18:00:20 <GeKo> #startmeeting tor browser
18:00:20 <MeetBot> Meeting started Mon May 22 18:00:20 2017 UTC.  The chair is GeKo. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
18:00:20 <MeetBot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic.
18:00:23 <isabela> monday == never end meetings days
18:00:35 <GeKo> yeah
18:00:38 <GeKo> hi all!
18:00:42 <boklm> hi!
18:00:54 <GeKo> welcome to another round of the monday tor browser meeting
18:01:04 <mcs> hi
18:01:11 <arthuredelstein> hi!
18:01:16 <GeKo> who wants to  go first today?
18:02:03 <mcs> I can go.
18:02:11 <mcs> Last week, Kathy and I responded in #22232.
18:02:17 <mcs> We also worked some more on #21766 and created a revised patch.
18:02:24 <mcs> And we investigated #22283 and discussed with GeKo how to proceed.
18:02:31 <mcs> Also, we triaged #22298.
18:02:36 <mcs> As I mentioned last week, due to other commitments, Kathy and I will be in and out of the office this week (so we will be less available).
18:02:41 <mcs> We do plan to look at FTP downloads for #21766.
18:02:47 <mcs> We will also create a patch for #22283 and help with code reviews.
18:02:52 <mcs> Time permitting, we will look at other tbb-7.0-must tickets, probably starting with #21431.
18:03:02 <mcs> That’s all for now.
18:04:10 <GeKo> mcs: do you know whether the fix for #21779 works?
18:04:19 <GeKo> i was a bit unsure how to test it tbh
18:04:33 <GeKo> as my old mac can't run esr52
18:04:57 <mcs> Kathy and I will test it with 7.0a4 bits.
18:05:18 <GeKo> just to be safe i added the chmod change to the script that is regenerating the dmg's after signing
18:05:19 <mcs> (bascially, install as an admin and then try to use from a non-admin account)
18:05:27 <mcs> OK
18:05:51 <GeKo> so, if that does not work we need to look a bit deeper i guess. we'll see.
18:05:56 <GeKo> wh ois next?
18:06:00 <GeKo> *who is
18:06:51 * boklm can go
18:06:51 <GeKo> i gues i can go
18:06:56 <GeKo> go boklm!
18:07:11 <boklm> This past week I published the new alpha, fixed #22194 and #22267, signed a tor-messenger release, and sent an email to linus to help with setup of rbm nightlies
18:07:28 <boklm> This week I'm planning to work on #21982, try to help tjr with https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/1365047, and get back to the panopticlick setup
18:07:35 <boklm> I'm also planning to be afk on thursday and friday.
18:07:41 <boklm> That's it for me.
18:08:29 <GeKo> boklm: while looking at the test suite it might be good to have the osx one going as well
18:08:42 <GeKo> at least to check whether there is still PIE support etc.
18:08:45 <boklm> yes, I will do that
18:09:03 <GeKo> i was actually wondering whether we could rip out our pie hack and do the right thing now in esr52
18:09:16 <GeKo> as the build system for libffi changed
18:09:24 <GeKo> might be worth testing if you have time for that
18:09:30 <boklm> ah, yes
18:09:58 <GeKo> okay, here is  my report
18:10:14 <GeKo> i was distracted by pre-SIF SIF and post-SIF stuff
18:10:56 <GeKo> it was a good experience and i think it was important that tor folks were there
18:11:20 <GeKo> i worked on #22320, #22324 and #16285
18:11:40 <GeKo> moreover i started with webgl2 review #16404
18:11:53 <GeKo> it seems there is plenty of new fingerprinting potential
18:12:29 <GeKo> so i'll probably argue for flipping the pref for now and work on normalizing stuff during the 7.5 alpha cycle
18:12:35 <GeKo> if we want to enable it
18:13:10 <mcs> GeKo: Is a recording of your SIF talk online anywhere?
18:13:10 <GeKo> this week i'll focus on review and as many tickets tagged with tbb-7.0-must as possible
18:13:39 <GeKo> mcs: dunno, i think it was only streamed live?
18:13:48 <mcs> OK. thx
18:14:03 <GeKo> that's it for me
18:14:10 * arthuredelstein can go
18:14:27 <arthuredelstein> This week I worked on investigating and testing #21766,
18:14:37 <arthuredelstein> I worked on #21762
18:14:55 <arthuredelstein> and I opened a spinoff, #22327, and wrote a patch for it.
18:15:07 <arthuredelstein> I met with the Tor uplift team
18:15:18 <arthuredelstein> and I helped with reviewing https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/1333933 and more discussions are ongoing
18:15:28 <arthuredelstein> This week as usual I will keep working on tbb-7.0-must tickets.
18:15:46 <arthuredelstein> That's it for me.
18:16:03 <GeKo> #22324 ight interest you as the firefox patch is wrong it seems
18:16:06 <GeKo> *might
18:16:40 <GeKo> i think for now using the proper pref is okay for us
18:17:01 <GeKo> but i guess pege's idea is the better fix for upstream
18:18:03 <GeKo> who else is here for a status update?
18:18:24 <GeKo> tjr: are you with us today?
