18:59:59 #startmeeting tor browser 18:59:59 Meeting started Mon Mar 20 18:59:59 2017 UTC. The chair is GeKo. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 18:59:59 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 19:00:06 hi 19:00:10 hi 19:00:32 hi all. last meeting before amsterdam. 19:00:44 who wants to go first today? 19:01:46 then it's me it seems 19:01:52 hi all 19:01:52 here is what i did 19:02:04 i finished the review for #19048 19:02:15 i ned to put my things in the ticket and file new tickets 19:02:45 i wrote patches for #21328 and it's child bugs 19:03:39 the one for #10369, #19783, #21753, and #21754 are up for review 19:03:56 i am testing the final one but am optimistic 19:04:31 i did not work much on #20680, alas because i got sidetracked by other bugs 19:05:20 (these were #21757, #21768, and #21749) 19:06:22 this week i 'll finish the review things (including tjr's pref changes), patch the final patch for our clang toolchain and move on to fix our windows build setup 19:06:33 and i am doing #20680 review for realz 19:06:53 that's it for me 19:08:12 * mcs will go next 19:08:20 Last week, Kathy and I reviewed some patches. 19:08:25 We posted revised patches for #21723 and #21724. 19:08:32 We finished reviewing the Firefox 52 bugs and added our findings to #19048. 19:08:46 This week, I will be attending the Tor meeting in Amsterdam. 19:09:01 Kathy and I will also try to find time to review patches. 19:09:06 That’s all for now. 19:09:35 * arthuredelstein can go 19:09:47 This past week I wrote patches for #21745 and #21747. 19:09:57 I worked on #21340 and have nearly completed backporting the HSTS/HPKP first-party isolation patches. 19:10:03 I met with the Mozilla uplift team. 19:10:12 I reviewed Tim's patches for https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1330882 (uplift of our #19459). 19:10:25 I discussed CFI patches with Enes Goktas (re: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1302891) and tjr. 19:10:56 And I started investigating #21766. 19:11:22 This week I'll be at the Amsterdam meeting. 19:11:28 That's it for me. 19:11:42 * boklm can go 19:12:00 This past week I worked on #17380 and fixed #21655. I made a test build for #19316 but did not find how to test it yet. 19:12:07 This week I'm planning to review #10369, #19783, #21753, #21754, try to test #19316 and go to the meeting in Amsterdam. 19:12:13 That's it for me. 19:13:26 thanks. is anybody else here for a status update? 19:15:23 arthuredelstein: while skimming over 1330882 i am wondering how this relates to the issues we have in #20095? 19:15:31 err. #20905 19:16:37 GeKo: It has the same issue. If we can figure out a fix for #20905 then we will be able to uplift that as well I expect. 19:17:21 Unfortunately I don't have a good answer for #20905. Because it turns out that the titlebar height can't be determined by the GTK api until after the window has been drawn to screen. 19:17:43 So on GTK systems, the best we can do is probably resize the window after it has been drawn. 19:17:52 what about the problem on windows machines? 19:18:51 So what I have recommended for Tim is to use the full available height on non-GTK machines (such as Windows and Mac), but continue to use an extra safety factor on GTK machines 19:19:03 Which is something we can do as well. 19:19:16 Right now the safety factor is being applied on all platforms, which is unnecessary. 19:19:24 okay. sounds worth a test about how this gets us. 19:19:30 *how far 19:19:35 (Just arrived, but no real status update. Briefed Christoph on various topics. CFI with Enes. Build machine claims it arrives tomorrow…) 19:19:48 h! 19:19:55 hi! even 19:20:16 your build machine is claiming things, uh oh :) 19:20:46 tjr: fwiw i saw the gsoc mails on tor-dev and meant to reply to both of them 19:20:53 Ah, great! 19:21:03 i'll try to squeeze that in tomorrow 19:21:10 I ordered this machine like Feb 1 to help speed up my mingw work. Heh. 19:21:48 alright, let's move on to the offical discussion part 19:21:59 anything in particular we want to discuss today? 19:22:30 I'll plus the Windows Error Reports topic :) 19:22:32 *plug 19:22:43 i plan to prepare me for the meetings we have on thursday by reading all the relevant proposals etc. (again) on wednesday 19:23:03 so let me know if there are things i should take into account 19:23:21 arthuredelstein: could you send me an updated pdf from that google thingy? 19:23:30 GeKo: Yup, will do 19:23:31 tjr mentioned there got substantial changes made 19:23:34 thanks 19:23:41 I'll send to boklm as well 19:24:38 okay. i guess that means: safe travels to all that can make it to amsterdam and see you there *baf* 19:24:48 #endmeeting