18:01:09 <GeKo> #startmeeting tor browser
18:01:09 <MeetBot> Meeting started Mon Jul 17 18:01:09 2017 UTC.  The chair is GeKo. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
18:01:09 <MeetBot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic.
18:01:13 <GeKo> hi all!
18:01:30 <GeKo> monday and a new week. let's start with some status updates
18:01:41 <GeKo> i guess i can go first today
18:02:01 <boklm> hi!
18:02:09 <GeKo> i reviewed a bunch of tickets: #22831, #21999, #17965, #22362
18:02:26 <GeKo> i wrote a fix for #22073 and #20929
18:02:45 <GeKo> and i have the password input part of #21321 done
18:03:03 <GeKo> furthermore i worked on #16010 (a bit progres) and #21256
18:03:32 <GeKo> i spent quite some time on the bug bounty program launch preparations
18:03:51 <GeKo> and on the tor browser dev hiring and the DRL job descriptions
18:04:20 <GeKo> this week i plan to work further on #16010, #21256 and #21321 + #20848
18:04:29 <GeKo> and anything that comes up.
18:04:32 <GeKo> that's it for me
18:05:40 <GeKo> who is next?
18:05:54 * boklm can go next
18:06:04 <GeKo> hi, and welcome back!
18:06:14 <boklm> thanks
18:06:16 <boklm> This past week I was afk.
18:06:22 <boklm> This week I'm planning to review #20929, work on #22959 and #22499, then try to make a diff of gitian and rbm builds to see how much they match.
18:06:41 <boklm> That's it for me
18:07:24 * mcs will go next
18:07:41 <mcs> Last week, Kathy and I took a second look at some older tickets and closed them as fixed: #13298, #17341, #17670, and #20105.
18:07:56 <mcs> We also resolved some old tickets as "user disappeared."
18:08:01 <mcs> We reviewed GeKo’s patch for #22073.
18:08:08 <mcs> We created a fixup patch for #22542, and we debugged #22884.
18:08:19 <mcs> Also, we created oniongit.eu accounts and experimented a little there.
18:08:23 <mcs> Finally, we helped find interview tickets and reviewed the message that Erin sent out.
18:08:28 <mcs> This week we will continue to work on #22884 and on the download warning prompt.
18:08:33 <mcs> We will also take a look at what isis proposed in #15967 and comment on the ticket.
18:08:40 <mcs> That's all for now.
18:08:57 <GeKo> sounds good, thanks
18:09:02 * arthuredelstein can go
18:09:06 <arthuredelstein> hi everyone!
18:09:10 <GeKo> o/
18:09:13 <arthuredelstein> This week I worked on #22563. I have a patch for it and I just waiting for a build to verify.
18:09:22 <GeKo> \o/
18:09:28 <arthuredelstein> I also worked on #21448 (build flags). I ran a number of experiments to figure out which additional (simple) hardening flags we can use on Mac and Windows and I have patches for both platforms. I'm in the process of running verifying builds for these as well.
18:10:03 <arthuredelstein> And I met with the Mozilla uplift team and took a day off for the flu :P
18:10:03 <GeKo> arthuredelstein: do we squash all the remaining memory pages issues with #22563
18:10:07 <GeKo> or are there any left?
18:10:12 <Yawning> oh hi
18:10:26 <GeKo> i hope you are better now!
18:10:30 <GeKo> hi yawning
18:10:46 <Yawning> I pushed some changes into the sandbox
18:10:50 <arthuredelstein> There may be more issues left with system DLLs, but I haven't been able to reproduce them.
18:10:56 <arthuredelstein> Thanks! It was a mere 24-hour thing
18:10:59 <GeKo> ok
18:11:15 <Yawning> tagged, and pushed some more
18:11:25 <arthuredelstein> That's only with the browser, not with tor.exe
18:11:51 <arthuredelstein> I'll see if the cypherpunks want to report anything on #22584
18:12:03 <GeKo> sounds good!
18:12:45 <Yawning> I will probably tag again
18:12:46 <arthuredelstein> This week I want to finish the patches I mentioned, finally finish my #22343 patch and then look for more fingerprinting and security things that look worthwhile.
18:12:54 <arthuredelstein> That's it for me
18:13:37 <Yawning> main changes coming in the sandbox are, the about:addons pref is locked
18:13:45 <Yawning> extensions are whitelisted
18:13:52 <GeKo> Yawning: okay. we have a bit more than 2 weeks for the next release preparations (if everything goes well) just fyi
18:13:56 <Yawning> so attempting to add non-standard ones will break
18:14:10 <Yawning> and I support amnesiac profile directories now
18:14:37 <Yawning> eg: the container gets a copy of the profile directory, that is discarded on exit
18:15:05 <Yawning> though at the point where I'm distrusting the browser to the poin thtat I think I should, I might as well just run chromium in a container
18:15:21 <Yawning> because google's up front about their tracking
18:15:22 <GeKo> ha
18:15:23 <Yawning> :P
18:15:33 <Yawning> unlike, apparently, mozilal
18:15:45 <Yawning> I'm still, extremely not amused by that addon thing
18:15:49 <GeKo> they got some heat for that i heard
18:15:55 <GeKo> maybe that helps
18:16:01 <Yawning> on another note
18:16:14 <Yawning> tor browser should sign xpis
18:16:21 <Yawning> with a key that you control
18:17:05 <Yawning> so I can do #22925
18:17:14 <GeKo> yeah, i think that's a good thing to have
18:17:46 <GeKo> although there are some practical issues to that
18:17:58 <GeKo> when we start thinking about releases and development
18:18:14 <GeKo> still, it's worth thinking about
18:18:18 <Yawning> #22946 would be good too
18:18:38 <Yawning> but, dunno if I actually care enough to do that
18:19:46 <GeKo> who else is here for a status update?
18:20:52 <GeKo> okay. do we have items up for discussion?
18:21:21 <GeKo> boklm: i have one we probably can discuss after the meeting: how do we move the rbm switch forward?
18:21:32 <GeKo> but apart from that i don't have anything for today
18:22:45 <GeKo> nothing it seems, good. have a nice and productive week all! *baf*
18:22:49 <GeKo> #endmeeting