18:18:32 <tjr> I am
18:18:44 <tjr> But I don't have anything to report beyond working a little bit on more mingw patches
18:18:54 <tjr> And commenting on a few bugs
18:18:55 <arthuredelstein> GeKo: Sorry, what's the firefox patch for #22324?
18:19:37 <GeKo> tjr: i was wondering whether we could get 1331335 into esr52?
18:20:01 <GeKo> would mean one patch less for us and fixing build things on an esr series seems worthwhile to me
18:20:30 <tjr> I'll file an uplift request
18:20:39 <GeKo> arthuredelstein: ah, sorry i meant #22320
18:20:47 <GeKo> tjr: thanks
18:21:23 <GeKo> discussion time i guess?
18:21:42 <arthuredelstein> GeKo: Got it, thanks. I will look into it.
18:21:56 <GeKo> i only have one item on my list: mozilla does not move to jemalloc4
18:22:17 <GeKo> we might want to think about what that means for our memory allocator hardening ideas
18:22:44 <arthuredelstein> Are they dropping jemalloc?
18:22:44 <GeKo> i guess we can keep what we have for now in the alpha series
18:23:11 <GeKo> no. just not moving to jemalloc4
18:23:28 <tjr> Well, we are dropping jemalloc. But we're keeping mozjemalloc
18:23:40 <tjr> Which is such an old fork and divergence from jemalloc it's not really worth calling jemalloc
18:23:53 <GeKo> yeah, that's what i meant
18:24:20 <arthuredelstein> got it. thanks
18:24:47 <GeKo> arthuredelstein: https://groups.google.com/forum/?_escaped_fragment_=topic/mozilla.dev.platform/S8WA3oHB7mM#!topic/mozilla.dev.platform/S8WA3oHB7mM
18:24:54 <GeKo> for the arguments
18:25:01 <arthuredelstein> thanks!
18:25:56 <GeKo> do we have other items worth talking about today?
18:26:15 <arthuredelstein> I thought it might be useful to discuss our remaining tbb-7.0-must bugs
18:26:30 <arthuredelstein> Here are the Priority High ones left: https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/query?priority=%5EHigh&owner=~tbb-team&status=accepted&status=assigned&status=merge_ready&status=needs_information&status=needs_review&status=needs_revision&status=new&status=reopened&keywords=~tbb-7.0-must&col=id&col=summary&col=keywords&col=status&col=owner&col=type&col=priority&order=priority
18:26:37 <arthuredelstein> (that aren't assigned)
18:27:01 <arthuredelstein> Does anyone want to claim any of these? Should I work on them?
18:27:24 <mcs> I can take #21341 (since I keep saying that Kathy and I plan to work on it)
18:27:33 <mcs> ummm #21431
18:28:35 <GeKo> arthuredelstein: going over the list #22070 seems worthwhile
18:28:49 <arthuredelstein> OK, cool. I guess the rest of the High priority ones up for grabs as we get to them :)
18:29:04 <GeKo> i think so
18:29:35 <GeKo> once anybody starts working on a ticket, first assign it to yourself
18:29:38 <arthuredelstein> GeKo: Yes, I can look at #22070 a bit. I'm not aware of anything urgent but there is always room for improvement.
18:30:20 <GeKo> well, if we are fine and there are no font related surprises we can improve after the 7.0 release i guess
18:30:57 <arthuredelstein> Yeah. I mean, there are definitely UX improvements to be had, but nothing for fingerprinting.
18:31:02 <arthuredelstein> that I know of
18:31:21 <GeKo> okay.
18:33:35 <GeKo> anything else for today?
18:34:11 <mcs> What is our code feeeze date for 7.0? Week of June 5?
18:34:48 <mcs> Oh, and one week from today is the U.S. Memorial Day holiday
18:35:14 <GeKo> good point
18:35:22 <GeKo> let's have a meeting next tuesday then?
18:35:43 <mcs> Tuesday works for us
18:35:47 <GeKo> then we can discuss code freeze and release date for 7.0
18:37:23 <GeKo> my current thinking is that we should aim for getting 7.0 out end of next week/early in the week thereafter
18:38:34 <GeKo> arthuredelstein: boklm: would tuesday next week work for the meeting for you as well?
18:38:45 <GeKo> if so, i'll send an email to tbb-dev later today
18:38:48 <arthuredelstein> works for me
18:38:51 <boklm> hmm, next tuesday might not work for me
18:39:34 <GeKo> hm.
18:40:05 <GeKo> wednesday seems a bit late.
18:40:55 <GeKo> boklm: are you around during the day or monday?
18:41:14 <boklm> yes
18:41:38 <GeKo> okay. then let's sync then if needed and do the meeting on tuesday
18:41:39 <boklm> actually I can probably make it on tuesday at the same time as today, but with a slow/unreliable connection
18:42:05 <GeKo> even better. i don't ant to have a meeting on holidays if we can avoid it
18:42:14 <GeKo> tuesday it is then, thanks
18:42:33 <GeKo> i guess that's it for today. thanks for coming all. *baf*
18:42:36 <GeKo> #endmeeting