17:00:35 #startmeeting weekly network team meeting, 24 July 17:00:35 Meeting started Mon Jul 24 17:00:35 2017 UTC. The chair is nickm. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:00:35 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 17:00:38 Hi everybody 17:00:39 hi! 17:00:49 the pad is https://pad.riseup.net/p/mVCeRmQyy8WO, or at its oniony equivalent 17:01:01 * ahf goes grab some food then i'm here. don't control dinner times myself this week :/ 17:01:25 good luck 17:01:32 I'm trying to make tea in the background 17:02:46 * nickm reads over the pad... 17:02:54 are we missing anyone but isis? 17:03:21 catalyst is moving this week IIRC 17:03:42 ok back 17:03:44 and "Alex" is ahf 17:04:24 congratulations on the prop224 status, asn and dgoulet ! 17:04:31 it's pretty cool :D 17:04:57 nickm: for the tracing part, I can certainly help, I just need to know what you are trying to achieve 17:05:09 o/ 17:05:14 nickm: it is the a way to collect data for privcount right? 17:05:17 isis: hi hi! Need a link to the pad? 17:05:29 please! thanks 17:05:48 dgoulet: yes. Assuming that it's something teor et al agree is more suitable for privcount than the control port is 17:05:49 a bit of router issues but it seems happier after i kicked it 17:05:52 isis: https://pad.riseup.net/p/mVCeRmQyy8WO 17:06:21 nickm: ok poke me whenever you want about that, I know there is a ticket about it 17:06:43 dgoulet: what I basically need -- and you or pastly may already have this -- is a pointer to whatever code you wrote to make lttng work with the tracing system. I can take the time to clean it up if need be 17:07:02 it might be as simple as just telling me which branch to look at, and what changes I will need to make 17:07:11 nickm: hrmmm so the tracing framework has been merged 17:07:18 right, but there is no lttng in it 17:07:20 nickm: the lttng stuff is to actually use the lttng tracer witht aht 17:07:27 aht? 17:07:35 nickm: with that 17:07:59 nickm: so I'm not sure Privcount will actually use a tracer to get its data out but rather the tracing infra 17:08:14 nickm: we can talk about that post meeting? 17:08:36 sure! 17:10:22 ahf: when you ask for the notes catalyst and I had about the control port stuff, od you mean the crazy bootstrapping design we had that we thought was kinda over-designed? :) 17:10:28 or something else? 17:11:03 I forwarded you our draft spec on July 11 17:11:10 not sure if it's what you wanted though 17:11:15 nickm: we discussed it during the sponsor 8 kick off meeting. you said it was over engineered and a bit crazy, but was related to getting some measurements out via the CP 17:11:25 i think it was that when you say it was crazy bootstrapping 17:11:27 thanks! 17:11:37 check your email, July 11, for a forwarded email? If you can't find, I'll send again 17:11:47 let me see 17:12:22 mikeperry: please remind me, does prop#247 currently reflect the stuff we want to do for the problem, or do we still need to revise it? 17:12:47 i have it! it was in spam for some reason 17:12:49 thanks nickm! 17:12:54 great 17:12:57 nickm ahf i highlighted one point on pad from me related to sponsor4 17:13:22 nickm: it does not. we need to do simulation and performance testing first 17:13:22 asking cuz i know we are very close from finishing it bug not sure if we did it already 17:13:35 nickm: before we are certain on the parameter choices and topology 17:13:45 mikeperry: ok. is that all written down? or does it make sense to revise some now, some later? 17:15:05 isabela: there is one bug i need to fix with some changes proposed by Yawning to which http error codes, then we need to say "we have measured what we needed to measure" and that is it i think - don't think we wanted to do anything else 17:15:38 nickm: hrmm. I feel like a lot of the outputs of the wilmington meeting are burried in quasi-secrecy or not documented publicly for various reasons.. :/ 17:15:48 ahf: cool! just checking, no rush 17:15:48 well, we need to review and fix #22927 and @22883 17:15:51 #22883 17:15:53 i think the last thing we are missing to measure is figuring out how big a percentage directory traffic is on // 17:16:02 which have been in needs_review in review-group-21 for a bit 17:16:11 nickm: I have a bunch of photos of the posters we made, but people got upset when I started documenting them on trac 17:16:14 I hope we can get those done this week 17:16:14 nickm: i'll look at #22927 right after the meeting 17:16:20 (are we ever going to have a way to make private trac tickets?) 