19:01:37 #startmeeting tor-browser 19:01:37 Meeting started Wed Mar 2 19:01:37 2016 UTC. The chair is GeKo. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:01:37 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 19:01:58 alright an unusual meeting time but here we are 19:02:04 who is here for the meeting today? 19:02:18 * boklm is here 19:02:19 * arthuredelstein is here 19:02:22 hi everyone 19:02:54 do we have an mcs? 19:03:01 * mcs is here 19:03:18 cool 19:03:19 Kathy is also here with me 19:03:25 okay, let me start 19:03:32 even better :) 19:04:21 last week i basically took off and the week before i mainly worked on the toolchain and getting everything in shape for my week being afk 19:04:33 https://git.schwanenlied.me/yawning/cfc 19:04:35 BAM 19:04:43 FUCK YOU CAPTCHAS 19:04:55 then came the dev meeting with road mapping etc. 19:05:04 Mike threatned to write that 19:05:06 I actually did 19:05:19 have fun, read the readme before you even think about using it 19:05:27 we basically put the stings on stickies we talked about in the irc meeting 19:05:32 *things 19:05:58 and added one notable thing: linda's tor launcher usability enhancement 19:06:14 she plans to work on it until may 19:06:18 and get it ready by then 19:06:44 this week is release preparing time and review time for me i guess 19:06:49 that's it 19:07:01 GeKo: Are the things on stickies on the wiki now? 19:07:05 Yawning: hehe 19:07:24 arthuredelstein: i guess not yet but isabela is probably doing that as fast as possible 19:07:43 she has gotten all the things regarding it 19:08:25 Did Linda or dcf demo their Tor Launcher prototype in Valencia? 19:08:38 yes, looked quite giid 19:08:43 *good 19:08:59 there are some rough edges and we gave a ton of feedback 19:09:00 GeKo: Sounds good 19:09:03 I will have to ping them to get a look at it. 19:09:08 but overall i am pretty excited 19:09:34 And do they plan to actually write patches we can merge or just create a design? 19:09:48 / prototype? 19:10:01 they have working code as well, so yes, patches :) 19:10:13 :) 19:12:36 Yawning: Looks cool. 19:13:16 ;) 19:13:46 if I can get a openLinkIn variant that enforces isolation for this 19:13:49 it'll be deployable 19:14:06 with like, a bit of extra work (ability to whitelist/blacklist sites etc) 19:14:31 also we can ship a "known problematic" list of sites to save a round trip 19:15:03 but yeah, this solution to our browser UX captca woes is viable imo 19:15:10 although it is the nuclear option 19:16:00 Yawning: I haven't run it -- is it possible to give the user a manual option rather than automatically redirecting? 19:16:07 yeah 19:16:12 I was gonna like 19:16:16 add a ui 19:16:32 but I wanted to get all the foundation code down first 19:16:49 since it's bee like 4-5 years since I wrote JS 19:16:49 Also maybe it could prefetch and check if the page exists on archive.is before offering the redirect option to the user. 19:17:27 who is next? 19:17:28 well, archive.is will give them a "fetch now" 19:17:30 page 19:17:35 if it isn't in teh cache 19:17:44 which is easier to click than filling in a captcha 19:17:45 Foxboron sorry 19:17:48 * mcs will give a report 19:17:54 (sorry to derail 19:18:03 (cfc is interesting) 19:18:16 Since our last meeting two weeks ago, Kathy and I reviewed the changes for #18030 and #16725. 19:18:24 We also triaged some bugs. 19:18:30 But mainly we have been focused on #13252. 19:18:35 We made a lot of progress and posted some patches (see the ticket). 19:19:00 Thanks go to Yawning and dcf for their help. 19:19:05 This week, we are working on the migration part of #13252: 19:19:10 when someone upgrades from an older version of Tor Browser, we need to move their browser profile and tor data directory contents to the new location. 19:19:16 The other big loose end for #13252 (which is outside our control) is related to FTE. 19:19:21 We need to change how it is packaged to avoid mixing Python scripts with compiled libraries. 19:19:26 We sent Kevin Dyer an email but have not heard back from him yet. 19:19:32 Oh, and please let us know if there are notes or other things from Valencia that we should look at. 19:19:36 ^_^ 19:19:37 That's all for us. 19:21:13 * arthuredelstein can go 19:21:14 had you already seen https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/doc/TorLauncherUX2016 ? 19:21:28 that's stuff linda basically presented modulo the demo 19:21:41 yes, just have not seem the demo 19:21:48 ok 19:22:55 if i hook the page load, i could probably also huristically detect generic "ur blocked" pages... 19:23:16 but someone that actually knows how to write JS and extensions well would likely do it faster 19:26:13 Since the last meeting I have been focused on the rebasing to Firefox 45 (#15197). 19:26:25 I have gone through all patches (except updater ones) and rebased nearly all of them, in this branch: 19:26:30 https://github.com/arthuredelstein/tor-browser/commits/15197+2 19:26:58 There are a couple of patches that need to be re-written (image cache isolation and timing fingerprinting mitigation) and 3 that need a little more work. 19:27:05 And some existing regression tests need a tune-up. 19:27:16 So this week (and probably next) I will be working on those. 