18:01:21 #startmeeting tor-browser 18:01:21 Meeting started Mon Aug 22 18:01:21 2016 UTC. The chair is GeKo. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 18:01:21 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 18:01:32 hi all and welcome to another tor browser meeting! 18:01:38 hi everyone 18:02:13 let's start with the reporting as usual. 18:02:18 who wants to go first today? 18:03:15 * arthuredelstein can gp 18:03:18 go 18:03:38 This week I worked on a couple rounds of review of https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1289319, 18:03:44 which is going to be Mozilla's framework for first-party isolation tests. 18:03:56 I started working on a patch for #19459. 18:04:10 And I did a little more work on my patch for #13017 and #13018. 18:04:17 I finished yet another revision of https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1121643 18:04:28 (the font whitelisting thing) 18:04:42 This week I expect to continue on all of these things. 18:04:45 That's it for me. 18:06:00 * GeKo can go next 18:06:42 i worked a bit on #19907 and tried to get ideas to debug this from mozilla folks but i did not make much progress here 18:06:59 i wrote a patch for #19851 18:07:22 i started reviewing #15852 and am almost done with it 18:07:35 (man did/do we have a ton of cruft in Torbutton) 18:08:02 i did the usual ticket triage business 18:08:17 i found time to work on updating the design document 18:08:45 and spent some cycles on our upcoming OTF proposal 18:09:14 this week i plan to work solely on sponsoru items which is for me 18:09:23 above all getting back to EMET related tasks 18:09:36 and i hope to find time to work further on the design document 18:09:54 it seems reviewing stuff will also be on my plate 18:10:05 speaking of which 18:10:13 arthuredelstein: ping again for #19706 18:10:25 that's it for me 18:10:39 * mcs will give a report next 18:10:49 Last week, Kathy and I published some patches for #15852. 18:10:51 GeKo: Ah, yes, sorry I missed that. 18:10:57 We started on #14271 and #14272, focusing first on making both Tor Launcher and Torbutton work with a Unix domain control port socket on Linux and Mac OS. 18:11:06 We also reviewed some patches. 18:11:10 This week we will continue working on Unix domain socket support and we hope to find time to look at #19646 as well. 18:11:15 That’s all for now. 18:12:10 mcs: while going over old ticket i found #10919. it seems to me this works for 6.0.x? 18:12:27 could you check/verify that? 18:12:59 GeKo: Yes,I will check. 18:13:04 thx 18:13:53 * boklm can go next 18:14:08 This past week I was mostly offline. Today I posted some revised patches for #19410 and #19528 18:14:11 This week I'm planning to investigate #12736. And see about getting back online machines for running the testsuite. 18:14:28 That's it for me 18:15:24 I can go next 18:15:58 this week, I resolved the remaining issues with the Tor Messenger updater (thanks mcs!) 18:16:15 sukhe: That is great! 18:16:20 arlo and I spent a while testing the updater on all platforms 18:16:58 we are aiming for a release next week. there are a few automation issues that I want to discuss with boklm but that's not a blocker for getting a version with the updater out 18:17:16 that's it from me 18:18:11 be prepared for folks yelling at you because now they have a hard time disabling that auto-updater ;) 18:18:51 do we have anybody else for some kind of status report? 18:19:14 :) 18:20:23 alright, discussion time 18:20:42 i don't have nothing which is particularly urgent. 18:21:05 just the usual reminder (which gets louder over time): pick sponsoru items in case you wonder what to do. 18:21:39 i hope we can avoid the point where we need to ignore everything else, we'll see 18:23:00 okay, seems to be a rather short meeting today. 18:23:05 which is nice, too :) 18:23:14 thanks all, *baf* 18:23:16 #endmeeting