18:01:44 <GeKo> #startmeeting tor-browser
18:01:44 <MeetBot> Meeting started Mon May  8 18:01:44 2017 UTC.  The chair is GeKo. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
18:01:44 <MeetBot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic.
18:01:49 <GeKo> hi all!
18:02:00 <GeKo> and welcome to another tor browser meeting
18:02:04 <mcs> hi
18:02:20 <GeKo> who wants to go first today?
18:02:50 <boklm> hi
18:03:01 <GeKo> okay, then i'll do it
18:03:39 <GeKo> i spent time on #21625 and #16404
18:03:42 <arthuredelstein> hi all
18:04:03 <GeKo> i reviewed #20761 and a bunch of other tickets
18:04:18 <GeKo> i did the admin stuff for may
18:04:36 <GeKo> and spent a lot of time figuring out why we have to deal woth #21886
18:04:45 <GeKo> i think i found all the pieces
18:04:56 <GeKo> but now we need to set them together
18:05:24 <GeKo> i spent some time over the weekend to think about picking up 52.1.1esr
18:05:38 <GeKo> we can do this later this week when we start to prepare the next alpha i think
18:05:51 <GeKo> this week i want to get as many things as possible into the next alpha
18:06:11 <arthuredelstein> Are there any special issues with 52.1.1esr?
18:06:22 <GeKo> a good deal of tickets is just flipping a pref (if anything needs to get done at all)
18:06:51 <GeKo> so, by the end of this week we'll have a lot less tickets to deal with
18:07:02 <GeKo> arthuredelstein: https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/security/advisories/mfsa2017-14/
18:07:22 <arthuredelstein> thanks
18:07:32 <GeKo> and i plan to get the build going latest by friday
18:07:55 <GeKo> oh, i did some preparation for my trip to stockholm next week
18:08:11 <GeKo> there is a tor delegation that got invited to SIF
18:08:28 <GeKo> this will occupy a bunch of my time next week
18:08:45 <GeKo> that's all from me
18:10:29 <Yawning> the sandbox didn't blow up so I didn't change it
18:10:59 <GeKo> hey, that's good news :)
18:11:12 <GeKo> who is next?
18:11:35 * arthuredelstein can go
18:11:42 <arthuredelstein> This past week I worked on:
18:11:44 <arthuredelstein> #16337, #21609, #21792, #21608, #10286
18:11:56 <arthuredelstein> I also opened #22130, #22125.
18:12:09 <arthuredelstein> I plan to have a revised patch today for #21569
18:12:15 <arthuredelstein> and this week I will work on more tbb-7.0-must tickets.
18:12:27 <arthuredelstein> That's it for me
18:13:23 * mcs will go next
18:13:31 <mcs> Last week, Kathy and I attended the Tor Launcher automation meeting.
18:13:36 <mcs> We then started to document how Tor Launcher interacts with the tor control port, etc. during the bootstrap process (we did not finish and publish our notes yet).
18:13:43 <mcs> We worked some more on #21766 and #21886 together and came up with a patch… but unfortunately it needs more work.
18:13:52 <mcs> We spent a little time on #21609 and we produced a revised patch for #20761.
18:13:59 <mcs> Finally, we reviewed some patches.
18:14:07 <mcs> This week, we will work on #21766 and #21886 some more.
18:14:12 <mcs> We will produce an auxiliary patch for #20761 to avoid using Unix domain sockets by default in the stable series).
18:14:20 <mcs> We also plan to finish and publish the Tor Launcher / tor notes that we started last week (see above).
18:14:25 <mcs> And we hope to get to #21879, #22044, and other tbb-7.0-must tickets.
18:14:31 <mcs> That’s all for us.
18:14:54 <tjr> I can go
18:15:03 <tjr> I did a little bit, but not much, on MinGW. Expect to work on it more this week
18:15:24 <tjr> And I made a big list of AntiFingerprinting features to be included or considered for inclusion in our breakage investigation: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1356381
18:15:28 <tjr> That's it
18:15:49 * boklm will go next
18:16:11 <boklm> This past week I closed #21824 and #22115. I reviewed #20683.
18:16:20 <boklm> I investigated #21838 but have not been able to find a fix. As a workaround to fix the nightly builds, today I sent to ln5 the VM images I have, with the ssh key to access them.
18:16:37 <boklm> This week I'm planning to work on #21982, #22194. I can also work on #22125 unless Arthur wants to do it.
18:16:44 <boklm> That's it for me.
18:17:52 <GeKo> boklm: what's your plan for getting rbm nightlies on a regular base going?
18:18:05 <Yawning> *files* #22197
18:19:20 <GeKo> mcs: so what's the strategy for getting #21776 and #21886 fixed?
18:19:25 <GeKo> ugh
18:19:32 <GeKo> #21766
18:19:52 <GeKo> do you think this is the same underlying problem?
18:20:32 <boklm> currently the VM I use for nightly builds has not a lot of disk space, so I'm planning to increase it, and also add a script for cleaning older builds after a few days
18:20:38 <mcs> GeKo: I think the problems are related but I am not sure the cause is exactly the same. I think one good fix might take care of both.
18:20:52 <GeKo> okay.
18:21:10 <GeKo> let's split the work and you try it from the e10s angle
18:21:25 <GeKo> and i from the non-e10s-one and we keep us updated over the tickets?
18:21:52 <GeKo> boklm: i am still very interested to h the rbm nightlies running on ln5's infra
18:22:10 <GeKo> what is the plan with that?
18:22:30 <mcs> GeKo: Okay, sounds good.
18:22:45 <boklm> GeKo: I can send ln5 some instructions to explain how to deploy that
18:24:13 <GeKo> ok. i wonder whether irc would be faster/better but i don't feel strongly about that
18:24:20 <GeKo> whatever works is fine with me
18:24:39 <GeKo> who else is here for a status update?
18:26:40 <GeKo> okay, time for discussion
18:26:51 <GeKo> do we have anything we should talk about?
18:27:17 <GeKo> as i said we should build the last alpha later this week and get as much into it as possible
18:27:32 <Yawning> the last alpha?
18:27:39 <Yawning> that's kind of scary
18:27:42 <GeKo> before 7.0
18:27:52 <GeKo> yeah as always
18:30:10 <GeKo> okay, thanks for the meeting then *baf*
18:30:13 <GeKo> #endmeeting