14:02:29 #startmeeting metrics team 14:02:29 Meeting started Thu Oct 27 14:02:29 2016 UTC. The chair is karsten. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:02:29 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 14:02:38 https://pad.riseup.net/p/3M7VyrTVgjlF <- agenda pad 14:05:25 iwakeh: alright, we have a few agenda items there. shall we start? 14:05:30 yes. 14:05:35 * Berlin November meeting (karsten) 14:05:47 so, there will be ooni folks in berlin. 14:05:53 fine. 14:05:55 and they're organizing a hackday. 14:06:08 I'm considering to join them. are you around on the 11th and/or the 12th? 14:06:20 (we're meeting on the 10th) 14:06:43 Unfortunately, I planned an offline-time 11-13 long ago. 14:06:45 somewhat related, we should think about tasks for new volunteers. 14:06:51 ah, I see. 14:06:59 Sure, I can prepare tasks. 14:07:04 cool! 14:07:29 did people already 14:07:51 state their intention for volunteering? 14:08:13 I guess it's mostly an adhoc thing. 14:08:25 ;-) 14:08:39 Anyway, there should 14:09:20 be some tasks available when planning the further CollecTor tasks before/while switching to Onionoo. 14:09:31 sounds good! 14:10:00 okay, moving on. 14:10:04 * Metrics graphs performance improvements (karsten) 14:10:21 good news: the graphs showing user numbers are ~3 seconds faster by now. 14:10:38 the reason is a switch from read.csv() to load(). 14:10:48 good! 14:10:50 https://metrics.torproject.org/userstats-relay-country.html 14:10:52 for example. 14:11:17 I'm not planning to do more there for now. 14:11:33 okay, moving on: 14:11:35 * CollecTor 1.1.0 release (#18910, #20380) (iwakeh) 14:11:39 the big (!) topic. 14:11:44 right! 14:11:53 did you see my latest comment on #18910? 14:12:00 no 14:12:05 * iwakeh looking it up 14:12:08 take a quick look.. 14:12:32 * karsten runs into crazy bugs here. 14:12:44 (maybe I should test this stuff more often.) 14:13:23 yes! 14:13:39 And write tests for these :-) 14:13:51 work around? 14:13:55 probably. 14:14:07 and fix soon after for the next metrics-lib version. 14:14:19 definitly. 14:14:24 I can start a new test run later today. 14:14:33 and I'll look into #20380. 14:14:47 if all goes well we can release tomorrow. :) 14:14:47 does the logging work now, for you? 14:14:58 I didn't try it yet. was busy with #18910. 14:16:39 okay, anything else on this topic that is easier to discuss here than on the tickets? 14:16:45 (will be reach 100 comments?....) 14:16:51 we* 14:17:00 surely :-) 14:17:17 just five more to go 14:17:39 should have been many separate tickets. 14:18:00 :) 14:18:08 okay, moving on? 14:18:15 fine. 14:18:20 * Web design tasks Atlas/Metrics (karsten) 14:18:27 new designer. 14:18:33 we'll have a web designer for atlas and metrics in nov and dec. yay! 14:18:54 what is with the other candidates? 14:18:57 some things we cannot start yet, because we'll first want to do an analysis. 14:19:15 other candidates for what? 14:19:20 irl? 14:19:31 or will both work? 14:19:44 I'd say we talk to him before changing anything. 14:20:04 pretty sure he wouldn't mind leaving a few tickets to somebody else. 14:20:14 fine. 14:20:25 better more than too few people. 14:20:42 right. and maybe he can help with reviews. 14:20:51 good idea. 14:21:04 and it would be good to have him for long-term maintenance. 14:21:10 so, not planning to push him out in any way. 14:21:32 just want to make sure I didn't miss anything there ;-) 14:21:33 the other code base is the metrics website. 14:21:44 sure. please ask if anything seems unclear. :) 14:21:55 all fine. 14:22:28 though we'll want to talk about the metrics website in berlin first. 14:22:49 so, maybe there's not much to work on for a web designer before berlin anyway. 