19:01:41 #startmeeting tor browser 19:01:41 Meeting started Mon Nov 21 19:01:41 2016 UTC. The chair is GeKo. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:01:41 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 19:01:44 hi all! 19:01:59 welcome to a new tor browser meeting 19:02:03 and time for status updates 19:02:09 who wants to go first today? 19:02:27 * isabela is around 19:02:42 * amoghbl1 is around 19:03:23 o/ 19:03:34 okay, then let me start with my update 19:04:11 i was mostly busy handling our release fallout and worked on #20352 19:04:29 i'll work further on that item and think i can finish it this week 19:04:50 then i want to try fixing as many open issues with the sandbox as possible in the remaining time 19:05:12 i guess some code review is due as well 19:05:15 that's it for me 19:06:04 who is next? 19:06:11 * mcs will go 19:06:16 Last week, Kathy and I compiled Yawning’s Linux sandbox and got it running. 19:06:22 The reason we did that was to learn from what he has done with an eye towards doing something similar for other platforms, e.g., for OS X. 19:06:30 Not surprisingly, it looks like porting or recreating what he has done will be a lot of work (which is another way of saying that Yawning has done some amazing work in a short timeframe). 19:06:38 We also spent a lot of time on the unfortunate update problem for the alpha Tor Browser (#20691). 19:06:42 And we reviewed some patches. 19:06:48 This week we will continue with the OS X sandboxing work. 19:06:52 We will also be taking Thursday and Friday off for the U.S. Thanksgiving holiday. 19:06:57 That’s all for us. 19:09:28 boklm: arthuredelstein: are you around by chance? 19:09:36 yes 19:09:39 * boklm can go next 19:10:25 This past week I help with releasing the new versions, and started thinking about improving some parts of the signing process. I fixed #20704, #20706 and helped with #20691. 19:10:38 Then I started creating incremental MARs for Tor Messenger, but we still have some small issues to fix 19:10:50 This week I'm planning to help with the Tor Messenger release, do #20626, make a new release of the testsuite bundle, and if enough time start working on #17380 19:10:59 GeKo: yes! Had connectivity problems but seem to be back 19:11:09 That's it for me 19:11:42 * arthuredelstein can go now 19:12:10 This week I worked on patches for #20728, #20614, 19:12:18 #20707, and #20415. 19:12:33 I also did some work on #10280, which I will continue this week. 19:12:46 That's all for me. 19:13:17 if hope you mean #10281 ;) 19:13:24 Woops! yes. 19:13:34 alright, thanks! 19:13:45 Are we in good shape for the donation banner and campaign? 19:13:46 who else is here for some status update? 19:13:55 good question, i hope! 19:13:57 I can provide a quick update on android/mobile 19:14:27 I've mostly been focused on updating Orbot to tor and fixes for Android 7.x releases, which took me away from Orfox work 19:14:46 that is all done, so I'm now working on our next update to Orfox, based on the latest TB release 19:15:03 nothing that exciting or new, just some maintenance fixes, but there are some new tickets related to Orfox / Orbot interaction that have been filed 19:15:08 and I am looking into 19:15:40 That's all for now 19:15:58 * isabela plan on responding to #11698 19:16:08 yay 19:16:32 also please let me know if anything else i should be doing :) 19:16:36 o/ 19:17:37 okay. anbody else for a status update? otherwise let's move on to discussion time 19:18:18 arthuredelstein: so, are we good wrt the donation banner stuff? 19:18:33 or did something show up meanwhile that requires some tor browser team action? 19:18:34 * isabela pings amoghbl1 Synzvato 19:18:44 * amoghbl1 here 19:18:46 Hi, I'm working on implementing #20291 19:18:54 hi hi! 19:18:56 hi, Synzvato! 19:19:52 Synzvato: let me know if you have any questions about the wireframes/experience 19:19:55 Synzvato: how is it goinf 19:20:00 *going? 19:20:41 It's going pretty well, although I have been running into some build issues, and I have some notes and questions. Perhaps we could have a chat in #tor-mobile afterwards? :) 19:21:16 sure (at least i have time) 19:21:25 Great 19:21:38 * isabela is around too 19:21:39 GeKo: mcs: Regarding donation banner, I don't think any action is needed. Fingers crossed, the banner should turn on tomorrow. 19:21:54 vixe maria! :D 19:22:09 :) 19:22:16 ho ho! 19:22:20 Synzvato: I may have missed it, but is there a public git repo you are working out of? 19:22:58 arthuredelstein: thank you so much for all the work on this stuff (again!) 