17:00:37 #startmeeting weekly network team meeting 17:00:37 Meeting started Mon Jun 5 17:00:37 2017 UTC. The chair is nickm. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:00:37 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 17:00:40 hi all! 17:00:50 the pad's over at http://5jp7xtmox6jyoqd5.onion/p/1ngmNzW2fKcl 17:00:58 (thanks to eor) 17:00:59 *teor 17:01:16 hello hello 17:01:17 * dgoulet writing my update, should be on the pad shortly 17:01:23 alternatively, you can use pad.riseup.ne 17:01:27 hi 17:01:36 hello ! 17:02:10 hi 17:02:32 hello 17:02:58 so, time for us all to write updates, and read over each other's updates! 17:03:11 and to ask questions! 17:03:53 hi 17:03:59 updates is in! 17:05:23 ok. let's read everybody's updates and ask one another questions! 17:05:48 I will try to sort the list of discussion topics by how long they should take. 17:07:03 we can do our sponsor4 task in #tor-project as an extension to this meeting if that makes it easier? 17:07:22 if it's hard to get everything done in ~60 min's 17:07:34 ahf: sounds good 17:07:40 i have a meeting after this meeting tho 17:07:49 :) but i could do it at any time after that too 17:07:59 oh, ok, i'll let nickm decide this then :-) 17:08:02 i'm on for the entire evening 17:08:32 asn, dgoulet: Could I ask you two to try to get the "v3 hsdesc fuzzing" task done some time this month? If it finds bugs, it would be good to have them fixed before we call 0.3.1 stable 17:08:38 asn, dgoulet : does that sound reasonable? 17:09:34 hm 17:09:37 asn, mikeperry : I have a request for prep on guard meeting: Let's keep the core of the prep focused. IOW, it's okay to have 12 documents on the reading list, but we should distinguish between the 12 on the reading list and 1-2 documents on the must-read list 17:09:48 nickm: I would say difficult on the timeline of getting prop224 minimal viable product on time *but* I see this task as essential so we have to make it happen anyway 17:10:13 dgoulet: I would consider "doesn't crash remotely" part of MVP 17:10:17 haxxpop: btw _great_ task if you are looking for one, fuzzing hs v3 code merged :) 17:10:23 nickm: indeed 17:11:41 ahf: wrt the sponsor4 stuff -- how do the measurements look so far? 17:12:11 dgoulet, you mean it's already done and I will find bugs ? 17:12:24 haxxpop: no meaning we need to do it before 031 stable :) 17:12:29 haxxpop: and you might find bugs yes :) 17:12:37 haxxpop: anyway, if you feel like it, no pressure :) 17:12:39 nickm: it's running and i have some logs, it's been running for a week tomorrow so i'll start doing comparison there 17:12:47 dgoulet, so you mean nothing is done ? 17:13:08 haxxpop: nope, tor has a fuzzing framework but nothing done on v3 hs 17:13:23 ahf: will this get us useful data, or will the fact that most relays are still <= 0.3.0 mean that it tells us "no change" ? 17:13:53 dgoulet, ok I haven't taken a look at that framework. I will do it tomorrow 17:13:57 what are the old numbers? 17:14:07 nickm: i'm running it with chutney on one set of nodes that is only 0.3.1 and one other set of chutney nodes running 0.3.0 17:14:11 so it'll be the ideal case 17:14:33 haxxpop: see doc/HACKING/Fuzzing.md for an introduction 17:14:46 ahf: ok. so, we'll need to extrapolate to guess real-world data. 17:14:47 that's fine 17:14:53 yes, that was my idea 17:15:05 we have the case before this and the case where the entire network is being nice and is upgraded :-) 17:15:48 nickm, ack 17:16:02 my must-read links are the agenda pad, prop247, and rpw's Trawling for Tor Hidden Services paper I think. but that is 3 :) 17:16:14 nickm: ^ for the guard discovery meeting 17:16:56 mikeperry: maybe send it on the meeting email thread? 17:17:09 yes please 17:17:11 yeah, I will. 17:17:15 neat 17:17:42 I am going to re-read the trawling paper today. I think a lot of it is covered by Prop#224. Only one or two sections are specifically about guard discovery 17:17:58 so I will find those and highlight them for folks 17:18:07 prop#247 you mean? 17:18:57 no, 224. the first half of the trawling paper is about hsdir positioning, which is addressed by 224. only the later sections are relevant to prop#247 17:19:12 ah in that sense ok 17:21:00 mikeperry: What I mean is: there are 3 things on your list, there are 5 things on asn's, and etc 17:21:15 though there is overlap 17:21:24 and we have a whole week to come up with more things to say everybody should do first 17:21:58 more questions on updates? More updates? 