14:59:48 #startmeeting metrics team 14:59:48 Meeting started Thu Feb 2 14:59:48 2017 UTC. The chair is karsten. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:59:48 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 14:59:54 hi! 15:00:06 https://pad.riseup.net/p/3M7VyrTVgjlF <- agenda pad 15:00:46 let's wait 1 minute for people to add new topics. 15:01:52 okay, let's start! 15:01:53 - Web development and design (RaBe) 15:02:06 hi iwakeh 15:02:25 hiro: welcome back :-) 15:02:35 hey Karsten I am a bit behind w torperf/onionperf comparisons. Maybe we can leave that point for next week? I am planning to use metrics-web though 15:02:50 metrics-lib? 15:02:51 hiro: metrics-lib, you mean? 15:03:11 but yes, happy to leave it for next week. 15:03:15 yes 15:03:18 sorry :) 15:03:20 RaBe: want to give an update on the atlas project? 15:03:25 meant metrics-lib 15:03:26 12 bugs closed, I hear? :) 15:03:27 i worked on most tickets I planned, some are already merged, some are in "need_review" state... from "my" tickets, i only have a few low prio's left, but i think you wanted to put my time into other projects now :) 15:03:48 12 bugs closed, many left for me to review 15:03:49 sounds great! yes, I saw lots of activity there. 15:04:05 5 to review currently 15:04:15 also, i put the onion logo into the javadoc that we talked about :) 15:04:29 RaBe: does it make sense to review the remaining tickets? 15:05:00 even if that reduces the time for other projects a bit? 15:05:35 when there's a ticket you feel i should work on, just let me know :D 15:05:39 for atlas, the only important one that i'd really like to see fixed is #9814 15:05:55 what irl says. :) 15:06:59 i read that ticket before, but i was not sure where to start and what to do... 15:07:06 here's something else I was thinking about: we should tell the world that we made all these usability improvements. 15:07:23 i was thinking of maybe a blog post 15:07:28 or an email to tor-relays 15:07:39 we could do that really soon, or we could wait until onionoo protocol version 4.0 is there, which will be end of february. 15:07:43 blog post makes sense, I think. 15:08:11 if we did a blog post, i'd love to have #21186 15:08:26 to go with "this is also in onionoo now" 15:08:58 yes, makes sense. does that mean end of february? 15:09:11 we can have that as a goal 15:10:04 sounds great. can you prepare the tickets where you need RaBe's review and let him know? 15:10:25 yep 15:10:39 i think the ones currently needing review are RaBe's patches and cypherpunks's patches though 15:11:03 i reviewed one of cypherpunk today 15:11:12 (I am here-ish if you want me to talk about the bwauth debugging) 15:11:30 tjr: okay, will ping you once we're there. 15:12:23 RaBe: does this work for you, that is, reviewing remaining tickets and not starting new ones, so that enough time remains for the other projects? 15:12:38 reviewing tickets is fine, sure :) 15:12:49 cool! 15:13:31 (: 15:13:32 okay, great! 15:13:44 irl: would you want to author that blog post? 15:13:56 karsten: i can do, yes 15:14:21 (maybe i can work on more tickets later if we have time left after the other projects...) 15:14:27 great! happy to help, of course, but it might make sense for you to write it and say hi as new atlas maintainer. 15:14:36 RaBe: indeed. 15:14:39 yep, that sounds good 15:15:16 RaBe: and you worked on the javadoc thing? 15:15:30 Is there anything visible? 15:15:35 curious :-) 15:15:37 i just added the logo... http://javadocs.cc-ltd.net/descriptor/ :) 15:16:06 nice. :) 15:16:09 we're a bit restricted to what we can do with css only, but let me know what you'd like so see improved 15:16:09 very Tor 15:16:22 looks great to me. 15:16:51 the copyright year is hidden for me. 15:16:57 lower right 15:17:06 I wonder if we should include that in the next metrics-lib release. 15:17:15 you should get a bigger screen ... ^^ ok i'll fix that 15:17:15 metrics-base 15:17:34 yes, metrics-base, and first release with the next metrics-lib. 15:17:46 yep. 15:17:56 do we already have a ticket for this? 15:18:01 no 15:18:07 would you mind making one? 15:18:17 sure. 15:18:23 great! 15:18:35 where are the sources? 15:19:28 if you're talking about the stylesheet file, i can attach that to your ticket when i fixed the copyright... 