18:01:03 #startmeeting tor browser 18:01:03 Meeting started Tue Jul 5 18:01:03 2016 UTC. The chair is GeKo. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 18:01:03 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 18:01:24 welcome everybody to a tor browser meeting on tuesday 18:01:33 GeKo: I just noticed your email said 1900 UTC. But I'm fine with now :) 18:01:45 ugh 18:02:03 I am here (with Kathy). 18:02:28 i copy and pasted the wrong mail :( 18:02:40 i meant 18:00 UTC 18:03:11 let's get started though and hopefully folks wanting to show up are showing up a bit earlier 18:03:12 hi 18:03:32 okay. i think i can go first today 18:04:26 last week i worked on the design doc update, #18925 and #16652 18:05:24 i had some ideas about #11506 and #19528 18:05:48 i did the admin work for July and triaged a bunch of tickets 18:06:19 this week will be short for me as i plan to take some days off (thursday-tuesday) 18:06:30 we can talk about that later i guess 18:06:54 nevertheless i plan to finish up #16652 and #19200 at least 18:07:02 that's it for me. 18:08:39 * mcs will go next 18:08:52 Last week, Kathy and I posted patches for #19273. 18:08:58 We helped the Tor Messenger team with a Tor Launcher issue. 18:09:03 We reviewed patches for #19478. 18:09:08 Then we took a few days off. 18:09:12 We have not figured out our entire plan for this week, but we will start with #19532 and we will also look at some Mac OS issues that users are reporting on the blog. 18:09:20 That’s all for now. 18:11:38 * arthuredelstein can go 18:11:44 Over the last week, I worked on upstreaming patches to Mozilla, including 18:11:47 https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1281963 (aka #17207) 18:11:52 https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1281959 (#17502) 18:11:57 https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1121643 (#13313) 18:12:03 https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1235520 18:12:14 I also reviewed https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1217238 (#1517) 18:12:20 and #19273. 18:12:43 This week I will work on more patch upstreaming and hopefully look at js/Math fingerprinting. 18:12:57 That's it for me. 18:14:04 * boklm will go next 18:14:15 This past week I fixed #19402 to make it work with small resolutions. I worked on #18923 and opened tickets for failing tests. I made a patch for #19528. 18:14:31 This week I'm planning to try a build with the patch for #19528. Then work on #19410, #11506, #15994. 18:14:40 That's it for me. 18:16:34 arthuredelstein: i forgot to ask last week whether working on #10281 resulted into something 18:16:56 like did you get a functioning build with jemalloc4 enabled? 18:17:29 unrelated i am wondering what to do with #14429 18:17:53 it seems we find more and more holes in it (which is understandable) 18:18:05 Re 10281, I have not, but I can give it a try this week 18:18:30 should we back it out in the alpha series as well until we try again to get it (properly) fixed? 18:19:23 On #14429: I think one approach is to only attempt to round the dimensions on non-maximized screens 18:19:57 I think the rescaling stuff we attempted is probably not practical. 18:21:01 Were you maximizing the window or using fullscreen mode? 18:21:02 good idea 18:21:07 maximizing 18:21:16 i did not test fullscreen 18:21:30 I wouldn't be surprised if that doesn't work either :P 18:21:44 yeah, i somehow assumed that :) 18:22:14 adapting that is nothing urgent fwiw. i just thought to bring it up 18:22:17 r.e. #14429, I assume we will break too many sites if we report rounded dimensions (that is, not report the actual dimemsions)? 18:22:56 That has been my untested assumption. 18:23:21 But also, I think that there are many ways to measure the displayed content bounds besides the obvious screen.width 18:23:32 yes 18:23:36 Ah, good point. 18:23:46 and probably a bunch of side-channels 18:24:05 One possible way to improve #14429 is to create some kind of resizeend listener 18:24:08 i'd rather avoid opening that can of worms 18:24:25 (in C++) 18:25:12 But that probably needs a separate implementation for each platform, so it's probably quite a bit of effort. 18:25:54 i agree 18:26:10 And there's still the annoying problem of tiling window managers being hard to detect. 18:27:37 arthuredelstein: oh, another thing i wondered was whether you could try the test case in the embargoed bug related to #8725. 18:27:49 i don't have the means right now, alas 18:28:36 but i thought figuring out whether the proposed defense copes with that trick seems worth knowing before merging the patch 18:29:25 Which is the embargoed bug? 18:30:32 1120398 18:30:41 you are added afaict 18:31:12 that said do we have anyone else for status updates? 