17:22:02 If not, let's discuss things 17:22:05 maybe we try to converge on the canonical set of reading material on the hackfest pad, then 17:22:25 mikeperry: sounds good 17:22:34 asn: ok with you? if so please coordinate 17:22:39 (same goes for everybody else with a list) 17:23:08 discussion topic 1: I think that teor wanted us to make sure we were doing something about TROVE-2017-004 and -005. I believe we are; thanks to everybody who's looked at those. 17:23:37 I think that releases thursday or friday are reasonable. 17:23:40 anybody disagree? 17:23:41 do we have regression tests? if not, how badly do we want them? 17:23:57 no; but it would be nice? 17:24:16 (remember, don't tell people how to trigger the bugs in public, until the fixes are out) 17:25:03 I think we should do another bug retrospective in montreal, much smaller than the previous one 17:25:07 it should be informative 17:25:44 next is a note: google docs doesn't work for teor on TB, so let's avoid it when possible, or provide an alternative. 17:25:53 next is: should isabela go to wilmington? 17:26:06 For the people maintaining the schedule: how does that look? 17:26:35 (Also, do we have somebody filling an 'organizer' role to try to make sure we stick to the schedule, remind us to take breaks, etc?) 17:26:54 I assume that could be the session's moderator 17:27:22 seems like there aren't really times-of-day specified yet? 17:27:24 do we have anybody responsible for herding moderators? I usually need a little hearding 17:27:28 *herding 17:27:33 use a laserpoiner 17:27:37 *pointer 17:27:40 it works for cats 17:27:57 nickm: re:google docs - i am not sure what to do about that. it wont work for anyone on high security level on tor browser for sure 17:28:06 nickm: not that I know of but we can definitely apoint someone on the first day 17:28:25 nickm: but I also dont know what to use instead as i need somethign i have to add images to it, and can take ppl comments etc 17:29:02 isabela: I think we'll have to just remember "it doesn't work for everyone", so when using it, make sure to provide some other means to read (eg, offer to send a pdf or openoffice document or something) 17:29:13 well 17:29:15 dgoulet: that would be good. you? 17:29:18 i would just change if possible 17:29:19 :) 17:29:34 nickm: ok it will be me :) 17:29:35 are there obvious alternatives to google docs? 17:29:45 but i dont know of another solution that does what i need and work on high level security 17:30:06 i could download what is there as pdf to share or something but still, its a live doc right now 17:30:16 nickm: there it's on the pad therefore official :) 17:30:23 dgoulet: woo! 17:30:54 isabela: yeah, I'm not saying I see a great solution right now either 17:31:13 but let's keep it in our minds as a thing-we'd-like 17:31:21 sounds good 17:31:47 so, isabela-in-wilmington: yes or no? I say "Yes if the schedule is not already too tight for her to do what she wants" 17:32:35 ok with me 17:32:44 scheduled seems to still have some holes in it but let'S keep in mind that maybe a "half-day/day off could be wise" 17:32:46 -d 17:32:50 true. 17:33:13 i think it would be good. i think she's the only one from the team i haven't met yet, so if it fits in somehow i'd say yes 17:33:18 dgoulet: also, this week, we really need to figure out working hours for wilmington before we start 17:33:38 nickm: indeed 17:33:42 otherwise somebody will want to start at 8 (me), and somebody will want to keep going till 7pm (not me) 17:33:55 catalyst: maybe we can talk about regression testing also in the testing session on thursday 17:33:55 nickm: it makes two of us, great :P 17:33:56 dgoulet: is that something that you can be in charge of too? 17:34:08 nickm: yup, I'll herd the schedule maker! :D 17:34:16 great, ty 17:34:27 komlo: sounds good; i'll start sketching an outline in the pad 17:34:55 nickm: one thing that would be I would say *essential*, if for you, me and asn to tak on Thursday about prop224 032 merge so if possible, I'm booking you ;) shouldn't take very long 17:35:24 on to the next question? 