15:19:39 that's fine. 15:19:55 okay. what's the next project you want to work on, RaBe? 15:20:22 i wasn't prepared for this question... what do you have for me? :D 15:20:36 hehe, I wasn't prepared for this question... let me look. 15:20:58 #21376 15:21:30 thanks 15:21:59 I think what remains are the metrics-lib website and the existing onionoo and collector websites. 15:22:09 yes. 15:22:32 should we have two tickets for these? 15:22:40 err, yes, please? :) 15:22:46 have discussion there etc. 15:22:59 or three tickets maybe. 15:23:08 one two many ;-) 15:23:28 okay. :) 15:23:45 but basically we want to copy the metrics page and make small adjustments? 15:23:50 (not the content of course...) 15:23:54 even simpler 15:24:26 for Onionoo and CollecTor 15:24:29 I don't have an exact plan in mind, but let's keep it simple. 15:24:41 collector.torproject.org 15:24:53 just one page 15:25:14 onionoo the main and the protocol page. 15:25:27 ok, so i'll prepare just a "frame" (header, footer, ...) 15:25:39 (we might even turn onionoo.tpo into a single page, now that we're going to remove the project links that are on metrics.tpo.) 15:26:26 did we have a plan what metrics-lib should contain? 15:26:33 the web site. 15:26:36 not yet. 15:26:44 develop on ticket? 15:27:07 very quickly: an overview what it is, a link to releases, javadocs, tutorials. 15:27:13 link to sources. 15:27:27 yes. 15:27:27 yes, we can develop that on the ticket. 15:27:53 karsten: some of those links on the onionoo page are broken 15:28:16 irl: I see. well, in theory they should disappear anyway. 15:28:27 ok, i won't bother with chasing them down 15:28:31 irl: except for those that are not yet on metrics.tpo and that we should move there first. 15:29:02 yes, I'd say don't bother. they'll go away soon. 15:29:23 as a slight aside, i did consider writing a Go client 15:29:30 just so i could call it OnionGoo 15:29:35 hehe 15:29:59 alright, moving on to the next topic? 15:30:06 sure 15:30:09 - Tech reports (iwakeh) 15:30:19 If there are not too many distractions from writing 15:30:24 ;) 15:30:29 (like reviews or coding or ... ), 15:30:41 I'd like to provide you with reading material 15:30:51 please do! 15:30:51 for the return bus ride from Berlin. 15:30:57 :-) 15:31:04 yes, happy to! 15:31:42 okay, sounds good! 15:31:47 moving on? 15:31:49 could you actually bring 15:31:55 yes? 15:32:06 userstats? 15:32:14 a db dump? 15:32:28 also for future db improvements. 15:32:41 I guess I could make one now and put it online. 15:32:51 won't it be huge? 15:32:55 too huge? 15:33:00 compressed, hmm. 15:33:04 online would be fine. 15:33:06 big? 15:33:09 not huge. 15:33:27 that's even better. 15:33:40 okay, will do. 15:33:49 next topic? 15:33:55 yes! 15:34:10 - Blog post: Tor Browser downloads and updates (karsten) 15:34:19 https://blog.torproject.org/blog/tor-browser-numbers 15:34:34 * karsten just deleted another spam comment. 15:34:55 so, it would be neat if you could help a bit with comments, iwakeh, assuming they keep coming in as frequently as in the last few hours. 15:35:05 sure. 15:35:13 * iwakeh looking for the credentials. 15:35:13 thanks! 15:35:22 (so much about no distractions...) 15:35:23 I think I cannot delete etc. 15:36:20 you should be able to do that now. 15:36:36 I'll try it later. 15:36:37 you didn't have the blogger role, but really everyone has. I just forgot to add that last time. 15:36:40 ok. 15:36:44 ok. 15:37:13 by the way, this concludes our sponsor x deliverable! 15:37:20 finally! 15:37:26 nice :-) 15:37:32 yes, progress. 15:37:53 okay, speaking of progress.. 15:37:56 - Input for monthly team report, completed tasks/projects only (karsten) 15:38:06 looks complete, to me. 15:38:11 I put some items on the pad that I'm planning to include in the monthly report. 15:38:19 neat! 15:38:31 karsten: do you want atlas progress in the monthly report? 15:38:39 irl: oh, yes! 15:38:57 i can do some text, if you show me an example of what you're looking for 15:39:06 see the pad. 15:39:15 ah ok, so just bullets? 15:39:23 ideally just one bullet. 15:39:40 and it should only mention completed tasks. 15:39:44 with links to tickets. 15:40:07 ok 15:40:10 you could highlight a few tickets that are most visible to users. 15:40:11 and a general-public-understandable description. 15:40:54 cool. moving on while irl writes on the pad? 15:40:58 ok 15:41:01 sure. 15:41:04 - Berlin meeting (karsten) 15:41:14 feb 10. 15:41:25 we have the onionspace. 15:41:30 good. 15:41:34 a beamer? 