14:23:01 but we should start thinking about tasks where we'd need one. 14:23:12 ok 14:23:28 okay, that's all on that topic from me. moving on? 14:23:38 fine. 14:23:42 * planning: consider keeping the Onionoo release simple (karsten) 14:23:55 just the first release 14:24:07 we might consider leaving improvements for later, to have more time on all the other tasks. 14:24:28 agreed. 14:24:34 we might even do those improvements in the Sponsor X time frame. 14:24:37 but optionally. 14:24:44 ok. 14:24:58 could be more than one release, in case 14:25:02 we have time. 14:25:03 but, I sneaked that item in after you wrote down yours. 14:25:05 yes! 14:25:09 * planning: consider starting with little-t-tor stats analysis in Dec (karsten, iwakeh) 14:25:37 This fits in 14:25:40 we can always start earlier with something. 14:25:48 but should we reflect that in the roadmap? 14:25:54 right. 14:25:57 by changing the end date? 14:26:21 or mentioning that it'll be 14:26:27 on time for 030. 14:26:59 so, the issue is that we're not only removing code. 14:27:15 if we want to obfuscate statistics as they're reported, we'll have to write new code. 14:27:22 for: 2017-04: Obfuscate data that gets reported by Tor relays and bridges to the directory authorities by implementing at least one suggestion from the earlier analysis document. (Sponsor X 4.3. Tor daemon) 14:27:32 Than we should start beginning Dec. 14:27:38 then 14:27:39 * karsten finds the 030 roadmap.. 14:27:54 net-team page 14:27:59 wrt atlas, i'm very happy to have someone else do the design and UX work 14:28:02 Jan 24th, 2017 is feature freeze. 14:28:12 irl: oh, hi! glad to hear. 14:28:27 what about reviewing? 14:28:44 if there is a new person coming along, we can discuss splitting up the tickets 14:29:25 irl: sounds great! that person has not started yet. I'll tell him to join us here, or set up a separate meeting for that. 14:29:32 and let you know, too. :) 14:29:42 i need to go through and triage again, as i lost a whole load of time due to personal issues 14:29:48 things are starting to be back on track now though 14:30:30 i have ooniprobe packaging and atlas triage and maybe small merges planned this weekend 14:31:02 (including merging my branch with some of the UX fixes) 14:31:05 great! let us know if we can help with anything, including review of small/easy patches. 14:31:12 will do 14:31:48 oh, and just in case you happen to fix all the bugs this weekend, we'll have the other person work more on the metrics website. ;) 14:32:04 hehe 14:32:05 okay, back to 030? 14:32:18 yes, we start ux 14:32:29 usability analysis 14:32:35 in november 14:33:09 I mean, 14:33:10 thus, beginning on dec can be for 4.3 14:33:18 we don't *have* to get this stuff into 030. 14:33:26 ah 14:33:28 we can also aim for 031. 14:33:37 feature freeze May 1st, 2017. 14:33:57 we could even do a mix: write the analysis and remove some code for 030, do the bigger changes for 031. 14:34:21 we could see how many changes and how tricky they are. 14:34:26 yep. 14:34:27 right 14:34:51 next? 14:34:52 okay, so we start the analysis in november and leave the roadmap as it is? 14:34:57 yes. 14:35:04 ok. 14:35:14 * karsten is behind with writing agenda items. what did I miss... 14:35:19 err, action items. 14:35:55 I wonder who should make a start with that analysis. 14:36:07 which? 14:36:15 I know the code and stats better, but maybe it's better to start without that knowledge. 14:36:20 the tor stats analysis. 14:36:38 ok, I can look at it soon. 14:36:40 (it will be november when we talk next week.) 14:36:51 yes, I know :-) 14:37:12 okay! 14:38:29 we ran out of agenda items, but we could talk about action items from last week. 14:38:49 there bugs to be removed... 14:38:58 fine. 14:41:03 regarding the log levels and bad input items, 14:41:12 I think we can do those in november. 14:41:26 have tickets for discussion? 