18:00:53 <GeKo> #startmeeting tor browser
18:00:53 <MeetBot> Meeting started Wed Jul  5 18:00:53 2017 UTC.  The chair is GeKo. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
18:00:53 <MeetBot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic.
18:00:58 <GeKo> hi!
18:01:14 <GeKo> and welcome to a tor browser meeting (at an usual time)
18:01:19 <Guest179> hi everyone
18:01:40 <boklm> hi!
18:01:47 <GeKo> i guess i can start first today as i don't have to report much
18:01:57 <GeKo> last week i was afk
18:02:05 <Yawning> hi
18:02:29 <GeKo> this week i plan to help with the 7.5a2 release, cope with my backlog, do the begin-of-month-admin thing
18:03:04 <GeKo> and help with the browser developer job
18:03:26 <GeKo> i hope i have time to work on the windows content sandboxing stuff as well
18:03:41 <GeKo> that's it for me
18:03:54 <Yawning> I tagged a new sandbox release
18:04:04 <Yawning> that removes /proc from the firefox container
18:04:13 <Yawning> and filed #22794
18:04:56 <Yawning> Firefox crashing without proc is due to what I think is a bug, but it's trivial to workaround soI did it
18:05:00 <Yawning> the end
18:05:36 <GeKo> interesting, thanks for the ticket
18:06:34 <GeKo> who is next?
18:06:55 * boklm can go
18:07:19 <boklm> This past week I have been working on #22586 and #22587. I worked on updating the windows testsuite bundle.
18:07:26 <boklm> Then I worked on the 7.0.2 release (thanks to ln5 for making a 2nd build)
18:07:42 <boklm> This week planning to do the signing for the 7.5a2 release. And I'm planning to be afk next week.
18:08:01 <boklm> That's it for me.
18:09:30 * arthuredelstein can go
18:09:47 <arthuredelstein> Since last time, I worked on #22343 and #21999. These are both close to completed and I hope to post patches soon.
18:09:57 <arthuredelstein> I worked on #22584 but so far had limited success in tracking it down the cause.
18:10:27 <arthuredelstein> I also spent a week at the Mozilla all hands meeting, where we had numerous meetings discussing uplift and future plans. (I'll send our minutes to the TB team.)
18:10:39 <arthuredelstein> I reviewed several uplifted anti-fingerprinting patches on bugzilla.mozilla.org.
18:10:50 <arthuredelstein> And I read through the current batch of dev applications.
18:11:09 <arthuredelstein> This week I plan to finish up the #22343 and #21999 patches, look at #16665 again and maybe #22584 some more.
18:11:15 <arthuredelstein> That's it for me.
18:12:41 <GeKo> re #16665: let's wait, though for the ux people to weigh in
18:12:59 <GeKo> there are some ideas floating around in that ticket
18:13:07 <GeKo> and we should pick the best of them
18:13:38 <arthuredelstein> That's a good point. Maybe I can bring it up at the next ux meeting
18:14:05 <GeKo> armadev did already today iirc
18:14:19 <GeKo> and they'll look at it during the usual ticket triage
18:14:28 <arthuredelstein> Oh, pity I missed that.
18:14:44 <GeKo> boklm: yes, if you could do the signing for 7.5a2 this time as well that would rokc
18:15:07 <GeKo> i can do all the other parts (putting the stuff on disk, creating the blog post etc.)
18:15:09 <GeKo> *rock
18:15:33 <GeKo> do we have anybody else for a status update?
18:16:33 <boklm> GeKo: ok, I will do the signing.
18:16:52 <GeKo> thanks
18:17:08 <GeKo> anything up for discussion today?
18:17:24 <GeKo> i don't have things for that part of the meeting fwiw
18:19:03 <GeKo> okay. this was a short sync then. thanks all *baf*
18:19:09 <GeKo> #endmeeting