19:23:07 +1 19:23:30 isabela: My pleasure! Also the rest of the tbteam did a lot to help. 19:23:39 Especially GeKo and boklm with all those rebuilds :( 19:24:11 tbteam gets golden stars! 19:24:15 :) 19:24:59 do we have other discussion topics for today? 19:25:05 n8fr8: Good question, I'm currently prototyping, but will be sure to set up a repo within the next couple of days 19:25:19 okay thanks 19:25:34 I'd like to get a look at the repo too!! 19:25:59 Synzvato: Please cc me if you get send out an email.. 19:26:45 amoghbl1: I'll be sure to CC you :) 19:27:18 Phoul mentioned that in the past there have been a lot of TBB support requests caused by clock skew. 19:27:30 I was thinking maybe #9675 might help with this. 19:27:32 yes 19:28:05 * amoghbl1 finally free, no more college work till January so I plan to dedicate December entirely to Orfox :D 19:28:23 woo :) 19:28:24 \o/ 19:28:26 arthuredelstein: meaning someone's machine clock is off by some significant amount? 19:28:38 if so, this happens a lot with Orbot, and I was wanting a similar notification 19:28:41 n8fr8: Right. Then tor fails to connect. 19:29:21 I am thinking we might be able to the control port to find out if the clock skew is bad and then show an error message. 19:29:24 n8fr8: back in the day, vidalia told its users. there's a controller event already. 19:29:36 Ah okay. We can look for that. 19:30:02 Is there a way to ask via the control port that a clock skew problem exists? 19:30:13 mcs: I think there is, yes. 19:30:20 Or at least an event as armadev says. 19:30:45 i think it's just an event right now 19:30:53 tor spits out the event whenever it sees a timestamp that makes it worried 19:30:57 If you read #9675 you will learn that Tor Launcher does not always connect soon enough to see the event. At least that is what I remember about this problem. 19:31:12 Here's the event: https://gitweb.torproject.org/torspec.git/tree/control-spec.txt#n2220 19:32:07 i think rather than having a "getinfo have you ever sent a clock skew event", we should work on solving that gap more generally 19:32:18 since maybe tor sent a clock skew event but it was a long time ago 19:32:24 yes 19:32:27 GETINFO CLOCK_SKEW ? 19:32:39 armadev: Or do you have something else in mind? 19:32:49 no, exactly not that 19:33:33 There is #10059. 19:34:36 Either Tor Launcher needs a way to capture stdout/stderr from tor or the tor process needs to provide a general way to replay log messages (and maybe events). 19:35:15 Seems like tor should just be able to send its current state, though, right? 19:35:30 arthuredelstein: tor doesn't have any clock skew state 19:35:51 maybe it should, but that's something nobody's ever built 19:35:54 Current state would work for this but armadev just said he does not favor a “bandaid” fix (I think) 19:36:10 current state would not work because there is no state :) 19:36:24 Right. I guess it would need to store last_seen_clock_skew 19:36:24 now, fortunately for this particular case, tor will keep emitting clock_skew events over and over, in normal operation 19:36:38 if you have one bridge and you hate it, you might be an edge case 19:36:49 but for normal users, you're sure to see one of their clock skew events 19:37:14 We should check and see if those events would be received by Tor Launcher (it may just not be looking for them) 19:37:45 The problem usually happens on browser startup, when the connection process (and the tor launcher progress bar) hangs. 19:38:11 yep. but tor browser has connected to tor's control port by around then, right? 19:38:21 that's how it get bootstrap progress 19:38:24 s/get/gets/ 19:38:25 yes 19:38:43 Tor Launcher does this: SETEVENTS STATUS_CLIENT NOTICE WARN ERR 19:38:53 (no STATUS_GENERAL there) 19:38:55 i think if you ignore the startup event gap, and just respond to clock_skew events when you see them, you'll handle the vast majority of the cases 19:39:09 update from me before it's too late: tm release should be going out very soon https://blog.torproject.org/blog/tor-messenger-030b1-released and snowflake patch to be posted also very soon https://github.com/arlolra/tor-browser-bundle/commit/3d5aa4bf921c24cfd814a046b0372f6a7c5992f1 19:39:35 neat! 19:39:49 yes! (what's a snowflake patch?) 19:40:21 mcs: So maybe adding STATUS_GENERAL events will be enough to get it to work. 19:40:31 arlolra: cool! 19:40:56 armadev: to include it in tor-browser-build, for alpha releases on linux 19:41:04 arthuredelstein: Kathy and I will try it. 19:41:35 mcs: OK, thanks! Hoping it's a simple fix. 19:42:24 anything else for today? 19:43:48 okay, thanks all! *baf* 19:43:53 #endmeeting