14:29:38 <karsten> #startmeeting metrics team
14:29:38 <MeetBot> Meeting started Thu May 18 14:29:38 2017 UTC.  The chair is karsten. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
14:29:38 <MeetBot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic.
14:29:41 <karsten> meeting time!
14:29:46 <iwakeh> hi there!
14:29:50 <karsten> hi iwakeh!
14:29:55 <Samdney> hi
14:30:18 <karsten> https://pad.riseup.net/p/3M7VyrTVgjlF <- agenda pad
14:30:24 <karsten> hi Samdney!
14:32:40 <iwakeh> short agenda today :)
14:32:47 <karsten> anything else we forgot?
14:32:54 <iwakeh> nope.
14:32:56 <Samdney> no
14:33:06 <karsten> okay. let's start.
14:33:11 <karsten> - dirreq-stats obfuscation (karsten)
14:33:37 <iwakeh> found the questions :)
14:33:49 <karsten> we were thinking about adding noise to dirreq-stats on relays before they get uploaded to dirauths.
14:34:20 <karsten> but we should first find out how much that noise would affect user number estimates that are based on dirreq-stats.
14:34:32 <iwakeh> true.
14:34:35 <karsten> I ran a simulation a couple of weeks ago, but I never made that available.
14:34:49 <karsten> I'm going through the code here and cleaning it up a bit.
14:34:52 <iwakeh> shall we use a wiki page?
14:35:04 <iwakeh> for the findings and further links.
14:35:24 <Samdney> do you only have the coder or any written documentation about this?
14:35:27 <karsten> yes, we could.
14:35:35 <Samdney> *code
14:35:44 <iwakeh> code = doc
14:35:44 <karsten> there are some related tech reports.
14:35:46 <iwakeh> :)
14:36:01 <karsten> including iwakeh's recent report and the hidserv-stats related reports.
14:36:14 <karsten> which we could link from the wiki page.
14:36:21 <iwakeh> yep.
14:36:23 <karsten> iwakeh: would you want to start a wiki page?
14:36:25 <Samdney> ok, something to read apart only code :)
14:36:30 <karsten> and I add the code once I have it?
14:36:31 <iwakeh> I can start it after this meeting.
14:36:38 <karsten> cool!
14:36:50 <Samdney> :)
14:37:31 <karsten> https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/org/teams/MetricsTeam/DirReqStats ?
14:37:36 <iwakeh> I'll give structure that can be filled.
14:37:52 <iwakeh> hmm, might think of something else...
14:37:57 <karsten> ok. :)
14:38:02 <iwakeh> regarding title.
14:38:04 <iwakeh> ;-)
14:38:18 <karsten> alright!
14:38:21 <karsten> next topic?
14:38:26 <iwakeh> next.
14:38:34 <karsten> - metrics-lib releases (karsten)
14:38:39 <iwakeh> 1.7.0 is out.
14:38:44 <karsten> !
14:38:47 <karsten> https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/query?status=accepted&status=assigned&status=merge_ready&status=needs_information&status=needs_review&status=needs_revision&status=new&status=reopened&component=%5EMetrics%2Fmetrics-lib&group=milestone&col=id&col=summary&col=component&col=status&col=type&col=priority&col=milestone&order=priority
14:38:54 <karsten> that's the plan for the next three releases.
14:39:03 <Samdney> btw, how often do you have releases for metrics-lib?
14:39:17 <karsten> usually not that often. :)
14:39:17 <iwakeh> depends
14:39:32 <iwakeh> we don't force releases,
14:39:33 <karsten> but we're planning to put out a blog post about metrics-lib in june.
14:39:35 <iwakeh> they happen.
14:39:50 <karsten> and having 2.0.0 for that would be cool.
14:40:05 <iwakeh> definitely!
14:40:12 <karsten> 1.8.0 is planned for may 31, so ~2 weeks from now.
14:40:25 <iwakeh> doable.
14:40:32 <karsten> yes!
14:40:54 <karsten> kiki101: did you have questions about tickets there?
14:41:02 <karsten> we briefly talked before the meeting.
14:41:23 <iwakeh> ah
14:41:40 <iwakeh> https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/org/teams/MetricsTeam/Volunteers
14:41:43 <kiki101> Can I do ticket #19607? I think this would be a good way to get around the codebase for metrics-lib
14:41:48 <iwakeh> the metrics-help list.
14:41:56 <iwakeh> that's mine.
14:42:12 <karsten> maybe do a first review then?
14:42:14 <iwakeh> I'm working on it already.