14:41:30 we have good things for the october report, no need to generate more in a rush. 14:41:35 yes, sounds good. 14:41:35 true. 14:41:55 and there has been quite some testing/fixing work cycles. 14:42:17 yep 14:42:54 #20430 14:43:08 ok. 14:44:43 #20421 14:45:49 what about #19831 14:46:24 relates to #8799 14:46:42 and #20323 14:46:55 what about those? 14:47:45 ok, just leave as is, but the compression could be turned on with 1.1.0 anyway? 14:48:18 you mean move #19831 to 1.1.0? 14:48:31 if so, why not. 14:48:36 it just changes a default. 14:48:39 yes. 14:48:48 one ticket less to track. 14:48:51 want to move to that milestone? 14:48:52 :) 14:49:01 okay, I hear somebody else wants to give an update. 14:49:13 hi 14:49:38 yea 14:49:40 tiny one 14:49:43 hi! 14:49:57 I've been updating https://consensus-health.torproject.org/ a bit lately 14:50:10 The latest thing I've added has been graphs: https://consensus-health.torproject.org/graphs.html 14:50:11 great! thanks for taking care of that. 14:50:35 If people have suggestions, file a ticket and assign it to me (there's no component for it though) 14:50:51 should we fix that? 14:50:55 by creating a component? 14:50:58 Sure, if you can 14:51:08 yep. name? 14:51:16 'Consensus Health' 14:51:22 Metrics/Consensus Health ? 14:51:24 (the code is named depictor but no one knows that) 14:51:26 Sure 14:51:28 right. 14:51:33 okay, will create that after the meeting. 14:51:42 nice graphs! 14:51:58 they don't show? 14:52:01 Secondly, I am still running two collector instances (one on the internet one privately), although they've pretty much unmaintained. I'm excited about this syncing though thing though and promise that at some point I will update these and get the public one syncing if you want it 14:52:08 You can't be on High Security slider in TB 14:52:10 They're SVG based 14:52:16 ok ;-) 14:52:33 I copied the same graph library from Atlas thinking it'd be better to try and standardize on a single library across tor 14:52:55 glad to hear you're still running collector! it would be great if you could run the 1.1.0 release when it's out. 14:53:06 yes1 14:53:15 it should be a lot less painful to run than previous versions. ;) 14:53:23 true :-) 14:53:27 Yea, I am still beflore 1.0.0 - I have your 1.0.2 announcement in my inbox as a todo heh 14:53:30 That sounds good :) 14:53:37 just wait for 1.1.0 14:53:40 yep. 14:54:01 want to try that and let us know here or via the team list how that works? 14:54:24 Running 1.1? 14:54:28 yes. 14:54:28 yes. 14:54:43 If it's ready I'll try and switch to it in the next week? 14:54:51 should be ready next week. 14:54:54 Okay, sure 14:55:01 fine! 14:55:04 thanks. :) 14:55:17 okay, plenty of action items. 14:55:26 anything else for today? 14:55:28 I have a small alerting thing I set up that I use: so it seems my collector instance is still kinda-running. https://github.com/tomrittervg/checker/blob/master/samplejobs/MetricsChecker.py 14:55:40 It's pulling the consensus every day at least not sure about all the descriptors 14:56:04 the code has changed a lot in the past ~6 months. 14:56:21 also the configuration. 14:56:44 oh, right. best to look at the (new) INSTALL.md and go from there. 14:56:50 not just from past experience. 14:57:09 sure, I'll just set it up from scratch probably :) 14:57:15 yep! 14:57:16 well, you can 14:57:22 keep the data though. 14:57:30 sure 14:57:51 And there'll be more freedom where 14:58:08 to place the data and web-pages and logs. 14:59:20 okay, running out of meeting time here. 14:59:32 yep. 14:59:40 ah, next week we'll have run out of summer (time). 14:59:51 one hour earlier? 15:00:13 probably. 15:00:25 should work. 15:00:29 okay, will announce that. 15:00:43 back to coding. 15:00:48 ! 15:00:57 Bye, bye. 15:01:02 bye! 15:01:05 #endmeeting