14:30:15 <karsten> #startmeeting metrics team
14:30:15 <MeetBot> Meeting started Thu Jun 15 14:30:15 2017 UTC.  The chair is karsten. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
14:30:15 <MeetBot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic.
14:30:50 <karsten> https://pad.riseup.net/p/3M7VyrTVgjlF <- agenda pad
14:32:33 <karsten> hi iwakeh!
14:32:38 <iwakeh> Hi :-)
14:32:47 <karsten> any more agenda items, or should we start?
14:33:04 <iwakeh> jsut start and add if necessary later.
14:33:11 <karsten> ok.
14:33:11 <iwakeh> just
14:33:17 <karsten> - collector webstats integration: #22428 (iwakeh)
14:33:37 <iwakeh> I have all necessary old code and
14:33:56 <iwakeh> log examples, but put more prio into working on metrics-lib
14:34:02 <iwakeh> currently.
14:34:07 <karsten> yep.
14:34:26 <iwakeh> so, all other discussion will be on the ticket.
14:34:35 <karsten> sounds good!
14:35:05 <karsten> so, next? :)
14:35:08 <iwakeh> sure.
14:35:12 <karsten> - metrics-lib 1.9.0 and 2.0.0 releases (karsten)
14:35:16 <karsten> 2 weeks left.
14:35:26 <iwakeh> days flow by ...
14:35:37 <karsten> #22141
14:35:43 <karsten> I think we're almost done there.
14:35:53 <iwakeh> agreed
14:35:54 <karsten> there's a tiny question in the comments.
14:36:02 <karsten> and I'm testing locally, which looks good so far.
14:36:12 <iwakeh> good to hear.
14:36:33 <karsten> shall we go through the other tickets, too?
14:36:41 <iwakeh> a moment.
14:36:50 <iwakeh> comment:24 says
14:36:58 <iwakeh> something related to collector
14:37:04 <iwakeh> Is that for testing?
14:37:20 <karsten> yes.
14:37:32 <karsten> the sync part uses DescriptorReader.
14:37:43 <iwakeh> ah, ok I'll look into that.
14:37:43 <karsten> I briefly tried to update that, but I don't think I did it right.
14:37:54 <karsten> the main question is: will it work with the new interface?
14:38:01 <karsten> no need to write a clean patch now.
14:38:13 <iwakeh> ok.
14:38:17 <karsten> just confidence that we're not making this unnecessarily hard with #22141, which I sure hope we don't.
14:38:20 <iwakeh> just test-code.
14:38:24 <karsten> yep.
14:38:36 <karsten> https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/query?status=accepted&status=assigned&status=merge_ready&status=needs_information&status=needs_review&status=needs_revision&status=new&status=reopened&component=%5EMetrics%2Fmetrics-lib&group=milestone&col=id&col=summary&col=status&col=type&col=priority&col=milestone&col=component&order=priority
14:38:59 <karsten> should we go through the 1.9.0 tickets?
14:39:08 <iwakeh> yes.
14:39:13 <karsten> #16225
14:39:15 <iwakeh> #19640
14:39:24 <iwakeh> these fit together
14:39:26 <karsten> I think we could do something there, as time permits.
14:39:31 <karsten> after #22141.
14:39:40 <karsten> but we don't have to.
14:39:44 <iwakeh> true, I'm looking at 19640
14:40:01 <karsten> yes.
14:40:05 <karsten> and #17861
14:40:08 <iwakeh> there are so many ways of restructuring and
14:40:11 <karsten> heh
14:40:35 <iwakeh> yes, and the new microdesc interface.
14:41:11 <iwakeh> What date do we have for 1.9.0?
14:41:29 <karsten> we have 2 weeks left for 2 releases.
14:41:35 <karsten> in 1 week, maybe?
14:41:38 <karsten> wed?
14:41:43 <iwakeh> fine.
14:42:07 <karsten> alright.
14:42:10 <karsten> next one?
14:42:18 <iwakeh> ok
14:42:24 <karsten> #22139 might be fixed by #22141.
14:42:45 <karsten> because we're skipping unparseable descriptors with that, rather than skipping the entire file.
14:43:01 <iwakeh> good.
14:43:08 <karsten> #22141 is almost done.
14:43:13 <iwakeh> true.
14:43:13 <karsten> #22196...
14:43:19 <karsten> we could postpone that.
14:43:47 <iwakeh> nothing urgent.
14:43:49 <karsten> maybe depending on time.
