19:00:34 #startmeeting tor-browser 19:00:34 Meeting started Mon Jan 9 19:00:34 2017 UTC. The chair is GeKo. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:00:34 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 19:00:39 hi all! 19:00:48 hi! 19:00:56 happy new year to everybody and welcome to the first tor browser meeting in 2017! 19:01:11 how is here and wants to go first today? 19:01:25 hi or something 19:01:34 hi hi 19:01:52 okay, then let me start to get this going 19:02:16 i am currently sick, so if i am saying more bullshit than usually just let me know 19:02:21 alright 19:02:36 last week, i worked on my backlog i had from the christmas time 19:03:06 and fought with #20735 and minor things like #21042 19:03:23 i'm confused. proposal 271 from July 2016 also states that there were currently three guard nodes. but there is only one, right? 19:03:50 it seems the nightly builds still have an issue with building snowflake; i guess that's on my agenda for tomorrow 19:04:10 then i worked on the admin stuff for the month. there has been some confusion regarding the new contract 19:04:47 whoops, sorry i didn't see that you just started a meeting. i will come back later :) 19:04:49 OTF said it already started in december which is okay for us as the tasks we mainly worked on were relevant for the new sponsor anyway 19:04:55 segfault1: no worries 19:05:01 GeKo: I hope your sickness goes away soon. 19:05:37 i prepared the tickets and the report is still missing 19:05:44 will do that tomorrow 19:05:50 mcs: thanks. we'll see :) 19:06:06 i've heard rest should be helping... 19:06:41 i worked on finding compilation issues with mingw-w64 for esr52 and filed bugs + bisected the issues where needed 19:06:52 so far i am still not done :( 19:07:28 this week i plan to work on 6.5 preparations liek #20589 19:07:39 and #20951 19:07:53 hm 19:08:07 on that note, in 6.5 release are we going to move the xml files to aus1 19:08:15 i have a small list of things we need to take care of. if anybody has ideas what we should keep in mind let me know. 19:08:19 GeKo: Can you cc me on the mingw bugs you file? 19:08:35 Yawning: probably. 19:08:41 #21057 and I guess #20589 are what's keeping me from tagging 0.0.3 19:08:49 tjr: will do so after the meeting and in the future 19:08:59 is there any posibility that the xml files be mirrored on aus1 now? 19:09:07 so Ic an make sure that my branch works? 19:09:28 + i thought about fixing the sandboxed tor browser gitian stuff (#21104 and #21105) 19:09:44 * isabela is lurking around 19:10:04 GeKo: most of it should be straight forward 19:10:23 if there remains time i plan to resume my #15998 and #18925 work which i made progress over the holidays. 19:10:28 Yawning: yeah 19:10:42 there's also add libnotify-dev or whatever 19:10:52 but, any version is fine since all it needs is a header file 19:11:00 oh, yes that one as well 19:11:21 regarding aus1, we have already the alpha xml files there. 19:11:28 do you ned more for testing? 19:11:31 *need 19:11:37 I use the alpha /hardened ones 19:11:37 that's it for me 19:11:50 it's just a bunch of urls in a json file 19:11:56 it'd be nice if I coudl commit, and have stuff work 19:12:07 the update check will freak out if the files aren't there yet 19:12:34 and I want what's in master to actually work >.> 19:12:45 ah, okay, in case someone is using the stable right now and not the alphas 19:12:46 anyway, I guess I can go 19:12:53 GeKo: indeed 19:13:03 and is tracking master of the sandbox 19:13:05 or whatever 19:13:20 I spent last week trying to figure out my life and playing videogames, failing at both. 19:13:35 Prior to that I added a background update checker, and killed off 32 bit linux support in the sandbox 19:13:56 Like I said, I just need a new mar signing key, and to change 2 URLS in a json file and I can tag 19:14:07 not sure how much time I can/should be deidcating to this now 19:14:15 I need to talk to isa I guess 19:14:55 the biggest issues from my point of view remaining are /proc needs to die (mozilla's faut), multilingual input, and the lack of meek support 19:15:04 from most severe to least 19:15:50 and at some point, I assume esr52 will make me very sad, but that's a while out yet I suspect 19:17:10 that's it for me 19:18:12 I can go 19:18:36 I'm back, fulltime working at Mozilla with a decent amount of time being on Tor. (yay!) 19:19:09 I'm going to focus less on the Uplift stuff that the Taipei team is working on with arthur and more on the other random things we want 19:19:28 Stuff like Fennec, experimental tor support (eventually) and (more immediately) build and test system improvements 19:19:45 As far as fennec goes, dveditz granted me access to the current fennec security bugs, and I will also soon (hopefully) be able to see new such bugs going forward 19:19:57 While doing other things, I identified the following prefs we should probably keep track of: https://share.riseup.net/#1a74tCGMMKYoI33fHRc7yg 19:20:24 There was the announcement that NPAPI plugins are going away. https://blog.mozilla.org/addons/2016/12/15/compatibility-for-firefox-52/ 19:20:24 I've actually not really dived into our plugin stuff but I'm assuming it's not a WebExtension, so I'm wondering if we have a there...? 