14:42:18 <karsten> more eyes == better
14:42:37 <iwakeh> What's your background, kiki101?
14:43:25 <kiki101> I'm a double major in math and stats. I know Java but mostly for Android. My main programming language is Python and I know R from coursework.
14:43:35 <iwakeh> ah, ok.
14:43:48 <iwakeh> It'll be good to start with metrics-help tickets.
14:43:58 <iwakeh> There is no deadline and you
14:44:12 <iwakeh> have time to adjust and get to know our way of programming.
14:44:17 <karsten> I said earlier that we'll have more time to help folks with tickets if they're metrics-lib tickets, at least in the next six weeks.
14:44:27 <karsten> are there any metrics-help metrics-lib tickets?
14:44:51 <karsten> https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/22279
14:44:55 <karsten> there's one! :)
14:45:28 <iwakeh> Well,
14:45:39 <karsten> there's a time constraint though.
14:45:51 <kiki101> I can do ticket #22279 then.
14:45:56 <iwakeh> this should be taken out.
14:45:59 <iwakeh> My mistake!
14:46:44 * karsten finds other metrics-help tickets...
14:46:48 <iwakeh> It's better to start with something else
14:47:09 <iwakeh> and doesn't really matter if metrics-lib, I'd say.
14:47:20 <iwakeh> The programming environment is similar.
14:47:38 <iwakeh> But, we also need our tutorials checked.
14:47:57 <Samdney> good point
14:49:05 <karsten> you mean checking the metrics-lib tutorial?
14:49:12 <iwakeh> sure.
14:49:21 <iwakeh> https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/21171
14:49:56 <iwakeh> kiki101: Would you like to look through metrics-help tickets?
14:50:04 <iwakeh> And choose one?
14:50:18 <karsten> the issue with most other metrics-help tickets is that they require more discussion, either before somebody can hack on them or while reviewing them.
14:50:27 <kiki101> Sure, but I can't do #22279 though?
14:50:29 <karsten> I'm not sure if I'll have the time for that.
14:50:43 <karsten> we're currently figuring that out. :)
14:50:59 <karsten> so, checking tutorials could indeed help. there's no ticket for that, though.
14:51:04 <karsten> let me find the link.
14:51:11 <iwakeh> The onionoo ticket above is quite ok.
14:51:24 <karsten> https://metrics.torproject.org/metrics-lib.html
14:51:30 <iwakeh> Right, noone tested these tutorials yet.
14:51:38 <karsten> checked and adapted once 2.0.0 is out.
14:51:59 <Samdney> I did this tutorial :)
14:52:12 <iwakeh> Yes, follow up would be to adapt these tickets.
14:52:24 <iwakeh> tickets -> tutorials.
14:52:37 <karsten> yes, we should have a ticket for that, assigned to 2.0.0.
14:52:49 <iwakeh> I can add that.
14:52:57 <karsten> thanks!
14:53:33 <karsten> and would you "mentor" #21171 then?
14:53:51 <iwakeh> sure.
14:53:59 <karsten> kiki101: ^
14:54:30 <iwakeh> but, kiki101 can of course choose a different ticket.
14:54:38 <kiki101> Yep, I can do this ticket.
14:54:43 <iwakeh> From metrics-help that'll be fine.
14:55:01 <iwakeh> ok, fine take a look and ask on the ticket.
14:55:14 <iwakeh> Cool!
14:55:18 <karsten> great!
14:55:32 <karsten> anything else for today?
14:55:59 <iwakeh> seems like we're reducing the average meeting time today :)
14:56:41 <karsten> you're right. let's see what else we can.......
14:56:48 <hiro> I have updated certs on op-us and op-nl
14:56:49 <karsten> or we talk more next week!
14:56:52 <karsten> ah.
14:57:10 <hiro> I had a few issues on op-us so it took me a bit longer and had to stop onionperf for a few hours
14:57:24 <karsten> ok.
14:57:29 <hiro> you might see a little data loss there. nothing else
14:57:41 <hiro> op-nl should be the same :)
14:57:50 <karsten> sounds good. thanks for taking care of those hosts.
14:58:17 <hiro> irl also said he should get back to me next week about op-ab setup
14:58:33 <hiro> that's all on my side
14:58:57 <karsten> thanks for the update. (feel free to add an agenda item, so that we don't almost end the meeting before you give the update.)
14:59:05 <karsten> (next time)
14:59:17 <hiro> ok! :)
14:59:27 <karsten> so, are we done for today?
14:59:34 <iwakeh> seems like it.
14:59:51 <karsten> thanks, everyone. bye!
14:59:54 <karsten> #endmeeting