15:41:34 great 15:41:49 and actually, when I put "Agenda planning" there, I had the plan to think more about that before this meeting. 15:41:58 oh :-) 15:41:59 yes, we'll have a beamer. 15:42:18 or projector, I think. ;) 15:42:20 we could mail about that? 15:42:23 maybe we can give some thinking and sync the plan over email? 15:42:29 yes iwakeh that! :) 15:42:35 yes, sounds good to me! 15:42:57 or just use the first half hour of the meeting 15:43:03 on feb 10 15:43:25 hmmmm. I think some preparation beforehand might be better. 15:43:27 mail first is better 15:43:42 okay. 15:43:59 hiro: I'll also mail you the location. 15:44:04 ok 15:44:13 hiro: and feel free to ask any questions about getting there, etc. 15:44:30 thanks! :) should be ok though 15:44:39 great! 15:44:49 moving on? 15:44:53 yep 15:44:56 - GSoC project bwauth debugging (tjr) 15:45:05 tjr: ^ 15:45:10 i added this, but i think tjr is better to take this one 15:45:17 ah ok. 15:45:25 nickm: man. master now is pretty sweet wrt the guard situation!! 15:45:27 Yea 15:45:33 nickm: i have switched my tor browser to master. 15:45:59 these two need a little explanation: 15:46:01 So in my mind, the ultimate goal is to get some bwauth info available on atlas for relay ops and others to debug and understand what's going on with bandwidth measurements 15:46:01 - Enhance Collector to download and archive these documents (Java) 15:46:01 - Enhance OnionOO to expose bwauth data (Java) 15:46:15 (at least for me) 15:46:19 To do that, there's a bunch of things that need to be done 'first' 15:46:33 Atlas is powered by onionoo, right? So OnionOO would need to expose the data we need 15:46:48 And OnionOO is (I'm guessing…) backed by data provided by collector. 15:46:49 indeed 15:46:51 sure, that's given, but what data. 15:46:52 right. but where would onionoo get the data from? 15:46:56 Even if it's not, we would want to archive this data with collector anyway 15:47:09 how do relays report that data? 15:47:19 - Draft (and implement) a core-tor a proposal to expose bwauth vote 15:47:21 documents on DirAuths (Proposal, C) 15:47:23 They don't :) No one does (Right now.) 15:47:32 errr, I mean bwauths. 15:47:33 Exactly, bwauths need to expose their voting document first 15:47:46 so the list is way way more than GSoc2017 15:48:04 I archive mine (here's the latest: https://bwauth.ritter.vg/bwauth/bwscan.V3BandwidthsFile ) and I know moria makes her's available but I don't think anyone else does 15:48:21 So my plan for GSOC was basically to try and get as much of this done as possible but knowing we wouldn't get to all of it 15:49:05 The java part might be too much for a student 15:49:33 there is a wide skill set needed 15:49:45 should we first have a discussion whether/how to archive that data in collector? 15:49:49 yes. 15:50:05 I can see the value in doing that, but also the cost. 15:50:40 we don't really have the time for mentoring the java stuff. 15:50:50 during the GSoc time. 15:51:10 I'm a little concerned, too. 15:51:25 and, many decisions and the design are over the head of any student just learning about this. 15:51:40 but regardless of whether gsoc happens and this project happens, we should be sure what to do with this data. 15:51:47 right! 15:52:07 the gsoc deadline is in 1 week, right? 15:52:13 feb 9th 15:52:34 how about we move this topic of adding this data to collector to trac? tjr, would that work for you? 15:52:47 sure 15:52:52 great. 15:53:10 cool! 15:53:27 who creates the ticket? 15:53:40 tjr? 15:54:03 i can 15:54:07 thanks! 15:54:10 thank you! 15:54:38 okay, great! no topics left. 15:54:46 except something else remains? 15:55:00 ? 15:55:23 oh, I don't know, just asking if we should talk about anything else. 15:55:36 ah, I'm fine :-) 15:55:46 i am also happy 15:55:52 yay! :) 15:56:05 okay, I hope I can run the meeting next week. 15:56:11 I'll be driving to berlin then. 15:56:18 or skip? 15:56:35 we could also skip next week, yes. 15:56:43 and move things to email. 15:56:45 i won't be here next week 15:56:51 i'll be on a plane 15:57:03 and hiro might be traveling as well. 15:57:18 okay, I'd say let's skip next week and meet again in two weeks from now. 15:57:20 * iwakeh will be writing ... 15:57:22 so i'll just talk to myself... 15:57:25 haha 15:57:32 RaBe: we can get you a bot if you like 15:57:38 thanks, everyone! :) 15:57:39 RaBe: write to yourself :-) 15:57:40 :D 15:57:49 bye! 15:57:51 #endmeeting