14:44:00 <iwakeh> true
14:44:01 <karsten> but I feel we shouldn't squeeze anything in.
14:44:08 <karsten> we already have a lot of changes.
14:44:22 <karsten> #22583 should be quick, right?
14:44:24 <iwakeh> yes and pretty large ones.
14:44:27 <karsten> yep.
14:44:37 <iwakeh> This could wait, too.
14:44:46 <iwakeh> #22583 is very defined
14:44:57 <iwakeh> and could be done any time.
14:45:02 <karsten> sounds good.
14:45:19 <iwakeh> Maybe, revisit the list for 190 on monday
14:45:22 <karsten> that are all for 1.9.0.
14:45:25 <karsten> yes, sounds good.
14:45:30 <iwakeh> once we know how the testing goes.
14:45:47 <iwakeh> mail is fine.
14:45:50 <karsten> ok.
14:45:52 <karsten> 2.0.0?
14:45:58 <iwakeh> fine
14:46:07 <iwakeh> #19616
14:46:07 <karsten> #19616, yep, should do.
14:46:22 <iwakeh> what name?
14:46:29 <karsten> #21932 should be relatively quick, because it's already prepared.
14:46:38 <karsten> what name? hmmmmmm
14:46:39 <iwakeh> all prepared.
14:46:55 <iwakeh> and, what will be changed with the name?
14:46:59 <karsten> today I thought about just dropping the DescripTor part and keep the metrics-lib part on its own.
14:47:10 <iwakeh> hehe
14:47:17 <iwakeh> But, true
14:47:42 <karsten> but, I don't know.
14:47:50 <karsten> just saying that we should have a decision in, well, 2 weeks.
14:48:03 <iwakeh> Descriptor is very ambiguous
14:48:08 <karsten> #22154 should be doable.
14:48:09 <karsten> yep.
14:48:20 <iwakeh> yes, that has to go in.
14:48:45 <iwakeh> I think 2.0.0 is all set and prepared.
14:49:03 <karsten> #22208 might be relatively easy if we just add partially recognized lines to the same list as entirely unrecognized ones.
14:49:17 <karsten> yes, and #22295 is really easy.
14:49:36 <karsten> I think 2.0.0 will be easier than 1.9.0.
14:49:46 <iwakeh> there are hardly any changes affecting the tutorials.
14:49:51 <iwakeh> yep.
14:49:54 <karsten> right.
14:50:17 <karsten> by the way, keeping a few well-defined tickets for volunteers might also make sense.
14:50:28 <karsten> maybe somebody reads the blog post and wants to start hacking on something.
14:50:46 <iwakeh> yes,
14:50:58 <iwakeh> then I would make two tickets from
14:51:09 <iwakeh> #22583
14:51:21 <karsten> and remove from milestone? sure.
14:51:24 <karsten> want to do that?
14:51:51 <iwakeh> fine, but not
14:52:01 <iwakeh> let this ticket dangle forever ;-)
14:52:08 <karsten> hehe
14:52:24 <karsten> okay!
14:52:26 <karsten> blog post?
14:52:34 <iwakeh> yep.
14:52:49 <karsten> I'm currently collecting thoughts what could go into that.
14:52:54 <karsten> I don't have a draft yet.
14:53:07 <karsten> but once I have I'll share with you and stephanie and tommy.
14:53:11 <iwakeh> Is that an official writer task?
14:53:20 <iwakeh> right!
14:53:23 <karsten> I think we'll get support from them.
14:53:44 <iwakeh> it will be posted with 2.0.0?
14:53:57 <iwakeh> Or shortly afterwards
14:53:57 <karsten> yes.
14:54:00 <karsten> in june.
14:54:13 <karsten> I don't know the exact timing.
14:54:28 <karsten> we might want to pre-release 2.0.0 a few days early and test it a lot.
14:54:38 <karsten> to avoid a 2.0.1 one day after the blog post.
14:54:41 <iwakeh> makes sense.
14:55:04 <karsten> okay.
14:55:13 <karsten> anything else re: metrics-lib?
14:55:19 <iwakeh> nope.
14:55:29 <karsten> anything else for this meeting? :)
14:55:35 <iwakeh> neither :-)
14:55:41 <karsten> whee! 26 minutes!
14:55:47 <iwakeh> record time!
14:56:04 <karsten> hehe. thanks, this was a good meeting! bye!
14:56:13 <karsten> #endmeeting