18:02:49 <GeKo> #startmeeting tor-browser
18:02:49 <MeetBot> Meeting started Mon May 23 18:02:49 2016 UTC.  The chair is GeKo. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
18:02:49 <MeetBot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic.
18:03:08 <GeKo> hi everybody to another meeting and another exciting week
18:03:29 <GeKo> who wants to go first today?
18:05:13 <GeKo> it seems this taks falls back to me, okay.
18:05:18 <GeKo> here is what i did:
18:05:53 <GeKo> i worked on a bunch of tickets: #16285, #19115, #18885, #18944
18:06:04 * arthuredelstein is ready to go after GeKo.
18:06:12 <GeKo> and #18546
18:06:33 <GeKo> then i worked at our replacement deliverable for the e10s one
18:06:57 <GeKo> i helped weasel debugging out switch to a CDN for our mar files
18:07:05 <GeKo> i rviweed a bunch of tickets
18:07:25 <GeKo> and looked over a paper about the selfrando hardending in our tor browser
18:07:28 <GeKo> *reviewed
18:07:45 <GeKo> this week i plan to get the missing things for 6.0 reviewed and merged
18:08:05 <GeKo> then i want to get the build started tormorrow evening UTC
18:08:44 <GeKo> + i want to help getting 6.0 out, probably on friday
18:08:49 <GeKo> that's it for me
18:10:18 <arthuredelstein> Last week I worked on patches for #18619, #18811, #18884.
18:10:33 <arthuredelstein> I looked into server logging for #18996.
18:10:59 <arthuredelstein> This week I will finished investigating #18996 and help with whatever tickets are needed for the build and the release.
18:11:45 <arthuredelstein> And if there is time I thought I would investigate #13017 to see if there is more than an OS fingerprinting issue.
18:12:03 <arthuredelstein> That's it for me.
18:12:03 <GeKo> arthuredelstein: i wonder if it would be smart to find a mozilla dev for #18811
18:12:20 <GeKo> like asking her/him if we overlooked something
18:12:47 <GeKo> otherwise i can try finding out something tomorrow
18:12:51 <arthuredelstein> GeKo: That's a good suggestion. I'll see if I can ask the person who wrote the patch that caused the regression
18:13:03 <GeKo> that would be neat, thanks
18:13:29 <arthuredelstein> Let me know if there are any other tickets you would like me to look at for the build/release.
18:13:37 <GeKo> i guess they are all lurking in #developer or something
18:14:03 <arthuredelstein> I think so
18:14:12 <GeKo> yeah, i think we are good if i look at the tbb-6.0-must
18:14:35 <GeKo> if mcs/brade don't get to it earlier a review for #18950 would be helpful
18:14:56 <GeKo> i plan to prepare that one tomorrow. i might disable it due to lack of time, though
18:15:01 <GeKo> we'll see how far i get
18:15:26 <arthuredelstein> By review you mean I should try to audit the Reader?
18:15:49 <GeKo> no, just look at the stuff i'll bring up for review
18:16:08 <GeKo> s/look/looking/
18:16:13 <arthuredelstein> Ah, ok. I'll keep my eye on the ticket.
18:17:02 <GeKo> who wants to be next?
18:18:04 * boklm can go next
18:18:25 <boklm> This past week I worked on #19067 and #16758
18:18:29 <boklm> On #18291, I was able to drop libfaketime for OSX/Linux builds (not completly for Windows yet). I still need to rebase and check the patches.
18:18:44 <boklm> This week I'm planning to work on #18291, #19067 and help with the new release
18:18:57 <boklm> that's it for me
18:19:09 * mcs will go next
18:19:29 <mcs> Last week, Kathy and I worked on #18855, #18945, and #19047.
18:19:38 <mcs> We also reviewed some Tor Browser patches and verified that #15713 seems to be fixed.
18:19:45 <mcs> Then we started to work on #18912 but we did not finish.
18:19:51 <mcs> This week we plan to finish our patch for #18912, help with code reviews, and help with whatever else needs to be done for TB 6.0.
18:19:59 <GeKo> boklm: what is left for #18597?
18:20:00 <mcs> That’s all for now.
18:20:59 <GeKo> it seems a), no?
18:21:24 <GeKo> mcs: https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-esr45/rev/25271e7d1121 might interest you
18:21:44 <GeKo> at first glance it seems to me we are fine with our custom patches
18:21:57 <boklm> GeKo: I think a) is "done in the resource timing test"
18:22:08 <GeKo> mcs: but you might want to have a look at this to
18:22:33 <boklm> GeKo: so I think everything is done for #18597
18:22:44 <mcs> GeKo: OK. Kathy and I will take a look.
18:22:56 <GeKo> boklm: i think what i meant with a) is this is done in the resource timing test
18:23:00 <GeKo> but not in the other ones
18:23:09 <GeKo> let me doublecheck
18:24:39 <boklm> the resource timing test is this: https://gitweb.torproject.org/boklm/tor-browser-bundle-testsuite.git/tree/marionette/tor_browser_tests/test_resource-timing.py
18:26:34 <GeKo> boklm: seems you are right, let's close this one then.
18:26:47 <GeKo> who else is here? i saw a huseby a while ago...
18:29:31 <GeKo> okay. do we have anything else to discuss for this week?
18:30:12 <arthuredelstein> Anything else you need from us before the build?
18:30:15 <GeKo> boklm: oh, and #19067 is bascially for the remaining qa related sponsoru thing, right?
18:30:29 <GeKo> arthuredelstein: i think we are good.
18:30:45 <GeKo> which is pretty neat, actually :)
18:30:58 <boklm> GeKo: yes
18:31:12 <GeKo> ok, thanks.
18:31:58 <mcs> Are we planning to meet at usual time next week? Next Monday is the Memorial Day holiday in the U.S. (although Kathy and I can be here for a meeting).
18:32:35 <GeKo> we can move it to tuesday, same time if it is easier for us folks?
18:33:09 <arthuredelstein> Monday is actually better for me. I think I can't make it on Tuesday
18:33:22 <arthuredelstein> (on that particular week)
18:33:57 <mcs> Maybe stay on Monday then?
18:34:02 <GeKo> then let's keep monday then if it is okay for brade and mcs as well
18:34:09 <GeKo> yes
18:34:09 <mcs> Sounds good.
18:34:26 <GeKo> alright, seems to be time for wrapping up.
18:34:48 <GeKo> thanks everybody and hopefully we'll get a 6.0 out this week which is not blowing up :) *baf*
18:34:51 <GeKo> #endmeeting