19:20:42 can you make firefox not crash when there's no /proc, k thx 19:20:46 :P 19:21:24 I will put it on my todo list right after "Figure out how Firefox works and how to write code in it" and right above "Help build a sandbox" ;) 19:21:34 :) 19:22:08 But seriously, it seems like there may not be a bug for this… https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=859782 19:22:47 So I will actually try and confirm that and open a real bug if i can't find it, and mention it when I talk to the sandboxing person on Wens 19:23:03 tjr: speaking of which: bug 1230910 worries me. if you have some capacities figuring out where we are in that regard 19:23:15 and whether the patch written by jacek still works 19:23:24 or what needs to get done 19:23:32 that would be very helpful 19:23:43 sure i will look at that too 19:23:59 And on that topic 19:24:03 And one of the first tor things I am working on is getting a migw build of FF in the moz TaskCluster system. 19:24:08 This is not intended to be reproducible at this point, just for cathcing compilation problems. I'm going to skip the bug 9084 stuff also, additionally I'm on Ubuntu 16, so I can avoid compiling gcc also. (I think.) 19:24:11 I'm currently at the 'Create a Docker image and manually build FF with mingw' stage and getting stuck on the very beginning. 19:24:15 As I understand it I should not use Ubuntu's mingw version and instead clone from sf (using the comit in the versions file). 19:24:28 i am currently blocked with getting all the compile bugs on the radar as having no compiled tor browser for windows is strictyl worse :) 19:24:31 yay 19:25:00 yes, or probably better using a git mirror 19:25:22 you wont't have fun with that ubuntu package 19:25:30 how so? 19:25:44 because mingw is too old 19:25:59 currently for esr52 we need at least mingw-w64 master 19:26:16 Right, I'm going to build mingw from SF (now that you told me that) 19:26:20 actually one patch we need is not even checked in 19:28:29 okay I'm probably going to find a lot of stumbling blocks I guess 19:28:42 Currently fighting with the _mingw_mac.h one right now :-/ 19:29:07 Aside from errors which aren't good to talk about in the meeting, I don't have anything else right now 19:29:23 thanks. who is next? 19:29:29 * boklm can go next 19:29:49 Since last meeting, I have been making some progress on #17380, and we can now build the firefox and tor components (except for OSX where the tor build doesn't work yet) 19:29:56 This week I'm planning to continue working on #17380, and try to get some bundles built (first without the pluggable transports). 19:30:02 That's it for me 19:30:27 * mcs will go next 19:30:47 In addition to taking some time off the past couple of weeks and doing “end of 2016” things, Kathy and I completed some code reviews and helped with bug triage. 19:30:54 This week we plan to develop a patch for #20951. 19:31:08 We will then start to work on #16010 (although maybe we will wait and see what tjr figures out, since Mozilla bug 1230910 is the upstream bug). 19:31:17 Also, we are prepared to help with the ESR 52 rebasing (e.g, updater patches) if arthuredelstein needs us. 19:31:22 And we will review some patches (e.g., #19898, #21042, #21131). 19:31:29 That’s all for us. 19:31:53 mcs: Thanks! I just sent you a list of patches :) 19:32:13 okay 19:32:44 * arthuredelstein can go 19:33:27 I've been working on the ESR52 rebase of tor-browser.git. Nearly all pathces are rebased. 19:34:08 There are a few odds and ends to clean up, and a few updater-related patches left that I send to mcs and brade 19:34:22 Next this week I will try to get torbutton working with the rebased tor-browser.git. 19:34:26 That's it for me. 19:35:21 sounds good, thanks. 19:35:38 anybody else here for a status update? 19:38:04 arthuredelstein: if you are looking for some code bugs: #20981 is annoying :) 19:38:18 anyway, do we have anything to discuss today? 19:38:38 6.5 is planned to get out in roughly two weeks fwiw 19:38:41 GeKo: Yes, I will look at that this week as well 19:39:42 thanks everybody then, *baf* 19:39:45 #endmeeting