19:27:22 That's it for me. 19:28:03 arthuredelstein: Kathy and I have not found time to work on rebasing the updater patches yet. Hopefully soon. 19:29:03 mcs: No worries! If you find you don't have time, I can also look at them. 19:29:19 OK. Ping us if you are waiting on us! 19:30:43 * boklm can go next 19:31:02 I added some fixes on #18127 for issues found by GeKo. I'm still not sure about what to do for the sudo changes. 19:31:10 I added fixes for Windows support on #16009, went to the dev meeting 19:31:29 This week I'm planning to help on the new release, push to mozilla Try our patches rebased on the new ESR38, add OSX support for #16009 19:31:40 There is also a Tor Messenger release planned which I'm going to help with 19:31:51 That's it for me. 19:33:35 thanks. is anybody else here for a status report? 19:34:12 what can I write to the first argument of that https://stem.torproject.org/api/descriptor/router_status_entry.html#stem.descriptor.router_status_entry.RouterStatusEntry 19:35:02 are there items we want to discuss? 19:35:32 Can you remind me about upcoming release dates. 19:35:33 ? 19:36:48 Is March 8 the next ESR release? 19:36:54 yes 19:37:05 and also Firefox 45 first release then. 19:37:24 yes 19:37:24 * GeKo nods 19:37:27 Here's the FF calendar: https://wiki.mozilla.org/RapidRelease/Calendar 19:37:38 OK. Just making sure nothing has changed recently. 19:38:16 there has actually, the 6 weeks are not that strict aynmore 19:38:38 Right; I heard about the “not so strict about 6 weeks” change. 19:39:01 so, what do you think about the timeline for the osx signing? 19:39:33 Did anything else interesting happen in Valencia that we should know about? (yes, I know that is a very general question) 19:39:51 I guess I will read the notes when they are publshed. 19:39:56 published too 19:40:29 is there meant to be a summary going out soon? i would also like to read that 19:40:35 yeah, wondering what amazing things I missed out on 19:40:48 mcs: nothing jumps immediately to mind 19:41:04 GeKo: OK; thanks. 19:42:15 mcs: so i assume osx signing for the upcoming alpha won't work. how do you expect the timeframe to be? 19:43:06 I think pretty soon if we can solve the FTE issue. Maybe a couple of weeks? The changes are somewhat dramatic but will be good in the long run, I think! 19:43:21 i am inclined to just ignore fte for the alphas at least in order to be able to test the signing 19:43:27 could we do taht? 19:43:30 *that 19:43:43 Hey 19:43:54 like just pretending it isn't there? 19:44:13 Yes, we could. Kathy and I already made changes to the gititan PT descriptor to skip FTE on Mac. 19:44:55 We need to finish the part I mentioned earlier though: migration of existing/old profile. I think we can have that done this week though. 19:45:07 then let's plan with this is in mind in case kevin does not get back to us 19:45:09 So we could try for the upcoming alpha if we are feelong brave. 19:45:17 feeling brave 19:45:24 aha! 19:45:37 Guys 19:45:38 maybe very brave? 19:45:45 I am interested in working on Tor Core 19:45:46 huh, i guess i have to sleep this over :) 19:45:46 for GSOC 19:45:55 is there anyone that can help me get started? 19:46:03 I should probably start with building 19:46:20 You can look at some of the patches we posted in #13252 to get an idea of the scope of the changes (if you haven’t already looked) 19:47:00 Kathy had to run out for another appointment, so I will talk to her about schedule when she returns. 19:47:20 lionaneesh: thinking about picking one project from https://www.torproject.org/getinvolved/volunteer.html#Coding is probably a good start 19:47:51 mcs: i glimpsed over it and was quite intimidated 19:48:12 and we would need to get the meek changes reviewed and merged in time as well, right? 19:49:19 GeKo: Yes. The meek changes are not runtime conditional either like the ones we did for Tor Launcher, so we would need a new meek branch for Mac alpha (not a big deal probably). 19:49:45 dcf has looked at our proposed meek patches and he has not said anything negative so far 19:50:07 So it is promising but really just all coming together this week ;) 19:50:46 So maybe next alpha is better? Definitely sleep on it. 19:51:20 will do. 19:51:34 anything else to discuss? 19:52:07 asn_, around? 19:52:59 Not for me. 19:53:13 GeKo, I want to work on Helping improve Tor hidden services, I know how the current design works. 19:54:02 lionaneesh: We're in a Tor Browser meeting at the moment, but after the meeting, I think someone can chat to you. 19:54:13 Nothing left for me either. 19:54:27 Sorry for interjecting. Didn't know. 19:54:40 okay. thanks everybody for showing up to this unusual time for a meeting. the next one will be next monday regular time again (19:00 UTC) 19:54:52 *baf* 19:55:00 #endmeeting