://gitweb.torproject.org/tor-browser-spec.git
19:20:21 <arthuredelstein> GeKo: Thanks
19:21:01 <Sebastian> mikeperry: he has access
19:21:14 <GeKo> thanks
19:22:14 <Sebastian> afaict, you had access since 2014
19:23:32 <mikeperry> Eric Rescola also suggested we watch dev-platform. he said they will be trying to announce new APIs and features there, so we can comment and make requests early
19:23:58 <Sebastian> GeKo: let me know if it doesn't work
19:24:18 <boklm> Sebastian: looking at gitolite.conf, it seems only @torbrowser group (which is erinn and mikeperry) has access
19:24:36 <GeKo> mikeperry: yeah, that's on my plate for a while now
19:24:53 * helix drunk with power
19:25:02 <Sebastian> boklm: I think you're wrong.
19:25:10 <Sebastian> @tor-browser                                 = arthuredelstein boklm brade gk mcs mikeperry
19:25:19 <Sebastian> repo tor-browser-spec
19:25:20 <Sebastian> RW                                       = @tor-browser
19:26:18 <boklm> ah yes, I was confused with the @torbrowser and @tor-browser groups
19:27:55 <huseby> hey guys
19:28:06 * boklm can go next
19:28:19 <boklm> This past week I reproduced builds of the release
19:28:22 <boklm> I worked on #18127 and posted some patches that are ready to review
19:28:31 <boklm> I ran unit tests on 38.6.0esr: https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tbb-dev/2016-February/000341.html
19:28:38 <boklm> I reviewed #18198
19:28:49 <boklm> This week I'm planning to resume work on marionette migration
19:28:55 <boklm> That's all for me
19:30:33 <GeKo> speaking of which: do you have a link to a repo where we can follow the migration?
19:30:58 <boklm> not yet, I will post it this week on the ticket
19:31:07 <GeKo> thanks.
19:31:21 <GeKo> another thing that recently crossed my mind:
19:32:34 <GeKo> there is this "automate Mac and Windows testing support" item on the roadmap
19:32:50 <GeKo> which sounds like a big task and march is near :)
19:33:00 <garrettr> Hey all, just a heads up (to the channel, since I'm not sure who's responsible for maintaining it): https://exonerator.torproject.org/ shows up as source code in Chrome/Chromium and IE
19:33:28 <garrettr> This is because you don't set a Content-Type (either in a header or in a meta tag), but you _do_ set X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
19:33:31 <GeKo> boklm: not sure where we are with it atm but i want to make sure it is on your radar
19:33:44 <GeKo> to get it properly prioritized
19:33:47 <boklm> GeKo: ok.
19:34:00 * huseby can go next
19:34:21 <huseby> so last week I cranked out a bunch of new origin attributes patches
19:34:28 <garrettr> Aaaand I realize I may have just jumped in in the middle of a meeting. Apologies, y'all!
19:34:35 <GeKo> no worries
19:34:48 <huseby> sicking is reviewing them, tho he's out on PTO this week so the reviews won't move forward until next week
19:35:05 <huseby> also, I will NOT being attending the dev meetup in Valencia (sorry7)
19:35:14 <huseby> there's a conflict with my wife
19:35:38 <huseby> she's attending an important forensics conference and she called dibs on those dates months ago
19:35:45 <Yawning> huseby: Have you tried turning it off and on again?
19:35:52 <huseby> LOL
19:35:55 <armadev> garrettr: i'll answer you on #tor if you are there :)
19:36:20 <huseby> anyway, we both can't be away from home at the same time.  stasis fields big enough to fit children in haven't been invented yet
19:36:40 <huseby> but I'm calling dibs on all of September so I can be at the next one
19:36:55 <GeKo> :(
19:36:58 <GeKo> :)
19:37:06 <huseby> GeKo: I'm feeling the sads too
19:37:09 <huseby> I miss you guys
19:37:12 <armadev> huseby: ok, i will write you down as a 'no' then. next time i hope!
19:37:25 <huseby> armadev: thanks, I'll update my status on the wiki
19:37:33 <huseby> armadev: I really tried to make it happen
19:37:47 <huseby> one more thing
19:38:32 <huseby> I'm hosting another privacy lunch at Mozilla on the 22nd of February
19:38:34 <huseby> it's a monday
19:38:46 <huseby> as usual, if any of you are in SF, you're invited
19:38:51 <huseby> it's at the Mozilla SF office
19:38:56 <huseby> we'll have EFF peeps there too
19:39:09 <GeKo> thanks.
19:39:16 <huseby> I'm trying to line up a friend from the Google Chrome team to give us a lightning talk/topic this time
19:39:23 <huseby> oh and there's this: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/february-privacy-lab-privacy-from-web-tracking-tickets-21355102687
19:39:40 <huseby> I'm speaking that evening at the monthly Privacy Lab
19:39:46 <huseby> it will be hosted by the EFF that evening
19:40:04 <mikeperry> ok. hopefuflly one or both isabela and I can make it
19:40:05 <huseby> going to lay out the full origin attributes project and how the tor merging will fit into that
19:40:17 <huseby> mikeperry: that would be great!
19:40:30 <huseby> I'll send out the usual invite email today or tomorrow
19:40:35 <huseby> I need to line up catering for the lunch
19:40:55 <mikeperry> yeah, be sure to add isabela at torproject to the email
19:41:02 <huseby> mikeperry: will do
19:41:19 <huseby> that's it for me
19:41:32 <huseby> </huseby>
19:43:14 <GeKo> alright, do we have anybody else to report things or any other topics to discuss?
19:44:50 <GeKo> a resounding "no", good :)
19:44:55 <GeKo> *baf*
19:44:59 <GeKo> #endmeeting