18:01:18 <GeKo> #startmeeting tor browser
18:01:18 <MeetBot> Meeting started Mon Sep 19 18:01:18 2016 UTC.  The chair is GeKo. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
18:01:18 <MeetBot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic.
18:01:40 <GeKo> hi all!
18:01:53 <GeKo> and welcome to the weekly tor browser meeting
18:02:22 <GeKo> i think we can start with the status reports
18:02:29 <boklm> hi
18:02:30 <GeKo> who wants to go first?
18:03:53 * mcs can go
18:03:56 <femme> Is there a sandstorm?
18:04:07 <GeKo> no storm, just a bot
18:04:13 <GeKo> :)
18:04:16 <mcs> Last week, Kathy and I created and tested patches for #20111.
18:04:22 <mcs> Later today we will post the patches for review.
18:04:27 <mcs> We also reviewed patches for #17334 and #17767,
18:04:32 <mcs> we helped with bug triage,
18:04:40 <mcs> and we spent a little time on the extension update MITM bug.
18:04:47 <mcs> This week we plan to finish #20111 and start to look at #20121.
18:04:51 <mcs> Also, Mark will be at the Seattle dev meeting next week.
18:04:56 <mcs> That’s all for now.
18:06:23 * boklm can go
18:06:45 <boklm> This past week I helped build and publish the new release. In #20149 I added a test to check that key pinning is working at the current date.
18:06:49 <boklm> This week I'm planning to add an other test for key pinning at a date in the future, work on #19067, and travel to go to the dev meeting
18:06:58 <boklm> That's it for me
18:07:36 * GeKo can go
18:08:19 <GeKo> this week i was busy with preparing releases and dealt with the firefox bug
18:08:24 <GeKo> i worked a bit on #10281
18:08:56 <GeKo> and am about to send a build to mozilla's try server to test where we are with jemalloc4 support
18:09:12 <GeKo> i triaged a bunch of tickets
18:09:44 <GeKo> this week i'll help with getting the remaining releases out and work further on my EMET bug and hopefully the design doc update
18:09:59 <GeKo> i plan to review a bunch of tickets and hope to get other sponsoru work done
18:10:04 <GeKo> that's it for now
18:12:23 * arthuredelstein can go
18:12:27 <arthuredelstein> This week I wrote patches for #18093 and #17904.
18:12:32 <arthuredelstein> I reviewed https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1277803
18:12:43 <arthuredelstein> I opened https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1303456
18:12:52 <arthuredelstein> I worked on #19459 and starting working on #16622.
18:13:02 <arthuredelstein> This week I hoped to finish the latter two patches. I also would like to look at #20043.
18:13:18 <arthuredelstein> And I will also be going to the Seattle meeting.
18:13:32 <arthuredelstein> That's it for me.
18:14:43 <GeKo> okay. who else is here for giving some status update?
18:14:47 <GeKo> huseby: ?
18:16:23 <GeKo> okay, let's move on to the discussion part
18:16:35 <GeKo> do we have anything we need to talk about?
18:17:23 <GeKo> next meeting time maybe?
18:17:38 <GeKo> should we skip it next week?
18:18:17 <mcs> Probably. I am not sure what the Seattle meeting schedule will be / what else will be going on.
18:18:19 <arthuredelstein> Probably, as it will likely conflict with one of the in-person meetings.
18:19:05 <arthuredelstein> Oh, I see it says "unstructured hacking" at that time.
18:19:10 <GeKo> yeah
18:19:30 <GeKo> so, we could...
18:19:33 <GeKo> i guess
18:19:41 <GeKo> but maybe it is too distracting
18:20:06 <GeKo> so, let's skip it
18:20:17 <GeKo> i'll write an email to tbb-dev tomorrow
18:20:59 <arthuredelstein> GeKo: I guess another question is, as you and boklm are missing the meeting, is there any particular meeting you would like minutes to or otherwise somehow to be included?
18:21:08 <GeKo> boklm will come
18:21:23 <boklm> yes, I will be there
18:21:27 <arthuredelstein> Oh! Sorry, my confusion
18:21:37 <GeKo> you'll have the time to tell everybody how mean i am :)
18:21:55 <arthuredelstein> Ha! Not mean enough I would say ;)
18:22:00 <boklm> :)
18:22:08 <GeKo> and be able to report directly to isabela without me being around
18:22:16 <mcs> GeKo will finish all the SponsorU items while we are hanging out in Seattle.
18:22:22 <GeKo> so this is your chance
18:22:29 <GeKo> mcs: woah!
18:22:34 <GeKo> i'll take your word
18:22:40 <mcs> (and brade can work on those too since she is staying here in Michigan)
18:23:05 <GeKo> have fun all, i'll be missing you folks
18:23:18 <mcs> We will definitely miss you not being there.
18:23:39 <GeKo> alright. anything else?
18:25:06 <GeKo> okay. thanks for coming and everybody keep in my the sponsoru items
18:25:19 <arthuredelstein> I just wanted to say thanks to every one for working on the extension update bug and fixing it so fast.
18:25:36 <GeKo> especially as huseby made some seductive offer to work on upstreaming patches :)
18:26:00 <GeKo> arthuredelstein: oh, yes, i'd like to say the same
18:26:12 <GeKo> we had great help here in the channel and outside of it
18:26:19 <GeKo> it was a pleasure to see this.
18:26:29 <arthuredelstein> Yeah, I was very impressed.
18:26:43 <GeKo> there was some yelling on twitter but apart from that everybody helped and we got it fixed fast
18:27:11 <GeKo> and to make that point here: i am not aware of anybody at tor being informed about this issue beforehand
18:27:30 <GeKo> and looking at mozilla's reaction i believe they got caught off guard as well
18:27:37 <mcs> irresponsible disclosure, right?
18:27:51 <GeKo> yes
18:28:00 <arthuredelstein> Seems that way to me.
18:28:01 <mcs> lame :(
18:28:16 <GeKo> we were lucky to have a built in Q&A
18:28:28 <GeKo> which is why we were able to get it out fast
18:29:08 <GeKo> alright, again, thanks all *baf*
18:29:12 <GeKo> #endmeeting