17:35:30 nickm: (won't be like in AMS, this time no open issues, just logistics) 17:35:30 or more on wilmington? 17:35:43 about Wilmington and isabela 17:36:04 as I said, if isabela is there, good for *me* because I can then have a DRL meeting pitch ;) 17:36:23 I think isabela is usually pretty smart about helping us with good outcomes. 17:36:28 isabela: is there a most logical day IYO? 17:37:48 * isabela will crash the party on wed then, if ppl are tired and burned out we dont need to do meetings 17:38:01 i could also crash on thursday but wed seems more open 17:38:04 from the schedule 17:38:07 ok. if no objetions, moving on? 17:38:20 \o/ 17:39:10 ok 17:39:25 next question is from teor, wanting to know if we should add noise to the padding stats before publishing them 17:39:56 mikeperry: do you agree with teor on #22422 ? 17:39:58 dgoulet: you going to drl thing right? 17:40:09 isabela: I am yes 17:40:13 :D 17:40:16 tx 17:41:23 coming back to the sponsor4 question later... 17:41:34 there are two things we should do for June prep as noted on the pad. 17:41:36 one is take rotations 17:41:51 one is making sure that the set of 0.3.1.x tickets we still have is realistic 17:42:09 please let's remember to do both? 17:42:48 nickm: hrmm.. karsten and I had a fair amount of discussion on the rounding. I am not sure it needs noise too, but I can go over the mails with him and add him to the ticket 17:43:16 ok. In my ideal world, you and teor and karsten would reach a consensus about some reasonable thing to do, and I would just do it 17:43:23 s/do it/take a patch for it 17:43:30 do you think that's likely? 17:45:05 Does anybody see any "needs_revision" or "new" or "reopened" tickets on 0.3.1 that it would be a Bad Idea to defer? If so let's make sure they are assigned, and/or "high" priority. 17:45:57 i think #17605 can probably get downgraded; doesn't seem to be much progress on it either? 17:47:00 catalyst: fine by me. My plan is that everything that isn't "high" or assigned or needs_review will get deferred. 17:48:04 nickm: yeah. I think that is likely. I will dig up the analysis we already did and see if people agree that the reasonable thing is already done. 17:48:15 and if not, what we should do instead 17:48:28 mikeperry: thanks; I'd be quite grateful 17:48:42 ok. I think our last question is the sponsor4 thing? 17:49:04 yep 17:49:22 our remaining must-do items are to fix whatever bugs we find, and produce some measurement results in chutney, and some estimates in the real network, and a report on what we did. 17:49:32 Our remaining can-do items are to make it use even less bandwidth. 17:49:52 how much time left do we have on the grant? 17:50:30 I believe we have a few more months, but the question is also, "when do we bill". 17:50:56 isabela: any guidance here? 17:51:10 ok. not sure i understand that? i had the impression we billed them once a month? 17:51:18 maybe that is different from sponsor to sponsor? 17:51:39 we have till november on the grant 17:51:53 my guidance would be to review that plan you wrote back in december 17:51:56 haxxpop: oh also that's the hs fuzzing ticket: #21509 17:52:23 dgoulet, ok :) 17:52:40 if we are calling it done and i have to write a report to them 17:52:52 i would probably report answering each of those phases 17:52:59 measure, design, implement 17:53:04 isabela: okay. let's look at https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/org/teams/NetworkTeam/Sponsor4Design again after the meeting 17:53:09 i guess our 2 designs was 140 and 278 17:53:13 and at https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/org/teams/NetworkTeam/Sponsor4Plan 17:53:19 k 17:53:20 any more for this meeting? 17:54:00 Thanks, everybody, for another excellent week! 17:54:00 * dgoulet is good 17:54:32 everybody please remember to get some rest this weekend, esp if you'll be coming to wilmington 17:54:33 looking forward to see a lot of you IRL again next week! 17:54:40 likewise 17:54:43 #endmeeting