17:16:36 mikeperry: we should at least document the design we're going for 17:16:55 maybe i should review #22883 too since dgoulet is busy finishing the prop244 work? 17:17:05 it might take me a bit longer to review though, but i guess taht should be OK 17:17:08 that could be a good idea, if you're comfortable with it 17:17:11 ahf: oh damn I had to do it damn! 17:17:40 dgoulet: no worries! i can take it since you and asn are so busy with the prop244 work right now 17:17:51 ok 17:17:53 thx 17:18:53 nickm: ok. after we do some simulation we will have a better idea about that 17:19:06 My priority for after this meeting is to chat with dgoulety as mentioned above, to finish my weekly things-to-do review, and to review code 17:19:33 mikeperry: ok, sounds good 17:19:46 -> modularization proposal has been submitted o/ #fingerscrossed 17:19:53 isabela: is your question about the sponsor 4 deliverable answered? 17:19:53 mikeperry, nickm: I do know that asn worked on simulation, no idea how far he got but it's ongoing, he got context switched to prop224 couple weeks ago 17:20:00 isabela: nice! 17:20:02 nickm: yes 17:20:11 isabela: I guess also yay t0mmy! :D 17:20:28 i have a new question! about sponsor8 - if folks feel ok re: starting it on August 1st 17:20:39 if not, is cool. we can totally change the start date 17:21:15 dgoulet,asn: no worries. I have other stuff to work on for my own part of the performance testing, independent of asn's stuff 17:21:46 isabela: what does that mean? :o we can't bill hours to sponsor 8 right now? :o 17:21:51 Hm. We've kind of already started some of the sponsor8 planning phase, so it's not crazy to call 1 aug the start date IMO. But I don't understand all the implications 17:21:58 ahf: we can 17:22:02 phew! ok good 17:22:06 * ahf got very worried there 17:22:07 hehe 17:22:07 what is sponsor 8 about? 17:22:16 isabela: making tor awesome on mobile 17:22:21 isis: ^^ 17:22:28 aha cool 17:22:36 good stuff 17:22:42 does this include modularisation work or no? 17:22:48 no 17:22:52 13:20 <+isabela> -> modularization proposal has been submitted o/ #fingerscrossed 17:22:57 let's hope ^ :) 17:23:08 sweet 17:23:10 isis: at first we are looking into battery/memory usage and low bandwidth setups :-) 17:23:15 on not-super-fancy-android-phones 17:23:17 so this is the perf side of things 17:23:20 yep 17:23:27 got it, thanks :) 17:24:19 ahf: the start date will matter more for reports. because then i will have to prepare a process for those, which are done in a quarterly base 17:24:25 I will also need a reviewer for #22885 and #22915, both of which are small. 17:24:43 asn: I'm okay waiting till next week for your followup on #22895, since you're busy 17:24:54 Also I guess I need a review on #20247 17:25:02 i'll take #22885 17:25:14 isabela: ok, cool! i think that is a good idea 17:25:15 I'll review #22636 and #22862 and #17639, then make a new review group 17:25:20 isabela: ty! 17:25:53 (once stuff is all reviewed) 17:25:59 ok so we can sign it with a start date for august 1st 17:26:03 afaik sure 17:26:08 yep, i think so 17:26:10 cool 17:26:12 tx folks! 17:26:56 I think we're running low on discussion items. any more for this week? 17:27:04 isabela, nickm: i might take a week of vacation at the end of august for bornhack construction/teardown/event. i'll just send an email to you two when i know the dates and then CC ewyatt to handle the odd danish vacation law stuff 17:27:26 ahf: sounds good 17:27:29 i assume that is how we usually do it or? 17:27:31 ok! 17:27:34 good good 17:28:49 sure, that's fine! 17:28:56 lots of folks are going to be out for bits of August 17:29:00 including me 17:29:31 I think I'll be disappeared from 8/14 through 8/18, with maybe a couple of days near the end of the month too 17:29:47 ok, let's call the meeting done? 17:29:51 (err the starting date is actually 7/31 not 8/1 but i guess that still ok) 17:30:00 hearing no objections... 17:30:02 #endmeeting