18:31:25 Yes, I can see it. I will try the test case. 18:32:45 thx 18:33:14 okay, moving to the discussion part 18:33:31 does anybody has an item for it? 18:34:15 *have even 18:34:28 I would 18:34:39 go ahead 18:35:07 hope it's not offtopic. We'd really like to deploy an installed version of TB. Is that something that's planned for some point in the future? 18:36:44 it is not really on any roadmap as far as i can tell right now 18:37:02 We have a system with 15k users, we'd like to make TB either the default or one of two choices. Expecting them to download it would mean a lot of wasted space as well as roughly nobody does it on their own 18:37:44 i see 18:37:57 On Linux or ? 18:38:04 Debian, yeah 18:38:17 also windows, but windows isn't used so much 18:38:40 #18367 and #18369 would probably help 18:39:21 these are at least blockers for that i think, yes 18:39:30 right 18:39:30 not sure what else we would need 18:40:40 Anyway, just to point out that there's at laest some demand for this kind of feature 18:40:44 thanks :) 18:40:51 ok, thanks. 18:41:03 we'll keep it in mind. 18:41:15 for now, an option could be using torbrowser-launcher configured to use a local mirror 18:41:29 but i can't promise anything :( 18:41:38 There are never promises :) 18:41:55 well, sometimes there are promises but there are never guarantees :) 18:42:12 i was about to write that, too ;) 18:42:43 looking at my list i have some items: 18:43:45 first, a boring one: we have some tbb-* mailing lists. there was the question of who wants to admin these. 18:44:00 i am doing that right now with helix. if anybody wants to help just say so 18:44:19 then another question is what to do wuth #19417 18:44:21 *with 18:44:48 it seems we have linkability issues as well and i am wondering whether we should disable asmjs by default as well 18:45:14 until we have proper patches for it 18:45:33 Does disabling mean that asmjs sites will stop working or will they just run more slowly? 18:45:47 more slowly 18:46:15 Then I vote for “disable via pref” (but I think we may need to add support for a pref) 18:46:18 but we had bug reports in the past about mega.nz e.g. where users complained it was highly unusable 18:46:40 I remember that now that you mention it. Hmm. 18:46:41 although we never investigated whether that was due to asmjs or just disabling all the other JITs 18:47:54 well, there is already a pref which is currently governed by the slider 18:48:13 and just exempting that one and disabling it by default seems to solve the "problem" 18:48:28 so, that part is the easy one it seems 18:48:33 (I guess there is a pref) 18:48:59 yes, javascript.options.asmjs 18:49:24 i guess i prepare a patch for disabling it until anybody raises serious concerns in the ticket 18:49:25 It would be nice to solve the linkability problem and persistent caching issue soon. It would be better if Mozilla could help ;) 18:49:41 sounds like the best thing to do for now (disabling) 18:49:46 ok 18:50:27 another item i have: next meeting 18:50:41 would it work for you doing it 18:00 UTC next tuesday again? 18:50:54 Works for me 18:51:07 That works for us too. 18:51:25 Works for me 18:51:49 okay. then i can try writing a proper mail to tbb-dev tomorrow :) 18:52:23 just as a heads-up: july is travel-wise and vaction-wise a bit tricky for me 18:52:48 i'll be at PETS the week from July 18. not sure about work and meetings yet 18:53:04 the two weeks after that i have long-planned vacations 18:54:17 * boklm has some vacation planned the week from July 18 18:54:30 which kind of got messed with due to mozilla's new release schedule 18:54:46 While we are talking about vacation, I will mention that Kathy and I will be out July 29 - August 5th. 18:54:47 the first week of my vacation i won't have any internet 18:55:05 I will also be starting vacation on the week of July 24 18:55:21 and mike agreed to tag things for the stable build 18:56:18 mcs: arthuredelstein: sounds fine. 18:56:51 boklm: sounds fine as well. just one week? 18:57:05 I guess it will be helpful to put together a list of start and end dates for vacation this month and next! 18:57:08 i am asking because August 2 seems to be a scheduled Mozilla release 18:57:45 yes, I will be there before the August 2 release 18:57:50 cool 18:58:23 as i said mike will help with the stable one and i plan to get the alphas taged on the weekend + the stable built there 18:58:42 and then after travelling back on monday i hope i can sign everything :) 18:59:06 it's a bit more challenging this time than usual but, hey :) 18:59:27 that's all i have at least 19:00:56 mcs: yes. i send a mail around so that all of us have a rough understanding who is working when 19:01:05 anything else? 19:01:15 GeKo: sounds good (and nothing else from me) 19:01:42 thanks all *baf* 19:01:47 #endmeeting