17:00:13 <nickm> #startmeeting a network team meeting .... of one?
17:00:13 <MeetBot> Meeting started Mon Oct  3 17:00:13 2016 UTC.  The chair is nickm. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
17:00:13 <MeetBot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic.
17:00:21 <nickm> Hi, nickm here!
17:00:29 <nickm> I made it back to massachusetts!  Last week was all meeting stuff.
17:01:11 <nickm> This week I'm going to catch up on email, try to finish #15056, and maybe more guard hacking if that gets done
17:01:54 <nickm> I'd like to talk about the idea that we talked about on wednesday night about doing more things[*] "on rotation" so that we share responsibility and get more experience.
17:02:20 <nickm> [*] eg incoming ticket triage & response, coverity response, jenkins response, ...
17:02:52 <nickm> I'd also like to talk about the idea of deferring some/all our remaining "big stuff" from 029 to 030, to help 029 become stable.
17:04:00 <nickm> I'm guessing that this is not the meeting for either one of those, though.
17:04:23 <nickm> (Technically, is it still a meeting with only one person?  What about zero?)
17:04:33 <nickm> Maybe that's what meetbot is for.
17:04:38 <nickm> Hello meetbot.
17:04:58 <nickm> so, I'll be waiting around another 10 min to see if anybody else wanders into this network team meeting
17:05:08 <nickm> if not, I'm going back to administration-land
17:05:14 <nickm> thence to hackingland.
17:07:37 <nickm> or possibly just tidying the house. That would be fun too
17:11:09 <Yawning> hurrr
17:11:15 <olia> durrr
17:11:19 <nickm> (BTW, please don't everybody feel you need to jump and send me "whoops, I was travelling/sleeping/in a meeting" messages. That is what I'm guessing.)
17:12:03 <nickm> hi Yawning .  want to do this meeting, or pretend we were never here this week?  ;)
17:15:02 <Yawning> im writing e-mail
17:17:56 <isabela> oi
17:18:20 <nickm> hihi
17:19:12 <isabela> sorry i thought this was at noon
17:19:21 <isabela> guess i am still on jetlag
17:19:56 <isabela> i read the back log - i would like to help get some of those 'rotation' in place
17:20:13 <nickm> isabela: ok. do you remember which ones we talked about or should I dig out my notes?
17:20:22 <isabela> i think most people are travelling back home
17:20:38 <isabela> nickm: is on my list to look at your notes and send an email to network team to kick that off
17:20:51 <isabela> if you want i can still do that :) and you can code :)
17:21:16 <nickm> ok
17:21:18 <isabela> what are the big stuff to defer to 0.3.0 (is that the guard stuff?)
17:21:40 <nickm> guard stuff, plus merges of big things that weren't done as of today.
17:21:45 <nickm> or weren't merged as of today
17:22:46 <isabela> oh we already have 39 tickets on 039
17:22:49 <isabela> ops 030
17:23:39 <olia> is Onion Circuits belong here or #tails-dev?
17:25:49 <nickm> isabela: I think some of those probably actually belong in ??? :)
17:26:02 <nickm> olia: depends what the the question is
17:27:30 <olia> I would like to join to the project to bring back some capabilities of Vidalia
17:27:33 <isabela> nickm: yes i think so too
17:28:19 <nickm> olia: cool! Vidalia itself probably isn't coming back, but there is a fairly big gap in our UI-configuration stuff. Either here or #tails-dev or #tor-project might be interested.
17:28:36 <nickm> This channel is in the middle of a meeting right now, though, so people will be distracted. I think we're almost done, though.
17:29:23 <olia> thanks nickm, continue the meeting then :)
17:31:24 <nickm> isabela: for organizing the rotations initially, should we write out a couple of months of slots and ask people to sign up?  Should we do random assignments and arrange trades?
17:31:25 <isabela> nickm: can we recap the 029 calendar ?
17:32:01 <isabela> nickm: i think we could organize it in the wiki and ask for people to sign up, if we dont have a good turn around we could assign the missing slots
17:32:57 <Yawning> (on irc for the browser meeting that starts shortly though we can talk about stuff if needed)
17:33:23 <nickm> Sure. We started an 029 branch at the end of March. I intend to call it frozen for big new things either today or tomorrow.  We can take little feature-fixes through the 15th.
17:33:37 <nickm> Yawning: ok
17:34:04 <nickm> Then I'm thinking, put out the last alpha, and fork 030.
17:34:35 <nickm> Put out the first 029 rc in early november.  After that point, do not take any bugfixes that are neither for regressions nor showstoppers.
17:34:51 <nickm> How does that sound?
17:35:09 <isabela> sounds good :) I will remind people of these dates also
17:36:00 <isabela> i think we should ping asn and dgoulet on deferring big things to 030 i am not sure if they have any big onion services thing
17:36:15 <nickm> Their big thing is the prop#224 hsdir code.
17:36:28 <nickm> I _think_ they are onboard with me taking it in early 030
17:36:32 <nickm> but we can doublecheck.
17:37:06 <nickm> Also mikeperr1 has his awesome padding branch, which I think he's okay with me taking in early 030, but it would be good to get a confirmation
17:37:11 <nickm> I have my 15055 and 15056 work
17:38:00 <isabela> what else? i can help track people down for confirmation today and tomorrow
17:38:17 <nickm> I don't think we need to rush them there; they're probably travelling or recovering
17:38:35 <isabela> ah ok
17:39:24 <nickm> any more for this meeting today?
17:40:50 <isabela> not from me :)
17:41:00 <nickm> ok. I'll give it another 2 minutes ....
17:43:37 <nickm> #endmeeting